Links: The Kids Are All Right & The Witcher

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.I know what you’re thinking!

Amanda, it isn’t exactly time for Wednesday Links yet. And you’re right.

Today is a slower post day and we didn’t want to leave you with nothing to read this morning on SBTB. Why not do Links a little early to have with your morning tea or coffee or gin?

Look, I won’t judge.

Fantasy author Tara Sim wrote about “reclaiming fantasy.” She also mentions her latest book, which is a queer retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo, which sounds all sorts of fantastic.

Author/essayist Elizabeth Wurtzel passed away earlier this week. The Dogist has a lovely profile of her and her dog, Alistair. Did I cry? Yes.

Sarah is on 2 Girls, 1 Podcast to discuss (what else?) romance novels! Give it a listen!

Author Camryn Garrett was surprised to find she’d been invited to a Facebook Messenger group of Garretts. It may be one of the most wholesome things I’ve seen in a while. All the Garretts are supportive of one another and so respectful.

If you’re on social media, you may have seen Romancelandia discussing the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher with the hunky Henry Cavill. Regardless of whether you watch the series, you have to listen to this song from the show. Jaskier/Dandelion the bard has some pipes.

Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Escapeologist says:

    You’re doing the Lord’s work here, Amanda!

    Longest week ever. Early links make it more bearable. cue counting crows “Long December”

    I need a Garretts group in my life. Can we start a club for “weird names not found on any souvenir shop tchotchke”?

  2. BellaInAus says:

    @ Escapeologist.

    Where do I sign up?

  3. This was the first really crappy week I’ve had in a long time. The political dysentery reached out in personal stuff, RWA double down disaster continues to the point that even non-romance writing male friends are like, “Hey, what’s up with RWA?”, friends had really awful things happen, and the weather in Seattle is terrible too … just so much.

    WITCHER and a lot of books, including the Witcher books, have been a highlight helping me through. And the Witcher memes are also helping. For anyone interested, I suggest watching several episodes before reading the series. It’s nice to have Henry Cavill and his “HmmMs” (they make up a really good two minute montage going around twitter) in mind as I read the stories. Also, it’s easier to follow the stories because I have a grasp on the timelines from the show.

    I’m hoping the rest of the week gets better! But at least SBTB keeps me reading good books — specifically, just finished Unfit to Print by KJ Charles, and I’m not glomping on Witcher stories. And I think Jackie Lau has a new book out this week or next?

  4. lils says:

    @Anna “A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year (Holidays with the Wongs Book 3)” was released on January 7 on kindle. And “A Big Surprise for Valentine’s Day (Holidays with the Wongs Book 4)” is out February 4th. Hopefully this news make your day a little better.

  5. Jill-Marie says:

    So those watching “The Witcher” … what is the gore factor? It looks really intriguing but I just can’t “do” gore — which is why I never saw “Game of Thrones,” I was warned off.

    Heck, even the relatively limited gore of “The Tudors” nearly sent me into a fit of the vapors. 😉

    (And all of this is strange, because I can take care of sick and injured animals like nobody’s biz.)

  6. @Amanda says:

    @Jill-Marie: Definitely on the gory side, unfortunately!

  7. Anna Richland says:

    @Jill-Marie: I would say there isn’t that much on screen gore, but there is a lot of noisy fighting. A lot. And there is a HORRIFIC surgery scene. I had to pause and move away from the screen during that. I tend to watch while I’m cleaning the kitchen, folding laundry, etc, so when the fighting is really lengthy (and too dark on screen to appreciate the fluidity of Geralt’s, shall we say, fighting stance?) — then I just put a dish or towels away and step off for a moment.

    Of course, I think you can also enjoy it by watching a variety of memes and cuts. Maybe soon someone will make a short film of cuts that tracks Geralt and Yennifa the way they have the ones with the bard Jaskier, so you can track their relationship.

  8. Aleksandra says:

    @Anna Richland, I also appreciate Geralt’s fighting stance 😀

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