Get Rec’d With Amanda

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 83

Welcome back, everyone! I want to give everyone a little bit of a warning for this one. It’s non-fiction focused (yet again) and half of these recs tap into some very present issues. If you’re not in the right space for these reading suggestions right now, I totally get it. I will probably continue to feature titles that deal with current events because the information perspectives we can get from reading are invaluable. Knowledge is … Continue reading Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 83

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 81

Hello everyone! It’s 2025 and we’re still doing this thing! For a change, I have more fiction than non-fiction. I also have – gasp – some poetry, which I don’t dip into very often. Poetry either feels too corny to me or it makes me feel dumb if there seem to be metaphors I’m not grasping. Usually I avoid it altogether, but every one in awhile, I find something that works for me. Get any good recommendations … Continue reading Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 81

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 80

Welcome back, everyone! We have reached eighty editions of Get Rec’d! Can you believe it? This is the last one before the new year and leans more toward non-fiction. I feel like this is the place where I get to pass along all the non-romance recommendations I keep in my back pocket. Did you get any good recommendations lately? Do you have a favorite recommendation of the year?

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 79

Hello, everyone! It feels too long since our last Get Rec’d! We have a couple non-fiction titles, some Gothic horror, and an adorable middle grade novel. Tell us about any great book recommendations you’ve received lately, or share one of your own in the comments!

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 78

Hello hello! We’re in the holiday season and as a bookseller, my brain always goes to titles that would make for a great gift. I do miss playing matchmaker in a more face to face setting, but the holiday season in retail is also VERY STRESSFUL. I have two fun non-fiction titles (that have gift book potential), plus a collection of essays and a romantasy release that I think missed its window. What great recommendations … Continue reading Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 78

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 77

Welcome back to Get Rec’d! Half of today’s books were recommend to me by colleagues and friends, and I wanted to pass them along to you. I think that’s what I love so much about having a personal bookish community, especially one where everyone has their niches. What book recommendations have you received recently? Do you also have your own wonderful bookish circles in your personal life?

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 76

Welcome back to Get Rec’d! This time around, I have a couple younger reads: a picture book and a graphic novel. I’ve also include some nonfiction and horror. Look, we’re knee deep in spooky season, so I had to include a seasonal recommendation, though you’ll catch me recommending spooky books all year round. Do you have any books you’d like to recommend? Or any slam dunk recommendations you’ve received lately? Let us know!

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 75

Welcome back to Get Rec’d! I feel like this is one of more eclectic selections we’ve done. I have a graphic novel with samurais, a man turning into a shark, non-fiction about the myth of the American family, and a new fantasy romance. Do you have any books you’d like to recommend? Or any slam dunk recommendations you’ve received lately? Let us know!

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 74

Welcome back, everyone! I tried very hard to not have this be all nonfiction and was able to go half and half this time. Yay! For fiction, we have a historical romance and a fantasy novella. For nonfiction, I’m recommending books on history and pop culture. Have any books you want to recommend? Let us know in the comments!

Get Rec’d with Amanda – Volume 73

Welcome back, everyone! There’s only one non-fiction title today! I know; I’m just as shocked as you are. Aside from that, there’s some fantasy, surrealist lit fic, and a paranormal romance (which comes out today!). Receive any good book recs lately that you want to share? Drop them in the comments!

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