One Million Bitches!

imageAfter 1100+ new visitors in the past two days, thanks for recent mentions in the press of This Here Site Which Shall Not Be Named, we’ve crossed a milestone that made me squee out loud like a complete doofus.

We’ve reached One Million Visitors. I can’t believe after a year and 8 months, we’re a million hits in the bag. Shock, I tell you. And extreme glee. And gratitude! Don’t forget that part!

Thanks! Y’all come back now, y’all hear?



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  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Woo-hoo! Woot! and other happy-for-you exclamatories 🙂
    You girls rock!

  2. Yay, congrats!!! =D

  3. SandyW says:

    Congratulations! Very impressive. It almost sounds like a slogan…

    There ya go. The next Big Ad Campaign—

    Read more Romance. One Million Bitches can’t be wrong!

  4. Your advertisers also thank you and all the visitors.

    Congratulations!  And I like SandyW’s slogan.[g]

  5. emdee says:

    Felicitaciones! 🙂

  6. SandyO says:

    YAY to Candy and Sarah and All Smart Bitches Everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Proud to be a Bitch

  7. Tonda/Kalen says:

    Does this mean we’re now ready for that Million Bitch March?

  8. ‘Does this mean we’re now ready for that Million Bitch March?’

    See ya all in DC!

  9. sherryfair says:


    [And I wouldn’t take it too personally about the NY Times refusing to say your name. It won’t use any profanities since it considers itself a “family” newspaper. A few years ago, when a play came out called “Shopping and Fucking,” the Times really had a quandry about reviewing it & then listing it within its Event section. I believe it ended up calling it “Shopping and ….” Just like that, with all the little ellipses.]

  10. RandomRanter says:

    Congrats to both of you!

  11. RandomRanter says:

    PS – I totally want Million Bitch March swag!

  12. Madd says:

    OMG! A Million Bitch March t-shirt! What fun!

  13. Keziah Hill says:

    OMG! A Million Bitch March t-shirt! What fun!
    I want one!

  14. Tonda/Kalen says:

    A Million Bitch March

    Somewhere men are shivering and they don’t even know why . . .

  15. Suisan says:

    Sign me up for the Million Bitch March!!

    Somewhere men are shivering and they don’t even know why Hee Hee, Tonda. I love it. Maybe even Mr. Head?

    I know! Let’s all march against Mr. Head—right past his campaign headquarters.

    (But my word verification is alone59. Perhaps a sign that I shoudl remain alone? Or that I should no longer remain alone? Soothsaying is so damn tricky.)

  16. Susan says:

    Congrats. This is a great site!

  17. desertwillow says:

    Well, bitch-slap me and call me impressed!!

    Congratulations again!!

    (Okay, not as good as the million-bitch march comment)

  18. Beth says:

    First of all, I am responsible for like AT LEAST 3 of those visitors. Take THAT, New York Times! (The NYT won’t say Bookslut either, which I find hee-larry-us.)

    Secondly, it’s really really fun to say “One meeeeeeellion bitches, ha-ha-hah” in the voice of The Count from Sesame Street, immediately followed by a sing-song chant that goes “one bitch! two bitches! three bitches! four five and six bitches, a-ha-ha-ha!” and so on. (This is an activity only for those who can do a vaguely Transylvanian accent and a good deep voice.) (And who have a lot of free time.) (Not that I’m naming any names.)

    In conclusion, HOOORAY!

  19. Nat says:

    Way to go SB’s! It’s a much deserved honor! Though I may not post often, I make sure to check in at least once a week. This site is on my top 5 favorites!

  20. kate r says:

    as usual what Beth said, with bells on.

    I’ll take a million bitch teeshirt and a mug, thank you. For the mug, might I suggest DeSalvo? and when you put in hot liquid, his flowing poet’s shirt melts away to reveal an imaginative tattoo. Something with Candy and Sarah in compromising positions would be good.

  21. KellyMaher says:

    Hee!  Congrats guys!  I’m such a lurker, but I’d so be wearing a Million Bitch March or A Million Bitches Can’t Be Wrong t-shirt 😀

  22. Lorelie says:

    The Million Bitch March would have to go from Fred Head’s offices right on up to Napoli’s. 

    Wait a second, I don’t want to walk that far.

  23. Casey says:

    Hi guys! I’m a new Bitch, well not really. I’ve always been a bitch but now I’m a member. Yeah me! Yeah you guys!

  24. Rosie says:

    That’s a milestone!  Congrats!

  25. Monica says:

    Whhoo-eee, Bitches!  Congrats!

    And a Million Bitch March couldn’t go wrong.

  26. Congratulations! I thought y’all should’ve already reached a million hits by now.

  27. Marjorie Liu says:

    Wooo!  Rock on, Bitches!

  28. Lila says:

    Congrats Chief Bitches!

    You are clearly on to somethin’ good. Keep it up. Those of us in the bitchery need to be fed our daily doses of snark and snickering.

  29. Raina_Dayz says:

    This is awesome y’all.  – I think it is also a very clear sign that this is not just a site writers read.  Though coming here makes me wish I was one. 🙂

    I appreciate that you are such consistent posters and keep me in touch with issues I actually give a damn about.

    I wonder what Fabio’s t-shirt design model rates are?

  30. EmmyS says:

    If anyone seriously wants a shirt, I could try to create a logo and set up a CafePress shop… proceeds going to the Bitches to help keep the site running.

  31. kaite says:

    If anyone seriously wants a shirt, I could try to create a logo and set up a CafePress shop… proceeds going to the Bitches to help keep the site running.

    Oh, please, please, pretty, pretty please?!?! I’d so buy one and wear it everywhere!

  32. kate r says:

    One Million Bitches
    Can Be Wrong
    But who the hell is stupid enough to say so?

    Hmmm no that doesn’t quite work.

    One Million Bitches and Mantitty = Lurve

    Bitches. Come for the mantitty stay for teh snark. (or come for teh snark and stay for the mantitty)

    One Million Bitches.

  33. Stef says:

    I don’t mean to douse your enthusiasm, Candy and Sarah, but I’d guess at least a thousand of your visits are from me.  You’re the first site I go to in the morning, and my favorite procrastination tool, whether writing, or preparing taxes.  I’d go somehwere else, but it’s just not the same.

    Nevertheless, a million visits is something.  I’m in awe, though not surprised.  Congratulations!

    Stef, not a blog-hopper, even to my own

  34. Helen says:

    Congrats, Bitches!

    Instead of Count from Sesame Street, I got Dr. Evil in my head, saying ‘one million bitches!’ and doing that thing with his pinky.

    Here’s to the next million – I’ll bet it’ll take even less time than your first.

    Helen (de-lurking for a conversation I feel intellectually capable of participating in!)

  35. Candy says:

    Helen: That was TOTALLY what I was thinking, too. Though now that Beth has mentioned the Count, I’m hearing the Count while seeing him do that Dr. Evil pinky thing, which is making me feel a bit dizzy.

  36. dl says:

    Congrats!  If we’re ordering tees, I’ll take a “Million Bitches Can’t be Wrong.”

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