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Fantasy Romance, Sci-Fi, and More

  • Fool Me Twice

    Fool Me Twice by Meredith Duran

    RECOMMENDED: Fool Me Twice by Meredith Duran is $2.99! This historical is book two in the Rules for the Reckless series. Whenever Duran is mentioned, I know many of you talk about how much you love her books and hope she returns to writing someday. Fool Me Twice was a finalist for a RITA, so we have two RITA Reader Challenge reviews. Nita G. gave it an A-, and cover snark connoisseur PamG gave it an A. Both praised the writing and the character development. Have you read this one?

    Sensible and lonely, Olivia Mather survives by her wits—and her strict policy of avoiding trouble. But when she realizes that the Duke of Marwick might hold the secrets of her family’s past, she does the unthinkable, infiltrating his household as a maid. She’ll clean his study and rifle through his papers looking for information.

    Alastair de Grey has a single reason to live: vengeance. More beautiful than Lucifer, twice as feared, and thrice as cunning, he’ll use any weapon to punish those who fooled and betrayed him—even an impertinent maid who doesn’t know her place. But the more fascinated he becomes with the uppity redhead, the more dangerous his carefully designed plot becomes. For the one contingency he forgot to plan for was falling in love…and he cannot survive being fooled again.

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  • You Sexy Thing

    You Sexy Thing by Cat Rambo

    RECOMMENDED: You Sexy Thing by Cat Rambo is $2.99! Carrie read this one and gave it a B+:

    I recommend this for fans of Farscape, Firefly, complicated relationships, and cooking shows. If found family and food are your thing, you will like this book, although please be aware that the lighthearted tone takes a temporary swivel into scary and sad when the pirates get involved.

    Just when they thought they were out…

    TwiceFar station is at the edge of the known universe, and that’s just how Niko Larson, former Admiral in the Grand Military of the Hive Mind, likes it.

    Retired and finally free of the continual war of conquest, Niko and the remnants of her former unit are content to spend the rest of their days working at the restaurant they built together, The Last Chance.

    But, some wars can’t ever be escaped, and unlike the Hive Mind, some enemies aren’t content to let old soldiers go. Niko and her crew are forced onto a sentient ship convinced that it is being stolen and must survive the machinations of a sadistic pirate king if they even hope to keep the dream of The Last Chance alive.

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  • Til Death Do Us Bard

    Til Death Do Us Bard by Rose Black

    Til Death Do Us Bard by Rose Bard is 99c! This was mentioned in a previous Hide You Wallet from late last year. Comparisons to Legends and Lattes might perk up some readers!

    Marriage isn’t always sunshine and unicorns… sometimes it’s monsters and necromancy.

    It’s been almost a year since Logan ‘The Bear’ Theaker hung up his axe and settled down with his sunshiny bard husband, Pie. But when Pie disappears, Logan is forced back into a world he thought he’d left behind.

    Logan quickly discovers that Pie has been blackmailed into stealing a powerful artifact capable of creating an undead army. With the help of an old adversary and a ghost from his past, Logan sets out to rescue his husband.

    But the further the quest takes him, the more secrets Logan uncovers. He’ll need all his strength to rescue his husband – but can he save their marriage?

    Til Death Do Us Bard is a charming queer fantasy, perfect for fans of Legends and Lattes and Nettle and Bone.

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    This book is on sale at:
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    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

  • The Worst Woman in London

    The Worst Woman in London by Julia Bennet

    The Worst Woman in London by Julia Bennet is $1.99 at Amazon! I’m not super knowledgeable about historical accuracy, but I do know I prefer a Victorian over a Regency setting. I have a feeling this one might be divisive as the heroine is already married.

    A defiant Victorian wife fights to escape a bad marriage but her love for a forbidden man jeopodizes her chance at freedom.

    James Standish knows how to play society’s game. He’ll follow the rules, marry a virginal debutante, and inherit a massive fortune. At least, that’s the plan until he meets Francesca Thorne. She’s not the sort of woman a respectable gentleman like James could ever marry—not least because, strictly speaking, she’s married already.

    Francesca is determined to flout convention and divorce her philandering husband. When James sweet talks his way into her life tasked with convincing her to abandon her dream of freedom, she’s unprepared for the passion that flares between them.

    Torn apart by conflicting desires, James and Francesca must choose whether to keep chasing the lives they’ve always wanted or take a chance on a new and forbidden love.

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    This book is on sale at:
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    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

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  1. Neile says:

    Livy Hart’s PLANES, TRAINS, AND ALL THE FEELS is $1.99. Livy is a new contemporary romance favourite. This one is a road trip romance as the family’s black sheep tries to get home in time for her sister’s wedding.

  2. Darlynne says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed YOU SEXY THING, problematic elements and all. The second book is on my shelf, hoping to get to it one day.

  3. Star says:

    I’ve heard enough people say that FOOL ME TWICE is their favorite Duran, but it’s possibly my least favorite. The power dynamics really bothered me, I wasn’t convinced that the heroine was holding her own, and I couldn’t take the plot point where our hero has been diligently doing military bodyweight exercises while dealing with a severe mental health situation seriously. Not because people with severe mental illness can’t exercise regularly — I do — but because it was too obviously written in so that he’d have abs.

    But I’m definitely an outlier on this one.

  4. Ely says:

    DREADFUL COMPANY (Book 2 of the Dr Greta Van Helsing series) by Vivian Shaw is $1.99 on Amazon US. It’s got LIMITED TIME DEAL all over it, so maybe a one day thing?

    In other news, apparently a Greta Van Helsing novella was published in June 2024 – it’s called BITTER WATERS.

  5. Kris Bock says:

    I thought Cat Rambo was the title at first and definitely wanted more info.

    If that book swerves temporarily into sad, does that mean it ends on a happy note?

  6. Fconcolor says:

    I thought You Sexy Thing was a good read, and I also enjoyed the follow-up book, Devil’s Gun. I liked the food and sci-fi aspects.

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