Guess That Lonely Heart

It’s that time again – give us the heroine’s name, book title, and author’s name, and we’ll give YOU

a million dollars

a Super Fine Smart Bitch Title!®

Let’s Do it on Your Hog.

Daddy’s little girl seeks hot man with a Harley to help me ride off into a whole new life. I’ll be cut off from everything I would have had, but we’ll storm the castle of industry and create a new fortune for ourselves. Then? I’ll dump your cheating ass for the tried and true hero who was there for me all along.


General Bitching...

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  1. Emily says:

    Hot Shot by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, starring Susannah Faulconer?

  2. dl says:

    Oh pickles.  I’m here early, and completely clueless…happy friday everyone!

  3. Weirdlet says:

    Hot Shot, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Susannah Faulconer?

  4. Kaite says:

    OMG, is that really a plot?!?! Sounds like a Jerry Springer episode….

  5. Sarah F. says:


    I knew this one, too!  Dammit, what’s a girl got to do?!

    Obviously, I agree with the above two posters.

  6. Emily says:

    Dammit, what’s a girl got to do?!

    Mad Google-ing skillz and the razor-sharp edge that creeps up with increasingly frantic panic during exam period.

  7. SB Sarah says:

    Go Emily Go! You are entirely correct and the first one to post with the right answer.

    I have to consult the Smart Bitch Peerage for a title this evening, but stay tuned. Coronation coming soon.

    Well done!

  8. Mel-O-Drama says:

    I knew it was SEP but I couldn’t remember the title! ARGH! Good on ya, Emily!

  9. Sarah F. says:

    Mad Google-ing skillz and the razor-sharp edge that creeps up with increasingly frantic panic during exam period.

    Mad Google Skillz didn’t help me last time, dammit!  ::sob::  And I’m too swamped with grading…no, that’s not true—I was dicking around on the Intehnet right at 9:42, just not on Smart Bitches.  That’ll learn me!

    Congratulations, milady.  May I one day join you!

  10. Emily says:

    Dicking around on the internet is precisely how I decompress between bouts of jamming my head between the pages of my linguistics textbook and muttering “osmosis” like a mantra.

  11. Woo woo!  Way to go Emily!  I knew that one and was sitting on my hands to keep from pounding the keys.  Welcome to the ranks of the peerage!


  12. shaina says:

    wow, finally one i KNOW.
    i love that book!

  13. RandomRanter says:

    Crap – I finally knew one.  WTG, Emily!

  14. HOT SHOT is a great book.  Every time I think of the duel for the fair lady’s hand it just makes me grin all over again.

  15. Amy E says:

    You know, I just logged on and was all pissed off at myself for forgetting to check this earlier—because I was home sick all frickin day—but it’s okay now, I didn’t know it anyway.  AGAIN.  Oh well, you nobility-types would be nothing without peasants like me to sneer at!  Congrats, Emily!

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