Friday Videos Are Feeling Musical

Today, we have assorted music, some of which may get stuck in your head. But it’s a good thing. Maybe.

First, from Sherri, a clip from “America’s Got Idol Talent Dancing with the Ice Truck Drivers” (yet another reality show). The best part, as Sherri says, is when the Hoff gets up and dances.


Then, from Sarah F, one of the Professors Brilliant, we have Finnish rock band Leningrad Cowboys singing with the Russian Red Army Choir. What are they singing? Sweet Home Alabama. Of course they are.

The hair? The shoes? The suit? No. The choir band rocking out with the tuba. That’s just awesome.

If you’re thinking of working out this weekend, try this routine:


And, since it’s Friday in August, let’s attempt to suck more of your time:

Who wants a cake featuring naked babies with mohawks riding carrots? Anyone? Anyone?

The whole Cake Wrecks site is just wheeze-worthy, too. Thanks to Taylor for the link.


Friday Videos

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  1. Julie Leto says:

    Okay, the treadmills were amazing.  Love this one.

    The cake website?  Addictive!!!

  2. BethanyA says:

    That treadmill routine was super dope!  I’m forwarding that to everyone I know!  Thanks for helping me use up my Friday.  Fridays in August are rough—but especially when the boss is on vaca in Canada for two weeks.

  3. Victoria Dahl says:

    I just spent a good 15 minutes at that cake site. Totally. Fricken. Awesome.

  4. I’ve never watched American Idol or its spin-offs. Yes, I know, I’m probably one of the only people on the planet who can say that. Still, the first video caught my eye so I took a mini-break from my writing to watch just a snippet. I got sucked right in. By the time it was over I was a sniveling, teary-eyed mess, bawling like a baby. That woman has a great voice and a moving, inspirational story.

    How could I go back to work without taking a tiny peek at a video featuring Sweet Home Alabama performed by that odd assemblage? Mesmerizing. Wow…just…wow…

    I figured I was safe with the treadmill video since I’m exercise-phobic and sit on my butt all day typing, oblivious to the expensive exercise equipment across the room (relegated to additional clothing storage). But once again, I caved. Damn if that wasn’t fabulous! And they made it look so easy!

    I was NOT going to click the Cake Wrecks link. Too much time had already been sucked out of my morning. But naked babies with mohawks riding carrots? How could I possibly resist? It was amazing! The whole damn blog is addicting.

    Thank you very much, SB, for majorly contributing to my shameful writing negligence this morning.

  5. Silver James says:

    That is EVIL! All of it. My brain is bleeding.

    I will admit that I got misty-eyed at the first one…until Hoff danced. I’m still waiting for the Ice Road Truckers to do the Pips impression, though.

    I don’t think I’ll remember “Sweet Home Alabama” in quite the same vein ever again.

    And thanks to Cake Wrecks, my diet is back in full force and effect, even though I still can’t breathe for laughing.

  6. Silver James says:

    Okay. I’m fighting back. bwahahaha After looking, if you can tear your eyes away from the horror, read what the blog says.  I SOOOO want to play “Guess Who’s Hoo Haw” at the next RWA or Romantic Times get-together! Censored Cake Wreck

  7. SonomaLass says:

    Classes start Monday, I don’t have my syllabus finished, my house is a disaster area—and you give me Cake Wrecks??  There goes another big chunk of working time! 

    On the other hand, I’m in a great mood now.

  8. Dak says:

    Goddamn, I never thought I’d see Sweet Home Alabama played on a jamming BALALAIKA, for chrissake.  That?  Right there?  Was so totally beyond bizarre that it circled right back round to Awesome.

  9. Sarah Frantz says:

    OMG, that Cake Wrecks took an hour out of my day.  And I still love the guy in the chorus at the very end of the SHA video with his hands outstetched, singing his heart out.  I’m going to add the Cake Wrecks to my blogroll, dammit.

  10. Anonym2857 says:


    Perhaps, if you are new to AGT (tho your name is SOOOO much better! LOL), you may have missed David’s stellar performances in previous years…

    From season one, with KITT and the Hoff-ettes:

    And of course, from season two, with David at his most earnest… and ear-bleeding… best:

    Warning – not only do you not want to be drinking anything, you may wish to have an empty stomach prior to viewing.

    No really.

    Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


    likely51?  yes, it is likely that just shaved 51 minutes off my life.

  11. Wryhag says:

    You know, that first clip featuring Emily put the cry in my eyes and the goosebumps on my skin.  I couldn’t even be bothered watching Hoff.  Wow, was that Aretha-worthy or what?

  12. ev says:

    I just spent a good 15 minutes at that cake site.

    Only 15 minutes??? LOL I just wasted the last 2 hours looking at them and clicking the links with a friend. I think we both had to make extra trips to the bathroom. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you for the wonderful snarkiness!!

    I haven’t even gone near the videos yet.

  13. Bibi says:

    The last one, on the treadmills, is from OK GO. The video made the band famous, and they actually won a Grammy for it for best short music video in 2007. They performed the routine live at the VMAs too.

    I totally love them.

  14. Estara says:

    Here’s the VMA live version
    <object width=“425” height=“344”>

    <embed src=“; type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=“true” width=“425” height=“344”></embed></object>

  15. Randi says:

    Daisy, there are a lot of those moments on America’s Got Talent. Aside from the auditions that are horrible, these are the moments that make me watch the show. I love the ones where people really DO have talent and they have these amazing stories to tell. *sniffle*

    Anom2957: damn you. damn you again. hahahah. The actual video to “Get in my car” is wayyyyyyy better. or worse. or better. no, worse. I think it’s on this site somewhere.

    Finally, that Leningrad Cowboys video: a perfect example of how life is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy weirder than life.

    seen79: I think I’ve seen about 79 videos on this site.

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