Two Reminders and One New Thing

Dream Castle by Andrea Kane I remind you of things! And have a new thing to tell you about! And that's my daily allotment of exclamation points. I used them up early, wow. 

Reminder the first: last call to enter the Andrea Kane Digital Backlist giveway! Don't comment here- comment over there to enter to win 14 historical romances that sound like a heaping pile of fun. CROSS DRESSING. Oh, the weakness I have for ridiculous heroine cross dressing. The minute you stop to think about it, you realize there's no way a 19 year old woman would fit in boy's pants. But while I'm reading it, of COURSE she can hide in plain sight dressed like a boy. I'll be picking winners this afternoon, so head on over to enter now. 

Reminder the second: the Sizzling Book Club Chat for Julie Anne Long's What I Did for a Duke is Tuesday 23 October at 9pm ET. There will be some mayhem, and a very fun discussion. If you want to grab your copy of the book, it's still 99c at AllRomance, and everywhere else. Alas, it's not part of the DRM free collection from Avon, but you can use coupons (yay!) to drop the price down to even-more-ridiculous levels. 

And finally: new item! I'm headed to Australia, and Kat from Bookthingo is organizing a high tea for Sunday 28 October at 1pm Sydney Time. It's at The Victoria Tea Salon (Level 4, Westfield Sydney CBD), and if you look at the high tea menu, you can attempt to predict the carb coma I'll be in afterward. If you're in Sydney or nearby, I'd love to meet you and eat all the carbs with you. You can email Kat at by Sunday, October 21. I hope you'll join us! 

Carbs. Yum. 



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  1. CutMyTeethOnKleypas says:

    I hope I am not the only one absolutely pumped for What I Did for a Duke and the Sizzling Chat.  Because I finished reading it, and it’s pretty damn amazing.

  2. SB Sarah says:

    I am so happy you’re as excited as I am! I cannot wait to discuss this book.

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