Caption That Cover: Guess That Photoshop

We have another caption contest for you all! But first, big thank you to Carole, who always keeps us stocked and supplied with Cover Snark and Caption Contest entries.

Did you know she has an entire folder dedicated to covers that need snarking?

A woman with not great makeup stands in front of hot pink fire. Her hand is curled in the middle of her chest.

It’s definitely a little uncanny valley. Maybe it’s because of the very bright concealer beneath the eyes.

I’m also suspicious of her hand. Was there something in it that was removed? And where is the other hand?

Or is the hand at chest level and hot pink glowy fire supposed to be symbolism for acid reflux?

Here are the rules for captioning that cover:

Comment below with your caption! Caption that cover however you wish! You can come up with a new title or tagline. We don’t think we need to say this, but maybe don’t touch the pink glowy stuff. Perhaps this cover is a reminder to breathe from your diaphragm. A winner will be randomly selected at the end of the contest!

The best captioner will receive a $10 bookstore credit to a book retailer of their choosing.

Standard disclaimers apply: We are not being compensated for this giveaway. Void where prohibited. Open to international residents where permitted by applicable law. Must be over 18. It’s customary to don your finest flannel when picking out a pumpkin. No grabbing the stems, please! Comments will close Friday April 24, 2020 around noon ET, and a winner will be announced shortly thereafter.

Good luck!

Winner update: Congratulations to PamG!

As the entire world tilts on its axis, AOC strides forth to clear the air and promote a. . . less purple New Deal.


General Bitching...

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  1. Gillian B says:

    When I said I ripped his heart out, I meant it literally.

  2. quizzabella says:

    Mannequin 2:neon boogaloo

  3. Ocotilla says:

    My uniboob is getting too heavy.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Ursula prepared to cast fireball on her makeup artist for putting a deep shadow on her upper lip.

  5. LucyLu says:

    Where are all the fucks I give? Right here, bro.

  6. Karen Lauterwasser says:

    “Give me back my magic orb right now!”

  7. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    Demi Lovato is Lea Michele as Camila Cabello in Deception: The Selena Gomez Story.

  8. mishukitty says:

    Where is my apple?

  9. Konst. says:

    Ectoplasm trends: magenta is the new green

  10. Peggy says:

    I hold your balls in my hand

  11. Kareni says:

    I’m not deceiving you; I do have a hand cramp.

  12. EC Spurlock says:

    The enemy thought she was carrying the invisible Macguffin, but she was only an assassin mime sent out as a decoy.

  13. Vår says:

    She had met her mystery prince. Now all she had to do was to find the man with the orange sized left ball.

  14. Jaws says:

    The real deception: What’s in my hand?

  15. angela says:

    Blamin’ it all on the Lights on Broadway
    Singin’ them sweet sounds
    To that crazy, crazy town.
    I will wait,
    even if it takes forever
    I will wait,
    even if it takes a life time.
    Somehow I feel inside
    You never ever left my hand

    with help from the bee gees because as soon as I saw this cover the song was stuck in my head

  16. PamG says:

    As the entire world tilts on its axis, AOC strides forth to clear the air and promote a. . . less purple New Deal.

  17. Erin L says:

    Sabrina using the force to painfully squeeze the testicles every man that tells her to smile.

  18. Dallas says:

    “2 beautiful aliens stand before me, but I only have 1 (invisible) pho-to in my hand… ”

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