The Tracy Deebs Writes A Lot of Books Giveaway

Book Cover Last year, Tracy Deebs' Tempest Rising came out, and I liked it quite a bit -but it had a cliffhanger. OH NOES. So when she approached me about doing a giveaway, I was totally down with that, except for that hangy-cliff part. So I asked if we could wait until the sequel came out – and now that the sequel is out, it is big ol' bundle of book giveaway time up in here.

While folks like us read piles of book all year long, there's something to be said for the temptation of “summer reading.” I don't necessarily read more in the summer, but I do find myself with more time sitting outside, which is one of my favorite places to read. Since Tracy Deebs (who also writes as Tracy Wolff and Ivy Adams) writes a TON of different books, she's offered up three sets of books for giving away, so if you've got a patio chair and some time, there's plenty to choose from. For reals.

Book Cover Book Cover Book Cover

Book Cover Book Cover Book Cover


Plus, each of the three prize packs will include one of the following:

Book Cover Book Cover Book Cover

The newest book is the sequel to Tempest Rising, which is Tempest Unleashed. If you're curious about the series, Tempest is half-mermaid, and in the sequel, she has to choose between the sea, which is powerfully tempting to her, and land, where she was raised. She also has to figure out how to choose between her high school boyfriend, Mark, and Kona, a selkie prince. You know, like you do.

Standard disclaimers apply: Do not try this at home. Wear sunscreen. I'm not being compensated for this giveaway. I defy anyone to say “insertion fee” with a straight face, because my inner 10 year old cannot do it. Void where prohibited. Open to international residents. Must be 18 years of age or over and wearing chaps to win. All items come from a poke free home.

The comments will be open until 9:00 pm ET Thursday, 14 June 2012. To enter to win, please leave a comment and tell me which book you'd read first, or where you'd read it. Your choice! I'll select three winners at random, and there will be much reading for the winners. Good luck! 


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  1. ShawnyJ says:

    Wow, am I really first? I want to read them all! We re-did our backyard last year – built a deck, dug up the pond. I would read them on a lounger in our new backyard, with a mojito on hand of course.

  2. Okay I can’t say ‘insertion fee’ without giggling either. For me it would be Tempest Rising first sitting in a lawn chair next to the pool and occasionally stopping to yell at my youngest not to drown his older sister.

  3. Elhana says:

    I’d read the one that I picked up first, because they all look good!  And I’d be reading in my recliner at home. 

  4. Kokolo says:

    Tempest Rising on the beach! I’m going on vacation in s few weeks 🙂

  5. Jenny Dolton says:

    I think I’d probably start with Tempest Rising. On the porch, after the sun has set (or after a good thunderstorm so it’s cool enough to sit outside without wanting to die).

  6. Lindz says:

    I’d read Tempest Rising; mermaid heroine is definitely something to check out!  My reading would take place on the deck of my new apartment, and I am moving today!

  7. VandyJ says:

    I’m interested in Tempest Rising.  It sounds interesting, but I’d also like in any of them.  As for reading, I’m heading to a summer vacation in Michigan and need a good book or two to read by the lake while the kids play.

  8. Courtney Hunt says:

    I’d read it sitting on our new deck!

  9. Jennifer says:

    I would probably read Hidden Embers first It looks and sounds pretty good!!  Once I find a good author i tend to read everything they have!!

  10. Kebani says:

    I will definitely be reading Tempest Rising first! And I will enjoy on my lounge chair on my three season porch while my children play out in the yard. And at night I will read by campfire light since we have a fire pit in my backyard!

  11. Janine Gardner says:

    Whoops didn’t type my name: Janine Gardner

  12. Kristina says:

    I would DEFINITELY read Tempest Rising first – I love mermaid and mythology themes.  Hot surfer/selkie making the little mermaid here question her loyalties?  mmm yum… 😉  LOL

  13. Zoeypeacock28 says:

    Tempest Rising on my porch!

  14. Ukhumphrey says:

    The first Tempest has me intrigued – just finished updating my deck w/new furniture – would love to win these so I can test it all out!!

  15. Lil' Deviant says:

    I love reading beachy books on the beach.  I would read tempest rising sitting in a chair with the surf tickling my feet.  I might even convince Mr Deviant to provide the adult beverages.  *grin*

  16. Chelsea S. says:

    Oh geesh, I still haven’t read Tempest Rising and now there is a sequel? I guess I would have to read the first one first, hopefully on my new couch in my new apartment :D.

  17. Awesome! Thank you for the giveaway!
    I’ve seen the first book around, now I believe I should go looking for it, sounds like a title I’d like to read =)

  18. Lisa Hutson says:

    I do not need the sunscreen to read any books in the summer. I live in phoenix. I will read in the ac! 🙂 For reals! haha As soon as I am done here, I will find my chaps! And I dont know what a poke free home is. I think it must be either sex free. Which would be just sad. Or pokey free. which would also be sad.

  19. Bookswithbenefits says:

    I would read it on a plane… I am flying home to visit my family Georgia from Taiwan soon. I teach there, and it’s finally summer break! (Though I won’t actually have the book at that time,) I love reading smutty stuff on planes. It’s the perfect getaway from the noise and cramped spaces. Oh, you thirteen hour flight, you. I hate you, but you’ll be tamed by my romance novels! Yes, you will!!!! So excited, I love this mermaid idea. If I don’t win, I am definitely going to buy.  🙂

  20. Marlous says:

    Definitely Tempest Rising, I love the fantasy/mythology genre! Although here in Holland I’d probably have to read it inside, since our summers tend to be rain, rain and then some more rain…

  21. I’m entering for my daughter in law. She’s a school teacher (and a Southern Belle) who loves ROMANCE!.  I’m betting (after looking at the covers) that she’d start with Hidden Embers…. she’s a sucker for hot bodies being shown off.

  22. Keiko Mushi says:

    Tasty treats? Yes please! Based on the synopsis, Tempest looks rather intriguing. Being the first in a series, it offers a continuation as well. <3

  23. I’d love to read Tempest Rising first but I think i’d read it at the beach! And yes I am wearing chaps 🙂

  24. Brooke says:

    Tempest Rising.  I have to check out a mermaid story.  I don’t think I have ever read one!

  25. Jeannie S says:

    I love dragons, so I would love to read Hidden Embers. Looks very good!

  26. Jessica_HookEm says:

    I’d probably read Hidden Embers first because I’m shallow and that’s my favorite cover of the bunch.  Hot man shirtless?  I’m so there.  I wish that I could say someplace glamourous to read it but unfortunately it would probably be read in my apartment or in a hotel room during my move.

  27. Angel28140 says:

    I think I’d read Tempest Rising first. Now the where is a little tougher. I could say couch or chair, but I’m leaving for a cross-country flight in a few weeks, so I’ll wait and read it at 35,000 feet 🙂

  28. Ginny says:

    I haven’t read any of them but they all look interesting…

  29. riwally says:

    I always try to start at the beginning…so the first book, for sure, followed by the second then onward and upward to ALL of them (time permitting and my eyesight doesn’t go).  But, I’d start reading at work (the previous disclaimer in play), continue at home, and finish wherever.  Woo hoo!!! Gotta love freebies and I’m all about the freebies!  Bring ‘em on, pretty please.

  30. C says:

    i live about 10 min from the beach & manage 2 pools so i would read tempest rising first at one of those places! 

  31. Tina Bellefeuille says:

    Hmm…Tie me down…WHAT! Yes this books looks hot …. I just tie myself down to my porch swing and read…read…read…*sigh*.

  32. ReneeK says:

    I think I’d really like to read “Tease Me”.  I’m usually not much for romantic/erotic suspense…but that “blogger” plot line has me very intrigued.

  33. Asterskine says:

    I’d read “Tempest Rising” first, and the best place would definitely be by the pool!

  34. Stacey Pagan says:

    I hate reading a book in the middle of a series if I have not read the previous ones, so Rising would be numero uno! 🙂  Hoping to take in some of the Indiana National Dunes this year, so reading them while laying on a lounger in the sand is my plan!  I guess if they are totally hot and heavy I have something close by to cool me off! SLP

  35. Junelee says:

    I would have to read Tempest Rising first because ive not read it and it does sound really intresting. I’d read it on my front porch and then i’d lay in bed with it after it got to hot outside.  😉

  36. Maybe31 says:

    I love Tempest Rising so I will read the sequel first!  🙂

  37. Leah says:

    Oooh, I would read Tempest Rising first because that is some gorgeous cover art!!  Plus, I’ve read werewolves, vampires, ghosts, time-travelers, wizards, witches, shapeshifters, and other various supernatural creature stories, but I’ve not read any mermaid stories!  I would have to sneak and read it at the library though, because I am supposed to be studying for my PhD qualifying exams right now. And on that note, must get back to work studying about gonorrhea, which is pretty much the opposite of reading a romance novel!!

  38. Lori says:

    I’d read Hidden Embers first because, dragons. I’d read it on the side porch where I can enjoy the breeze and get a little sun without getting sun burnt (the curse of fair skin).

  39. Sarahtoo says:

    I’d totally start with Tempest Rising—heck, if I don’t win it, I’m gonna have to buy it! I’ll be heading to a reunion with my husband’s family in Montana this summer, and ideally, I’d sit in the shade (@Lori—I feel you re: the curse of fair skin), beside the lake, while my MIL watches my kids.

  40. Bnbsrose says:

    Dragons or mermaids.? Dragons or mermaids? Torture! I tell this is torture!! Okay, mermaids it is, as I’m still waiting for a great mermaid romance. I have this little pewter sculpture I bought many dec….erm… moons ago at the Renaissance Faire of a mermaid couple. Very elegant and graceful and they are sooooo doing it. Had to hide it from the p’s until I moved out of the house.

    And I would read it ensconced in my lounge chair on my (as mentioned a few posts ago) miniscule patio with an icy glass of peach Chardonnay at my side. Just like I did last night with “An Affair with Mr. Kennedy”.

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