Friday I’m in Love

Woohoo, another Friday, another personal ad. You regulars know what I’m talking about. Heroine’s name + title + author’s name = INSTANT FAME AND AN EXTRA 3 INCHES TO YOUR C @ C K. Or maybe not. Maybe all you get is acclaim far and wide and a Smart Bitch title of your very, very own, which is a Highly Desirable Commodity, damn your eyes.

OK, get to it, my lovelies!

Love That Dares to Squick You the Fuck Out

Socially awkward heiress to a huge plantation seeks dashing older man to have a raging affair with. If you’re married to my Evil Stepmother, so much the better, though I might huff away once I find out you’re actually masquerading a dead man.


General Bitching...

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  1. Carrie Lofty says:

    Don’t know this one, but I feel dirty now.  Good luck, peasants.

    Baroness Huntinne-Muffine

  2. Candy says:

    This is, believe it or not, one of my favorite romance novels of all time. It’s so wrong on so many levels that it basically does a 360 and ends up being good again.

  3. shuzluva says:

    Wow, I have absolutely NO idea, but I can’t wait to find out!

  4. Jami says:

    is it Karen Robard’s Morning Song? heroine’s name is Jessie Lindsey.

  5. Elle says:


    I knew this one too!  (I’ve voting with Jami.)  Two weeks in a row you all have picked books that I know.

    Actually, this is *not* one of my favorites of Karen Robards’s books since I was really creeped out by the Sleeping With The Step-daughter aspect (as well as the more common Massive Age Difference Between the Hero and Heroine.)

    But that is just me….

  6. Devonna says:

    I have no idea ~ I was wishing I’d know this one.

  7. bam says:

    Is it “The Marquis Wins” by Barbara Cartland featuring a heroine called Daniela Brooke?

    I really, really want a title, yo.

  8. emma says:

    I’m sure I’ve read this. Unfortunately, the title’s locked deep in the recesses of my memory, and I can’t drag it out. Come on smart bitches, put me out of my misery!

  9. Candy says:

    Yay, Jami has it right! Wooo!

    Those of you who are curious and wishing to revel in the OMGWTFBBQ wrongness of Morning Song, please feel free to check it out. It’s one of my ultimate guilty pleasures. So, so bad, yet so, so good….

  10. Candy says:

    Also, I find it terrifying that there’s another book out there with a plot similar enough to Morning Song that somebody else provided it as an alternative.

    It’s a scary, scary world out there.

  11. Jami says:

    WOO HOO! I never know these, so I was so excited that I knew this.  I have to admit, I loved this book too.  although I think I focused more on the chubby duckling to swan aspect of the story than I did the squicky stepdad sex part.

  12. Sanachan says:

    I looked this up on Amazon and the description and book review both made me laugh. First from the review “Robards so effectively entangles the trio in plot complications that, ultimately, she must introduce a murder in order to clear a path for her so-called happy ending.” Damn! That’s some pretty good snark for a Publisher’s Weekly review. And then came the book description… “An innocent Mississippi wildflower in the early bloom of womanhood…” Now that is some purple prose! I’m almost tempted to read it so I can truly revel in the horror.

  13. infogenium says:

    It is Morning Song by Karen Robards and it is one of my all time fav’s and keepers. I read it when I was young and re-read it recently and yep still kept it. As Candy wrote, it is wrong at all levels but…sigh…

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