Attention Smart Bitch Shoppers!

Candy and I are agog with the knowledge that we are a few hundred hits away from 10,000 visitors – a huge figure for a site that is just about 4 months old.

So! We have decided to launch a small contest, because we are Smart Bitches, after all!

The first person to send sarah @ or  candy @ a screencapture of the StatCounter at the bottom of the page registering you as the 10,000th visitor will win a $10 Amazon.Com gift certificate, and a chance to be a Guest Bitch reviewer.

Yes, that’s right, you’ll have almost enough to purchase your own romantic fiction novel (can you believe some of the prices these days?! It’s like gasoline, only with explicit sex!) AND you’ll get to review a romance of your choosing as a Guest Bitch reviewer. So start hitting reload like the obsessive-compulsive creatures we know you are. Good luck!



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  1. sybil says:

    you say obsessive-compulsive like it is a bad thing…

    guest bitch!  hee that is too much good fun.

  2. Beth says:

    Okay, I don’t know what’s more pathetic – that I immediately and frenziedly began hitting the refresh button, or that I got sick of it after like 6 clicks. 

    Actually, it’s probably most pathetic that though I’d love to be a Guest Bitch (huzzah!), my instant excitement came from knowing there was a contest that I actually had a chance of winning.

  3. Candy says:

    You can just frenziedly hit the F5 button if you have a Windows machine—that’ll refresh the page too. MUCH easier than clicking on a mouse button.

  4. Candy says:

    Holy shit, I just took a look: only 27 more hits to go…. C’mon, y’all, step up on the reloading! You’re so close you can taste it!

  5. sybil says:

    LOL I hit 10001 so someone has done it 😉

  6. Beth says:

    I will just pout because now it’s at 10005. I TOTALLY coulda won if I’d remembered to check back.

  7. Beth says:

    And thanks for the info on F5 – a valuable tip. I heart kb shortcuts, woo hoo!

  8. Sarah says:

    Gee, we haven’t heard anything. Anyone hit 10,000?

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