Spring Fling Q&A Highlight

This afternoon prior to dinner, Julia Quinn and Cherry Adair gave an informal Q&A session that was, no kidding, sit-on-the-floor-there-are-no-more-chairs room only. I was on the floor. That’s how I know that.

Anyway, they answered questions about writing habits, rejection, revision, going back to older works to update or, in one case, rebuild them, and about success and joys of writing. This, however, was the highlight:

Q: Can you tell us about your first sale?

Cherry Adair: I had many first sales.
Julia Quinn: You can only lose it once…
Adair: My name is Cherry. I can lose it as many times as I want.  

Also: iPad autosubstitutions for this entry? Cherry Adder and Julia Quinine.


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  1. Carahe says:

    That right there makes me want to read Cherry Adair’s books.  If she can be that funny off the cuff, god only knows what she can manage with time to think it over.

    On a possibly unrelated note, captsha reads “feeling63” – as in feeling 63 different ways for Cherry to lose it?  Deliciously vulgar!

  2. Julia Quinn says:

    Julia Quinine?!  Excellent!  My malaria-fighting dh would be so proud…

  3. JoAnn says:

    Wonderful. Cherry Adair is so much fun to read and I just bought my first Julia Quinn (“What Happens In London”) after I laughed out loud reading the first page. Wish I had been there.

  4. Gary says:

    On a possibly unrelated note, captsha reads “feeling63” – as in feeling 63 different ways for Cherry to lose it?  Deliciously vulgar!

    Sadly, it made me think, “Feeling old, Old Man?”

    I’ll have to check out her books.

  5. Julia Quinn: You can only lose it once…
    Adair: My name is Cherry. I can lose it as many times as I want.

    Choke.  Um, Cherry… that line?  Excellent.

  6. Theresa Meyers says:

    Jealous because I’m not there. More updates please.

    Both women are divine (which makes me glad they are in my RWA chapter). Yep, that sounds exactly like Cherry. And yes, she really is like that all of the time. Have fun!

  7. Perry says:

    Love the quotes. Off to download some books.

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