The Award Ceremony!

E.D’trix had the correct answers for today’s Personal Ad Contest: Princess Olympia St. Leger of Seize the Fire by Laura Kinsale. All hail E.D’trix! She rocketh our world and deserveth the tasty bon-bons, but alas all we have is this spurious Photoshopped prize.

Kneel, E.D’trix, and receive your title (and new Russian name):

Countess Slutskyev

Go forth and do your title proud!


General Bitching...

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  1. E.D'Trix says:

    Oh! I am so proud. (off to figure out how to display it proudly on my site…)

  2. Candy says:

    There are a few ways to do this, but here’s the code for the easiest way:

    <a href=“”>
    <img src=“”
    alt=“Countess Slutskyev” border=“0” /></a>

    Just decide where on your blog you’d like this to go, copy and paste the code and voila!

  3. Sarah says:

    Congratulations E.D’trix. I DIG your name – both the one you came up with, and the one we came up with!

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