Books On Sale

Paris, a Historical Mystery Boxed Set, & More

  • The Governess Affair

    The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan

    The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan is FREE! Sarah reviewed this one and gave it a B-. She loved the time she spent with this novella, but felt like she wanted more from everything (characters, setting, conflict, etc).

    She will not give up…

    Three months ago, governess Serena Barton was let go from her position. Unable to find new work, she’s demanding compensation from the man who got her sacked: a petty, selfish, swinish duke. But it’s not the duke she fears. It’s his merciless man of business—the man known as the Wolf of Clermont. The formidable former pugilist has a black reputation for handling all the duke’s dirty business, and when the duke turns her case over to him, she doesn’t stand a chance. But she can’t stop trying—not with her entire future at stake.

    He cannot give in…

    Hugo Marshall is a man of ruthless ambition—a characteristic that has served him well, elevating the coal miner’s son to the right hand man of a duke. When his employer orders him to get rid of the pestering governess by fair means or foul, it’s just another day at the office. Unfortunately, fair means don’t work on Serena, and as he comes to know her, he discovers that he can’t bear to use foul ones. But everything he has worked for depends upon seeing her gone. He’ll have to choose between the life that he needs, and the woman he is coming to love…

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    This book is on sale at:
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  • Paris Is Always a Good Idea

    Paris Is Always a Good Idea by Jenn McKinlay

    Paris Is Always a Good Idea by Jenn McKinlay is $1.99! From reviews, this seems like it leans more toward fiction with strong romantic elements, rather than an outright contemporary romance. Have you read this one?

    It’s been seven years since Chelsea Martin embarked on her yearlong post-college European adventure. Since then, she’s lost her mother to cancer and watched her sister marry twice, while Chelsea’s thrown herself into work, becoming one of the most talented fundraisers for the American Cancer Coalition, and with the exception of one annoyingly competent coworker, Jason Knightley, her status as most talented fundraiser is unquestioned.

    When her introverted mathematician father announces he’s getting remarried, Chelsea is forced to acknowledge that her life stopped after her mother died, and that the last time she can remember being happy, in love, or enjoying her life was on her gap year. Inspired to retrace her steps–to find Colin in Ireland, Jean Claude in France, and Marcelino in Italy–Chelsea hopes that one of these three men who stole her heart so many years ago, can help her find it again.

    From the start of her journey nothing goes as planned, but as Chelsea reconnects with her old self, she also finds love in the very last place she expected.

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    This book is on sale at:
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    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    We also may use affiliate links in our posts, as well. Thanks!

  • Know My Name

    Know My Name by Chanel Miller

    Know My Name by Chanel Miller is $1.99! This is a power memoir and Miller was the “Emily Doe” in the Brock Turner sexual assault case. This one is not an easy ready, though it’s a very powerful one.

    The riveting, powerful memoir of the woman whose statement to Brock Turner gave voice to millions of survivors

    She was known to the world as Emily Doe when she stunned millions with a letter. Brock Turner had been sentenced to just six months in county jail after he was found sexually assaulting her on Stanford’s campus. Her victim impact statement was posted on BuzzFeed, where it instantly went viral–viewed by eleven million people within four days, it was translated globally and read on the floor of Congress; it inspired changes in California law and the recall of the judge in the case. Thousands wrote to say that she had given them the courage to share their own experiences of assault for the first time.

    Now she reclaims her identity to tell her story of trauma, transcendence, and the power of words. It was the perfect case, in many ways–there were eyewitnesses, Turner ran away, physical evidence was immediately secured. But her struggles with isolation and shame during the aftermath and the trial reveal the oppression victims face in even the best-case scenarios. Her story illuminates a culture biased to protect perpetrators, indicts a criminal justice system designed to fail the most vulnerable, and, ultimately, shines with the courage required to move through suffering and live a full and beautiful life.

    Know My Name will forever transform the way we think about sexual assault, challenging our beliefs about what is acceptable and speaking truth to the tumultuous reality of healing. It also introduces readers to an extraordinary writer, one whose words have already changed our world. Entwining pain, resilience, and humor, this memoir will stand as a modern classic.

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    This book is on sale at:
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    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
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  • Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries, Volume 4

    Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries, Volume 4 by Ashley Gardner

    Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries, Volume 4 by Ashley Gardner is 99c! This collections includes books 10-12 in this historical mystery series. Not bad for a buck! The previous volumes range in price from $5.99-$7.99, which still isn’t bad.

    Enter the dark world of Regency London with three books in the Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries series.

    The Thames River Murders
    Captain Lacey is called upon to solve the cold case of a young woman drowned in the Thames years ago, but to do so he must enter a closed world unfamiliar to him.

    The Alexandria Affair
    Captain Lacey travels with Grenville to Egypt with Brewster to guard him, and there finds intrigue, murder, and treasure.

    A Mystery at Carlton House
    The Prince Regent asks Grenville to have Captain Lacey look into thefts from lavish Carlton House, but James Denis threatens Lacey to have nothing to do with it.

    Join Captain Lacey, Grenville, Lady Breckenridge, Denis, Brewster, and more these three tales of Regency England.

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    This book is on sale at:
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    As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
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  1. Kareni says:

    The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan is a favorite of mine; I’ve likely read it half a dozen times.

    I’ve read and enjoyed all the Captain Lacey Regency Mysteries. The first one, The Hanover Square Affair, is permanently free for US Kindle readers ~

  2. Carrie G says:

    Milan doesn’t always work for me but this novella,The Governess Affair was wonderful. She packed a lot of character development and story into the short form. The other novella in this series, A Kiss for Midwinter, is also excellent. Both were A-reads for me. I gave the novels in this series B’s, with The Heiress Effect being my favorite.

  3. HeatherT says:

    I love, love, love Governess Affair. Did I want more — of course I did! But it is a novella, and therefore, limited. But it made me laugh out loud and root for the characters, and for a novella, had surprising depth.

  4. Penny says:

    Also enjoy Governess Affair! The Brothers Sinister was the first series of Milan’s that I liked.

    NIGHT HAWK by Beverly Jenkins is $1.99 – I’m collecting ebook versions of all her novels so I’m happy to see this one!

  5. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    Robin McKinley’s BEAUTY, a retelling of Beauty & the Beast, is a $1.99 KDD today. I haven’t read it, but it gets mentioned quite often in WAYR posts and the responses are generally positive.

  6. Joanna Miller says:

    I read “Paris is Always a Good Idea” last year and rated it 2 out of 5 stars. I remember not liking the main characters too much and thinking it was just a “meh”

  7. Msb says:

    @ DiscoDollyDeb
    I bought Beauty when it came out and I loved it.

    I liked the Brothers Sinister series a lot, but my favorite is the book about Violet, and the scene where she’s working: making a discovery in real time and being her true self, regardless of anyone else’s reactions. Not enough books about the joy of the doing the work you were born to do. Circe, of course, but would love some recommendations.

  8. Maite says:

    “The Governess Affair” spanish version (“El affaire de la institutriz”) can also be found for free in Kobo.

    In case you have friends who are not comfortabl reading in English (or want to practice Spanish)

  9. Michael I says:

    @DiscoDollyDeb, @Msb

    Rose Daughter (another Beauty and the Beast retelling by Robin McKinley) is also currently on sale for $1.99.

  10. FashionablyEvil says:

    KNOW MY NAME is outstanding. There are three main parts: Chanel figuring out what happened to her, the trial, and the aftermath of it all. The first part is so beautifully written and painful that I wasn’t sure I could finish the book, but the later sections are easier going (especially if the outcome of Turner’s trial isn’t a surprise to you.) Regardless, it’s a work of staggering beauty and generosity in the face of something awful.

    I did not enjoy the Milan—the romance felt underbaked and I LOATHED the heroine’s sister (having experienced trauma doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole.) That said, I’ve read eight of Milan’s books and liked one of them, so YMMV.

  11. Susan/DC says:

    Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite fairy tales, and Robin McKinley’s “Beauty” was the last book I read out loud to my oldest son. He was a proficient reader at the time, but I cherished the shared time reading bedtime stories and was a bit bereft when we stopped. McKinley’s portrayal of Beauty’s relationship to her family was quite positive and loving, and I liked that it didn’t portray the siblings as selfish and cruel. So for any number of reasons I’ve very fond feelings for this book.

  12. Sydneysider says:

    I liked The Governess Affair. I wouldn’t say that I liked Know My Name, but it is a powerful read and it is worth reading.

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