I don’t know if y’all heard a pigsqueal emanating from SE Portland at about 5:10 p.m. today, but that’s about the time I got my mitts on an autographed ARC of Don’t Look Down.

Also in the package? An autographed copy of the re-release of Anyone But You.

Is it terribly dirty and/or wrong and/or creepy for me to want to dance around and rub these books all over myself?

Ahem. ‘Scuse me. I have, uh, dishes to do. Yes. Indeed. Dishes.



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  1. fiveandfour says:

    Oh man, I’m soooooooooo jealous!

  2. Nicole says:

    Oh man, you suck.

    Can I ask how you got it?

  3. Bitch.

    And if there’s a break-in at your place tonight?  I know nothing about it.

  4. Jessica says:

    My tears of pain and jealousy have filled the empty container of ice cream sitting in my lap.

    Mayhap, at some future date, you could share with us?

  5. DebR says:


    I am deep-emerald-GREEN with envy.  😡

  6. Bonnie says:

    This time I can honestly say it without feeling guilty: “You BITCH!”

    Happy reading … 😉

    — Bonz

  7. Marg says:

    Jealous does not even begin to cover how I feel right now!

  8. Sarah F. says:

    See, this is what you get for starting a blog with absolutely no authority or training or anything except humungous gonads.  And then you become famous and Jenny and Bob think you’re important enough to get some silly book.


    So, how do you start a blog again?  😉

  9. Stef says:

    Ah, the extended birthday.  Yay for Candy!

    So, like, how late did you stay up reading last night?

  10. Theresa S. says:

    Totally hate you right now.

    How long are you going to make us wait for the review? Not that I’m so eager for this book that I’d settle for reading by proxy at this point. Nope. Not me.

  11. emdee says:


  12. Lynn M says:

    When you rub them all over your body, just don’t get any schmutz on them.

    I think you need to start the Smart Bitches Lending Library. I’ll sign up for the first card. And I’d like to put a hold on a couple of books…

  13. Candy says:

    Can I ask how you got it?

    A few weeks ago, I asked how many shaved gerbils I’d need to sacrifice to the Mantitte (a minor but surprisingly powerful Sumerian deity) to get my mitts on an ARC of Don’t Look Down, and, well, let’s just say that my investment in really, really tiny razorblades finally paid off.

    (OK, f’real, somebody tipped Jennifer Crusie off, and she e-mailed me [again, some time on January 29th, did anybody hear an ungodly shriek emanating from SE Portland?] and offered to mail me the books. Whoever tipped La Crusie off, may the deity of your choice bless you, and you deserve to be showered with chocolate, booze and hot dancing naked men because OMG AUTOGRAPHED CRUSIE ARC SQUUUEEEEEEE.)

    [insert Reducto happy face]

    So, like, how late did you stay up reading last night?

    I went out to dinner last night and didn’t get a chance to settle down until midnight, and I was so exhausted that I fell asleep immediately. But tonight… Ah yes. I’m going to batten the hatches and READ.

  14. Amanda says:

    Congrats on the ARCs! I’m turning green.

    Could people recommend good manga? My daughter (14) is really into it & I’d like to see what manga’s all about. Maybe even start a, you know, like, conversation, with her. Maybe. Where should I start? What do you advise?

    Sorry for hijacking the thread!

  15. Samantha says:

    I think a good round of self-flagellation is required for receiving that much pleasure.

    Gonna have to change ya’ll to the LUCKY BITCHES.

  16. Sarandipity says:

    You know, I write a review column for a newspaper with a circulation of about, uh, seventeen hundred.  So I could totally use an ARC.  Oh, and I could post the review on my blog, so that’d be an extra…fourteen readers.

  17. Kate R says:

    no one reads my blog, so I’ll post it here. I WANT AN ARC TOO. I’ll trade Candy’s husband, my dog, the neighbor’s ‘66 Chevy and the cheesecake I just made for an ARC.

    Spread the word to Crusie, please.

  18. Sheri says:

    Oh you B****!!!  That is SO not fair!  AND they’re autographed?!  Damn….  Sounds like SOMEBODY is “sucking up” big time!!  :coolhmm: And I DID wonder what that ungodly screech was down here in California yesterday evening—thought the cat had gotten caught in the fan belt on the ‘Vette, but I guess it was just you…  Did I say damn already?  Damn!!

  19. I wonder how much that book would fetch on E-Bay??  At least one-fiddy, that’s my guess.

  20. Candy says:

    I know it’s SUCH bad form to gloat over my good fortune, but what the fuck, I’m an evil, heartless bitch:

    I can’t wait to go back and read my ARC. My AUTOGRAPHED ARC! Ha! I’m just counting the hours! GLEE! GLEEEEEEE! HAHAHAHA!

  21. Jeez, Candy, you mean you didn’t phone in sick and just spend the day reading?

    Not that I would ever do such a thing!

  22. Eileen says:

    Okay- you’ve had the book for hours- what can you tell us? Those of us filled with envy want to know…

  23. sybil says:

    How sad I had to look those up.  I really need to take down WtT or BM and lose my cruise!virginity.

    YAY candy!  LOL authors should do that to all ARC’s so they can know what scummy person would take a FREE book given to them and SALE it on ebay for profit before the author even releases it.

    Not that I have issue with that or anything ;).

  24. chris says:

    So how was it?

    Enquiring minds want to know?

  25. Jonquil says:

    Give!  Give!  How was it?  Was it good for you?

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