Got October Promotions? We’ve Got October Ad Options!

The Ladies, including the newest lady of color, who has a blue polka dot dress and glassesHey, guess what?!

Chicken posterior!

And, also, a reminder and happy heads up!

If you’ve got a new book, a boxed set, a discounted title, or some backlist releases you’d like to promote, we have advertisement options for you!

The site survives in part because of advertisements from and for this community, so thank you in advance for your support!

What’s open? Glad you asked!

What’s available?

  • Desktop and mobile advertisement for week-long and month-long bookings starting at $80.
  • For-every-budget spots that start at $50.

Email me with your budget target and I can craft you a proposal. I’ve been doing several lately, and it’s a delicious pleasure to maximize exposure within a given budget.

What are the most popular options?

One of the most popular options is the $50 space. If you’re looking for advertisement options and promotional opportunities on a budget, the $50 For Every Budget Space might be an ideal fit for you.

The For Every Budget Ads display on long pages, such as:

How do I reserve an ad? 

You can email me to enquire at sarahATsmartbitchestrashybooksDOTTcom, or you can use this handy form to submit your For Every Budget ad and payment.

Again, if you’ve got something you would like to promote, email me. I’m happy to work with your budget, and, as I said, you deal with me personally when you do business with the site.

As always, thanks for being here and for being part of Smart Bitches.



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