Cover Up

While we Bitches sometimes – though not always – read our romance with pride, and find nothing wrong with reading what the hell ever you want, perhaps you like to read your Harry Potter without divulging your reading material? Perhaps revealing that you’re reading it – maybe you got your copy a day early! – would be, somehow, bad?

Fear not!

Bitchery Reader Chicklet sent me a page FULL of Covers to Cover your Harry Potter.

Seriously, they are so rank and obscene, I’m wheezing from the laughter. Enjoy.

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  1. Bella says:

    *shaking fist*  Darn that Websense!!!

  2. shuzluva says:

    These are so good I’m printing one and using it…maybe I’ll print a few and just keep switching covers!

  3. Teddy Pig says:

    Oh hell, who got the cover of my new were-shark romance novel!

  4. Jen C says:

    I am dying.  That was awesome.

  5. My son sent these to me about two hours ago.  I knew there was a reason I loved that boy.

  6. MamaNice says:

    These just made the husband snort tortilla chips. Now he’s running to his own computer to send it on to a few friends.

    Crap like this is just another reason you bitches are made of awesome.

    my word is “schools58” – dunno if these covers would pass in school – buy you’d be the coolest f’er there.

  7. Rachel says:

    oh crap!!  I just grew testicles…..

  8. monimala says:

    By the time I got to The Prisoner of Ass Cabin, I had to reach for my rescue inhaler.

    I think that’s a good sign!  Thank you, Sarah!

  9. Sallyacious says:

    Those were hilarious so manly I grew chest hair. Thank you for sharing that link.

    Verification word youre24 Um. No. Not even close, but if you’re going to be off by that much, I’ll let you guess my weight, too.

  10. Jeri says:

    I just woke up the neighbors in the next town laughing.  Brilliant.

  11. Abby says:

    Am I crazy? I would totally read some of these, especially “Death Hall” and the Nazi one. And the one with Alan Rickman on it.

    “Suffice it to say that some absolutely astounding hardcore shit goes down.” Why don’t they write real cover copy like that!

    Thanks SB’s!

  12. Poison Ivy says:

    Loved them. Snickered a lot. Forwarded them to all the people who send me boring worthy articles from the NYT about the death (or is it dearth?) of culture.

  13. Charlene says:

    Did anyone else notice that “Ari Posner: Nazi Killer” is actually Barry Goldwater?

  14. lauren says:

    Alan Rickman is hot.

  15. Chrissy says:

    The disturbing thing is… the cleaner ones were more disturbing.

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