Many, many people take photos at RWA. And you’ve seen really, really good ones at other sites, with beautiful folks in ball gowns noshing on all the chocolate in the universe at the RITA reception, authors meeting happy fans, and people queuing up to have books signed at the literacy signing. I don’t have many of those.
What do I have? LOLRWAs. Get ready. They’re terrible. Enjoy!
ETA: I forgot – many of these pictures were taken by Angie James. Thanks Angie!
ROFLMAO! Well done! Your “boobies” one cracks me up!
See, this is where I clearly go wrong. My heroes rarely say AAAAAOOOOGGGHHAA when grabbing teh boobiez.
Must fix this.
LOL, Brilliant!
Not. Enough. Coffee.
Srsly. I’m still bummed I got Dr. McHairy instead of Clooney. Those danged bestselling authors always get the best fantasies. *g*
It’s another winolicious vote for the Boobiez LOL! Thas aaaaight right thar.
For some insane reason, I found these photos much more enjoyable than the “well done” ones on other sites I have seen.
The woman in the chocolate picture just won a huge basket of Ghirardelli chocolate as part of the raffle during the literacy signing. That basket of joyous chocolate wonderment was HUUUUUGE.
LOL. I am one tall mo fo aren’t I?
Sarah, The caption for your picture is perfect! 😀
all RWA photos should be captioned thusly. way more fun!
Thanks Sarah! Still so sorry I missed it all. Next year….
Great pictures everyone looks like they were having a great time. Amazing prizes….
Thank you for sharing Sarah
I’m disappointed – we need pictures of the scary cuts of prosciutto hanging over everyone’s heads at dinner!
*carefully sets down coffee cup* *blinks* *shudders* *ROFLMAO
Why am I seeing that line in the next Marta Acosta vampire novel?
“Private Party = WIN!”
“Beverly Jennnnnkins!” … FTW! heh, my MMO addiction is showing =)
Great pics with really funny captions, thanks!
Jaci is right. All RWA pictures must be captions in the future!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Smart Bitches Trashy Novels to the left sign. BRAHAHAHAHA.
The boobies description…never used that. Maybe that’s why I’m not published. must reexamine my work.
thanks for getting the day off right
I vote for the boobiez one too! That one made me choke on my morning pepsi.
More, plz.
I truly heart you, Sarah. The boobiez is definitely the best. I snorted Diet Coke. Thanks for that.
Hmm. I have a few pictures that would be stunning as lolRWA pictures. *insert evil laugh* I accept bribes…Sarah.
I have a picture of Sarah, Jane and Angela all twittering on their phones at Borders… heh heh.
I just hurt myself laughing. I think Beverly Jenkins throwing at the end is my favorite. I finally had my conference wish come true and got to meet her. I think I babbled about how much I loved her historicals and then did a big ol DOH! You do contemporaries? Thank goodness she did not whap me with the book as she signed it. I’m a dork.
LOL@smart bitches party and boobies!
*Snort* too funny! You slay me. More! More!
This sign, I want it!
Oh, these are GREAT!
don’t anyone throw things at me, but I just found her books the other day. From a customer at the store. sigh.
You should send it to the website and see if they will post it.
…must…not…read SBTB…at…work…
…must…not…read SBTB…before…work…will…be…late…again…dammit!
Oh, that boobies one made me snort so hard I think I sucked my nostrils into my brain. Ouch! Too, too funny! 😀
Love the pictures. Looks like everyone had a fun time.
(Couldn’t resist)
OMG! A picture of me that didn’t make me cringe and look at through my fingers – closed.
Love them all and LOL.
Thank you for the photos and the LOL quotes with them. Only way I get to be at RWA this year. Next year though. . .
OMG!!! LOL!!! I just saw these pics today. Too funny. i had a ball with you smart bitches and your friends. Let’s do it again, soon. B