Every now and again, I'm lucky enough to have an intern who wants to learn about writing, editing, website administration, and the proper establishment of wtfery, mayhem and shenanigans. (Yes, I totally write that on evaluations). Please meet Intern Amanda, whom you'll see here periodically. Here is her introduction: … Helloooo, Bitchery! I'm Amanda and, for the next few months, I'll be lurking around as the new SB Intern! Exciting, right? To give everyone a … Continue reading Meet Intern Amanda!→
Amazon unveiled all the new toys today including the Kindle Paperwhite, available with WiFi only and with 3G access, and new Kindle Fire options with jaw-dropping cheap 4G dataplans. The Kindle Paperwhites come in a 3G version ($179 with Special Offers and $199 Without) and a Wifi version ($119 with Special Offers and $129 Without). There's been a good amount of chatter and coverage, and you can read a lot of the news articles about … Continue reading Kindle Paperwhite and Paperweights→
by SB Sarah · May 12, 2011 at 6:07 pm ·
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Per Shelf Awareness today, Audible has launched ACX, which enables authors to create audiobooks of their work, either by narrating them or by hiring voice actors from the registered database of talent. Here, have a video about it, featuring two actors who really irritated me with their pseudo-bashful self-congratulatory demeanor: The upshot is that so many excellent books are not made into audio books, and with the increasing success of self-publishing ventures in digital and … Continue reading Audible Launches ACX, Self Publishing for Audio Books→
by SB Sarah · Mar 15, 2011 at 11:45 pm ·
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Last week I learned that Fatin, better known as the tireless creator behind RR@H Novel Thoughts, lost her husband in a horrible shooting at his store. The romance community, because it is amazing, has responded by creating an auction to benefit Fatin and her children. You can learn more about what to donate at Jaci Burton’s site, get ideas from this hella list of ideas from Larissa Ione, and get contact information for donation at … Continue reading Operation Auction→
Avon/HarperCollins announced today a digital first imprint, Avon Impulse, which will launch with a digital short from author . From the extremely brief ABC news article: Avon Books announced Monday that it has set up a digital romance imprint, Avon Impulse, where books by new and established authors will be released electronically, with paper editions available on demand. The imprint begins next week with an e-novella by Katherine Ashe, “A Lady’s Wish,” and “multiple titles” … Continue reading Avon Launches Avon Impulse Digital-First Imprint→
by SB Sarah · Sep 22, 2010 at 11:45 pm ·
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From Orbit Books comes the very sad news that author Jennifer Rardin passed away suddenly on Monday 20 September. I am so sorry to hear this news, and my condolences to her friends and family. Jennifer Rardin wrote one of the best kickass heroines I’ve read. Her Jaz Parks series had a way with building the tension and never allowing the heroine to become weak or scared or in need of constant rescue. Jennifer also … Continue reading Jennifer Rardin→
As part of their 60th Anniversary year, Harlequin gave away 16 free titles and set a goal of putting a romance in the hands of over 1 million women. I inquired at the end of the year as to the total number of downloads they received for their free book promotion, and got the final tally as soon as they’d finished counting: over 2.5 million romances were downloaded as of 29 December 2009. That is … Continue reading Harlequin Reaches nearly 3 Million Free Books Downloaded in 2009→
It’s stars and astronomy time! Carina is a constellation in the Southern sky, and is Latin for “keel” – as in, the fins and structures operating below the surface of the water unseen yet keeping the ship balanced, and on its course. Here’s an interesting bit of physics I didn’t know: the keel’s job is to convert a sideways force to a forward force, sort of like trying to figure out how to convert a … Continue reading Carina Press→
Dear Internet: I miss you. So very, very much. I’ve started a half-dozen posts (Katiebabs, I’m still working on finishing the cri de coeur—though cri de singe fâché might be more accurate—that’s my review of Cry No More) and left them unfinished. I am shaking my tiny, tiny fist against the various timesuck vortices that have spontaneously emerged around me. But if you miss seeing me on-line, you have an opportunity to see me IN … Continue reading Candy at Wordstock Festival events on Saturday and Sunday→
My Give-a-Shit is long broken, but given my reaction in the last 20 minutes, my Holy Shit is in fine working order. From Brad Stone’s New York Times’ Bits & Bytes section, by way of R. Nash’s Tweet feed comes the stomach-dropping news that Amazon has acquired Stanza-creator Lexcycle. It is not clear how much Amazon is paying for the year-old company with offices in Austin and Portland. But the move indicates Amazon wants to … Continue reading Amazon to Lexcycle: NOM NOM NOM→
So Sarah and I, we’re separated by a whole continent, which is a tragedy and a travesty (tragesty? Travedy? Why do I like stupid portmanteaus so much?). Not only are we unable to hang out in person, we’re unable to make joint appearances at bookstore tours—in fact, the only time we’ll be able to do a signing in person together will be at the RWA National Conference this year. But lo! Not all is darkness … Continue reading Beyond Heaving Bosoms Blog Tour 2009: Drunk Writer Talk→