Tonight is the night! Grab your finest beverage and your best synthesizer music! Possibly also medieval clothing!
At 8pm ET this evening, the window below will go live with our discussion of the classic fantasy film Ladyhawke.
There is so much to talk about with this film, both what holds up and what doesn’t.
First, let’s reserve space here for the discussion window:
And, by request, if you’d like to participate in a separate or popup window: Click Here for Popup Chat Window!
I can’t wait to chat with you about this movie. Bring your trained hawks, your finest Friesian stallions, and massively not-compensating-for-anything swords, and see you at 8pm!
I think I came to this at the wrong time of life. I’m really surprised I didn’t see it when it had just come out…teenage J would have gone crazy for the LONGING and the PINING and the swordfighting and this seems like the kind of movie that would have prominently figured in Freshman Girl Movie Night.
Now, I spent too much time being distracted by the synthesizers and the slightly odd line readings and the question of why, if Rutger Hauer supposedly loved Michelle Pfeiffer so much, he didn’t give up on the whole revenge thing and settle down somewhere where she could wake up in the same house every day to really get into it.
It was interesting to see Hauer in a hero role though…I was really only familiar with him as the Replicant antagonist in Blade Runner.
This film marked the beginning of my (imaginary) love affair with Rutger Hauer. Damn, even his name is cool. And has there ever been a time when Michelle Pfeiffer wasn’t beautiful?
I forgot today was LadyHawke day! Did you notice the whited out tattoo on Ruttie’s arm as he reached for Izzie in the dawn, after the wolf fell into the lake? Best scene ever – I remember sitting in a theatre on a Sunday night at college laughing my [possibly intoxicated] hindy off when I saw that, and getting the whole theatre starting on laughing too. For some reason, it made it much easier to go with the flow of the movie after that.
I also thought the book adaptation was pretty good. Hmm, I wonder if I still have it somewhere?
I so wanted to be in that discussion. But it would not have been a good idea to stay up till two in the morning when I have to work on Monday 😉 Mabye you could actually have the next Movie Matinee on Sunday morning? That way I would actually be awake for it 😉
Gosh, I loved that. Apart from Matthew Broderick’s pull-you-out-of-the-period accent, everyone in the cast was wonderful. Although I think it flopped when it came out, I was thrilled to see a truly fantasy movie, breaking ground for others to follow.
@Janine: I was surprised when I found out I wasn’t supposed to be rooting for the replicants in Blade Runner.
I still root for the replicants in Blade Runner.