Free Rice & Warm Fuzzies

FreeRice is raising awareness of world hunger and raising a shitload of money to feed starving people. And the whole idea was cooked up by a dad who was trying to help his son study for the SATs. It takes an awesome sort of person to add “rice” and “vocabulary” and come up with a huge addiction website for me. Now people are using the site to learn vocabulary and learn English.

Now that just gave me a huge case of the warm fuzzies. Right before bedtime, too.


The Link-O-Lator

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  1. Cathy in AK says:

    Free Rice is addictive, but it’s an addiction for a good cause.  Expand your vocabulary and do a good deed.  I bet it makes studying for the SATs a lot easier 🙂

  2. jessica says:

    Like I need anything to make me spend more time on the Internet? Really cool. This is going to become an addiction.

  3. Freezair says:

    Today, I think, is Official Warm Fuzzies Day on SBTB. Hugs all around!

    (Love this game, by the way. I think I was at level 42 or something last time I played.)

    Men84: 84 men (and women!) playing this for a couple of hours could feed a couple families.

  4. snarkhunter says:

    SUCH a time suck! I play, and I’m like, “Oh, work calls, but…I was on level 47, and I want to see if I can get to 48. Plus! Starving people!”

  5. Kate Hewitt says:

    Love this game. My nine year old daughter plays it too… mostly guessing but her hit rate is pretty good!

  6. Friends still haven’t forgiven me for turning them on to Free Rice.  But it’s crack for a cause, so they can’t complain too much.

  7. Shiin says:

    Love Free Rice.

    It’s addicting as all hell but so much fun (and doing good at the same time).

    Saved my brain during finals time.

  8. Nifty says:

    I’ve only gotten to level 43.  Addictive!

  9. senetra says:

    I’m at 48. It’s verrrry addictive!

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