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Matched to Griim

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Matched to Griim


Monstrous romantic suspense, action and adventure, some dark moments…and a giggle or two.

What made a monster like me join a dating app?

One word—revenge.

Most people join to find the love of their lives.

Some people join for a bit of fun.

Others join for s*x.

I just want a human female—any human female.

I want her to pay for the way I look.

I want to punish her, physically and mentally.

Finally, I get a match.

It’s a week before the anniversary date of when my life truly became a living nightmare.

I don’t want to feel anything for the human female I’ve been matched to.

So why am I starting to feel that dull ache in my chest again?

The one that tells me this female is my fated mate.

How can that be when I thought my heart had been shattered by the last female I thought was my mate?

Wanting a human female to reap his revenge on after being trapped in Naga form Griim joins a dating app and is astonished to find out his match lives in a neighbouring dwelling. But instead of hating her, he’s falling for her. Now all he has to do is stop her falling for their other handsome neighbour.

A genetically mutated Naga alien performs BDSM acts on an older woman in this story. Talk of suicide and child mortality that some readers might find upsetting 18+

Matched to Griim by C.Y. Croc
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  • Available at Amazon

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