July Movie Selection: Sense and Sensibility (1995)

Ready for our July Smart Bitch Movie Matinee pick? I hope so!

It’s lovely airplane viewing, unless you’ll cry like I do every time I watch it: we’re going to be discussing Sense and Sensibility, the 1995 adaptation by Emma Thompson. (If you’d like an extra bit of delight, her acceptance speech for her Golden Globe win as screenwriter is just terrific.)

We have a lot of adaptations on the list o’ movies (and boy is it a long, long list o’ movies) but I wanted to do this one first because it’s one of our favorites. I hope you like it, too.

Sense and Sensibility is available for around $3-4 to rent and $12-15 to buy digitally on iTunes, Google:Play, and Amazon, and the DVD can be found at your local library, or cheaply online in new and used condition from Amazon or Alibris.

Join us Sunday, July 31, for our discussion of Sense and Sensibility!

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  1. CelineB says:

    Many years ago I worked at a video store and a women came in to rent Sense and Sensibility. She told me that she knew it sounded weird but she just had a craving to watch that movie again. I told her that wasn’t weird at all because I had had that feeling about Sense & Sensibility many times before. This pick is perfect timing since I’ve been wanting to break out my copy since I re-watched Persuasion a couple weeks ago!

  2. library addict says:

    One of my favorites. I bought the Australian region 4 release a few years ago just for the extra special features.

  3. Bea says:

    I don’t know if I’m able to see Alan Rickman….I haven’t been able to watch anything he’s in all year. I tried and I just … cry.

  4. kkw says:

    Hugh Laurie is just brilliant in this one! Watching him with his newspaper is my favorite part. Which, of all the things there are to like in this movie, is a very small detail to have fixated on.
    But I am not a huge fan of this movie, an opinion I can’t begin to defend. I blame Ang Lee: I never appreciate his movies properly. Who objects to a movie being too beautiful?! I do. I got problems, but beautiful bores me.

  5. Andi Bolter says:

    I just saw “Love and Friendship” based on a Jane Austen story which did have some funny bits but made me long for the crackle of Emma Thimpson’s S and S. And Xavier Samuel, pretty yummy as the young suitor, but can anyone match Hugh Grant?

  6. Sj Cottrell says:

    This movie holds a very special place in my heart. When I was going through a serious bout of depression, I would play the DVD almost every day. Just having it on in the background while I was at home helped me get through some really dark days.

  7. Cynthia Sax says:

    I watched this film today! I always enjoy it.

  8. Lora says:

    I love this movie. It’s where I first learned to love the late, great Rickman. And Emma Thomson, she can do no wrong. This is the one and only instance perhaps where I like a movie better than the book (I find Marianne insufferable in the book).

  9. mel burns says:

    Excellent choice!

    @SjCottrell: I hear ya sister! Sense and Sensibility is my go-to film when I feel blue too! Shakespeare in Love is another one I’ll play just to have in the background, music doesn’t seem work for me because my mind stays detached. Once I dragged a little TV/VCR into the bathroom and watched S&S (and others) while in the tub, I just kept hitting the hot water tap…..

  10. Lostshadows says:

    I’m in, but it’s destined to be part of a weird triple feature. (Just requested Ran(Kurosawa) and Scanners(Cronenberg) from ILL.)

  11. Alex says:

    Along with watching the movie you really should read Emma Thompson’s diary of the making of Sense & Sensibility. Some “behind the scenes”companion pieces just get in the way, but Ms Thompson’s wit really adds to the experience.

  12. Darice Moore says:

    I agree with Alex about her diary, which is fantastic. Also, I love the commentary track with Emma and Lindsay Doran, who discuss (among other things) the various choices made in changing from the original.

  13. Denise says:

    I own this one. On vacation. Grr.

  14. Liz says:

    My husband and I threw (chocolate) coins from the carriage as we left the church from our wedding because I watched this movie far too many times 🙂

  15. Library Lady says:

    So I own a lot of the Austen movies from the 90s (Emma, Mansfield Park, S&S, P&P w/ Colin Firth, Clueless), but this is a fave. I saw this when it first came out and I was too young to appreciate it, but it’s grown on me over the years. I wish Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson would do another movie together. Miss Alan Rickman and his non-villain roles.

  16. Alex says:

    Oh, it’s on like Donkey Kong! I have SOOOO MANY FEELINGS about this

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