Books On Sale

Books on Sale: Catch Up on Jennifer Estep’s Mythos Academy Series, Books 1-5, $2.99 Each

With the sixth and final book in the Mythos Academy series published back in February, now's your chance to go on a binge reading bonanza! For the next couple weeks, you can get books 1-5 for $2.99 each; that's 5 books for less than $15! As of right now, this deal is only available through Barnes & Noble and All Romance. Keep your fingers crossed for some price-matching magic!

Book Touch of Frost

Touch of Frost is the first book in Jennifer Estep's Mythos Academy series and is $2.99. This YA fantasy series is deeply rooted in mythology and holds a 4-star rating on GR. It was featured as a SIzzling Book Club pick in August 2011 and was a former RITA® nominee in the YA category, which means it was featured in our RITA® Reader Challenge. Elyssa gave it an A

I think why I responded so well to this book was because the situations felt so real to me. The flashes of vulnerabilities in Estep's characters are so well-done, and each one feels so multi-dimensional. The story itself is phenomenal, and I kept reading to see what was going to happen.

My name is Gwen Frost, and I go to Mythos Academy; a school of myths, magic and warrior whiz kids, where even the lowliest geek knows how to chop off somebody's head with a sword and Logan Quinn, the hottest Spartan guy in school, also happens to be the deadliest. But lately, things have been weird, even for Mythos. First, mean girl Jasmine Ashton was murdered in the Library of Antiquities. Then, someone stole the Bowl of Tears, a magical artifact that can be used to bring about the second Chaos War. You know, death, destruction and lots of other bad, bad things. Freaky stuff like this goes on all the time at Mythos, but I'm determined to find out who killed Jasmine and why; especially since I should have been the one who died…

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Book Kiss of Frost

Kiss of Frost is the second book in the Mythos Academy series and is $2.99. Readers loved how the book picks up right where the first left off. However, some thought the action was too similar to the first book. 

I’m Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Acad­emy, and I have no idea how I’m going to sur­vive the rest of the semes­ter. One day, I’m get­ting schooled in sword­play by the guy who broke my heart—the drop-dead gor­geous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invis­i­ble archer in the Library of Antiqui­ties decides to use me for tar­get prac­tice. And now, I find out that some­one at the acad­emy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I’m afraid if I don’t learn how to live by the sword—with Logan’s help—I just might die by the sword…

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Book Dark Frost

Dark Frost is the third installment of the Mythos Academy series and is $2.99. Readers emphasize that the third book heavily advances the overall plot of the series, though there are some who feel that the heroine is always being saved by others. It also holds a 4-star rating on GR.

I've seen so many freaky things since I started attending Mythos Academy last fall. I know I'm supposed to be a fearless warrior, but most of the time, I feel like I'm just waiting for the next Bad, Bad Thing to happen. Like someone trying to kill me–again.

Everyone at Mythos Academy knows me as Gwen Frost, the Gypsy girl who uses her psychometry magic to find lost objects–and who just may be dating Logan Quinn, the hottest guy in school. But I'm also the girl the Reapers of Chaos want dead in the worst way. The Reapers are the baddest of the bad, the people who murdered my mom. So why do they have it in for me? It turns out my mom hid a powerful artifact called the Helheim Dagger before she died. Now, the Reapers will do anything to get it back. They think I know where the dagger is hidden, but this is one thing I can't use my magic to find. All I do know is that the Reapers are coming for me–and I'm in for the fight of my life.

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Book Crimson Frost

Crimson Frost is the fourth book in the Mythos Academy and is $2.99. Violet eyes alert! This book is action packed, though a few readers wanted to see the romantic elements advance a bit more. 

I should have known that my first official date with Logan Quinn was destined to end in disaster. If we’d gotten into a swordfight, or been ambushed by Reapers, I’d have been more prepared. But getting arrested mid-sip at the local coffee hangout? I didn’t see that one coming.

I’ve been accused of purposely helping the Reapers free Loki from his prison—and the person leading the charge against me is Linus Quinn, Logan’s dad. The worst part is that pretty much everyone at Mythos Academy thinks I’m guilty. If I’m going to get out of this mess alive, I’ll have to do it myself…

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Book Midnight Frost

Midnight Frost is the fifth book in the Mythos Academy series and is $2.99. While readers enjoyed this installment, most felt it was a little slow going compared to the previous book. It has a 4-star rating on GR.

Here we go again …

Just when it seems life at Mythos Academy can’t get any more dangerous, the Reapers of Chaos manage to prove me wrong. It was just a typical night at the Library of Antiquities — until a Reaper tried to poison me. The good news is I’m still alive and kicking. The bad news is the Reaper poisoned someone else instead.

As Nike’s Champion, everyone expects me to lead the charge against the Reapers, even though I’m still hurting over what happened with Spartan warrior Logan Quinn. I’ve got to get my hands on the antidote fast — otherwise, an innocent person will die. But the only known cure is hidden in some creepy ruins — and the Reapers are sure to be waiting for me there…

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General Bitching...

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  1. Lulu says:

    To be honest, while I think Estep’s Elemental Assassin series is pretty good, I really loathed Mythos Academy. I think the protagonist is one of those characters who goes around moaning about how she’s “not like/better than the other girls.”

    I know it’s meant to make the characters more relatable to a young adult audience (for some reason), but it always makes me sad to read novels where the protagonists are hella insecure and then project it outwards onto others.

    (caveat: read these a year+ ago, so maybe they’ve just deteriorated in my memory)

  2. Dora says:

    As an FYI, these are available as a Kindle bundle on Amazon for $15.00, so that works out roughly the same for all of them, though no help if (like me) you only want to try one. 🙂

  3. Chadwick says:

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