Giveaway: Win an ARC of Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon!

Bound to the Shadow Prince
A | BN | AB
Hey, y’all!

We’ve got five print ARCs of Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon to give away today!

I know many of you saw “Ruby Dixon” and said “WHERE. DO. I. CLICK,” but in case you’re not familiar, here’s a bit about the book!

In order to protect her kingdom from the wrath of a vengeful goddess, Princess Candra must remain locked inside a tower for seven years. Seven long years without a friend—or a lover—by her side. And shut inside the tower with her? A Fellian, the enemy of her people, a fearsome warrior race complete with wings and claws and fangs. Nemeth is terrifying, cruel, and disturbingly magnetic. Candra should kill him for his supplies, but she’s desperate for his company…and his touch.

As time inside the unchanging tower rolls on, Candra uncovers the man behind the stony facade. And when their tenure hits an unexpected snag, Candra and Nemeth are forced to make a difficult choice. They’ll need to face an outside world they no longer recognize, one that threatens their lives and their surprising love.

Originally a story on Yonder, and then an audiobook, Bound to the Shadow Prince will be released in print on July 7, but if you want to read it early, well, here’s how you do that!

Just leave a comment telling us what 3 things you’d need if you were to be locked in a tower! If it’s only one thing, or two, that’s also fine, but think of it like the luxury item from Survivor.

Do you need mascara? A razor? Unlimited supply of Goldfish crackers (They are the snack that smiles back, after all)? Drop a comment and tell us what your absolute necessities for an extended stay in a tower, hot winged demon optional.

Standard disclaimers apply: Void where prohibited. Must be over 18 and ready to pack for what sounds like a lovely stay in a tower.  Open to US and Canadian Residents Only where permitted by applicable law.

Comments will close around noon Eastern US time on Wednesday 5 June 2024 and winners will be selected by random integer. Winners will be announced and notified shortly after comments close.

So please, tell us: What are you bringing for an extended stay in a tower? 

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  1. Scarlett says:

    1) WiFi router
    2) My iPad
    3) My Steam Deck
    No man needed

  2. Algae429 says:

    1) My kindle with fast internet access
    2) My recliner
    3) A big floofy blanket

  3. Amy S. says:

    1. That book
    2. A chair
    3. Snacks

  4. ET says:

    1. My cat
    2. My knitting
    3. My phone with audio books downloaded

  5. molly says:

    Unlimited access to music
    Soft blanket

  6. Melissandre says:

    People here have the right idea! I’d bring

    1) A well-stocked Kindle (charger included)
    2) My extra long blanket
    3) My cat

  7. Zoe says:

    1. Strong wifi connection
    2. Reliable laptop
    3. Comfy lounge/sleep spot

  8. Stephanie B says:

    1) Coffee. Black.
    2) Unlimited ebooks & a device to read them.
    3) A nest of pillows and blankets.

  9. Jordan R says:

    Body pillow, kindle plus solar charger, cat friends, and the giant pile of sewing projects I keep meaning to finish

  10. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    1. Fully-loaded Kindle.

    2. Blank notebook & pens combo (counts as one item, lol).

    3. Chapstick.

  11. Lydia Manni says:

    1. Unending supply of soy lattes
    2. Cozy couch with dreamily soft blankets
    3. Books books books X Infinity

  12. Geralynn Ross says:

    1. Fluffy, fuzzy blanket
    2. Kindle Fire
    3. Chocolate, SO MUCH Chocolate !!!!

  13. Laura says:

    Sounds like I’m in good company, as I’d also bring my kindle, my sewing and knitting, and my cookbooks!

  14. LisaM says:

    Yep, a like-minded crowd. I’d need a full tea set-up (with magically refiling tea caddies), a cat, and my tablet (I’m presuming electricity, indoor plumbing, wifi, and groceries provided).

    I don’t need to be entered in the draw, thank you.

  15. Jenn says:

    my art journal supplies
    magical library portal so always have books

  16. Jule says:

    1) My Sleeping pillow
    2) Unlimited supply of Classic Coke (Coke Life works too)
    3) My tablet w/books loaded, chargers, cords, Internet & electricity included.

    …hot winged demon option…umm…is this a trick question? No? Ok, applications are being accepted. Auditions TBA

  17. Jen says:

    Assuming I have food, electricity and running water, I’d need
    1. Wifi
    2. My ipad (including charger)
    3. A cat

  18. W says:

    1) my cat
    2) my phone
    3) an espresso machine

    This is assuming all of the above come with all the supplies necessary (cat food, internet, coffee) to maintain the above list, haha.

  19. Diana says:

    Kindle/ipad with kindle app. Internet. Cozy bed. Heaven!

  20. tea says:

    Assuming things to ensure survival – food, shelter, prescription meds – are provided, I would need
    1.) unlimited reading materials
    2.) unlimited skincare – lotion/lip balm
    3.) luxury bedding

  21. Megan Bruenning says:

    1. Kindle
    2. All the pillows
    3. Battery powered “friend” with many batteries.

  22. Carrie A says:

    I’d bring: my Kindle, my favorite soft blanket, and snacks.

  23. Alex mack says:

    First of all SQUEEEEE
    1) loaded kindle, bonus points for Apple Watch esque internet access
    2) hammock with shade
    3) pillow with silk pillowcase

  24. flchen1 says:

    Ideally, my cellphone with a good solar charger, and Vaseline (all purpose moisturizer and lip balm). I’m ready to relax with my TBR!

  25. Cynthia says:

    1) coffee
    2) carmex lip balm and concealer
    3) a tablet loaded with books and magazines

  26. Rae Alley says:

    Books, yarn and a wifi connection to help with both

  27. Kareni says:

    Assuming the basics are provided, and we are not permitted to bring along any people ~

    1. Media – books, audiobooks, and music
    2. Chocolate
    3. Comfortable furniture and blanket

  28. Patricia Hector says:

    My kindle
    All my yarn and patterns/needles
    A 7-year supply of Ritter marzipan candy

  29. Jaime says:

    if you only take one item, take the replicator from Star Trek, then you make anything you want

  30. Kelsey C. says:

    1. iPad with Charger
    2. Fluffy blanket
    3. Unlimited M&M’S Classic Mix

  31. Carrie says:

    1) fully loaded and magically always charged kindle
    2) tasty snacks/beverages
    3) weighted blanket

  32. jessica says:

    Kobo e-reader
    My phone
    Bag of holding loaded with craft supplies

  33. PamG says:

    My Kindle, charging cable, and a power source

  34. Ruby says:

    My kindle
    My sewing projects
    My dog

  35. Abby says:

    1) My kindle (fully loaded of course)
    2) an unending supply of milk chocolate
    3) my cat (with accessories – I understand that this may be cheating but i don’t want her to starve to death!)

    Man or demon optional.

  36. Lillian says:

    1) My Switch
    2) My Kindle
    3) An unlimited supply of popcorn

  37. sherri denora says:

    Books, cat, art supplies. Im never coming out.

  38. Cynthia says:

    Kindle, treadmill, plush bed/bedding

  39. Zana says:

    1. My kindle
    2. Comfy couch/bed
    3. My dog

  40. Kael says:

    1. E-reader
    2. Weighted blanket
    3. laptop

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