Ad Availability for September

The Ladies - the logo of the site. They're more stylish than I will ever be. Hey there! I have some advertisement availability for September 2014, and I wanted to try something different.

Usually we book for calendar months, but for this space, I thought week increments might be appealing. So, experiment time! 

The terms are as follows:

The space in question is currently occupied by Jeaniene Frost's The Beautiful Ashes.

I am booking this space in one week increments for September 2014.

For the week you book, you will receive 100% SOV (in other words, all impressions in the space will be dedicated to that ad).

You can book more than one week if you wish.

Each week is $300.00 USD.

The ad must be 200 pixels by 300 pixels, and less than 100k in file size. It can be animated, though I caution against using Flash as it limits your reach.

Please email me as soon as possible. First come, first served. Close cover before striking. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.




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  1. LML says:

    This seems like a good opportunity to say I enjoy many of the ads here at SBTB.  Besides attractive and intriguing, they are frequently funny.  Additionally, they are easy to see without being tangled up in the site’s content.

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