Links of Fun and Win, With Bonus Excellent

Want toga porn? Joanne Renaud has a whole page of stola-tastic cover art from a bygone era, complete with a rather fascinating though short discussion of historical accuracy and the construction of historically-correct Roman clothing.

Speaking of clothing, and extra sleeves, I took a look online because I have decided that I would love to own a copy of the three armed heroine, as she is my avatar. Come on, what women do you know who wouldn’t think seriously about the advantages of an extra arm every now and again? Heads up – if you own a copy you might get three figures for it. Damn, Beavis. That’s nearly $99 per arm!

And thanks to Meghan for this link: NPR explores the idea of “mathematically impossible” using… wait for it…vampires. Yup, your favorite overpopulated genre and mine, used to illustrate electoral media coverage. How very awesome.

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  1. Spider (@ work) says:

    This is a bit better shot of the cover in question:

  2. RStewie says:

    That’s only if the bite of the vampire actually TURNS the humans!

    hahahahaha…WHY was that all I could think of, reading that?

  3. Randi says:

    Why would there be vampire making every night? The assumption (and in my mind a fallacious assumption) is that vampires are required (biologically? huh?) to create a new vampire every night. Without that assumption, the theorum breaks down. And…I don’t know about any one here, but I’ve never come across a tale where a vampire makes a new one every night…

  4. AgTigress says:

    Even the greatest artists have sometimes changed their minds about limbs, and simply left Version I in plain view when they move on to Version II.  In one of Rembrandt’s erotic etchings, which depicts a couple making love in a large four-poster bed, the woman has two left arms.
    Unfortunately, although the etching is well known, I have been unable to find an image online, so can’t provide a link – but you’ll find it in many of the standard volumes on Western erotic art.  I have even published it myself in one small book of erotica.

  5. Suze says:

    Nobody ever said people who read Mills & Boon romances were smart.

    Or people who illustrate Mills & Boon novels…

    Or people who WRITE Mills & Boon novels, for that matter.

    Well, that didn’t take long.  It was only the 16th comment on the photoshop disaster blog.  Is that too early to invoke Harlequin’s Law?

  6. lijakaca says:

    Three arms would be so great for stand-up parties…I always spill food on my self while trying to use a fork with one hand and holding a wineglass and plate in the other…

    spamword: consider72

    I can think of 72 activities that a third arm would com in handy with

  7. AgTigress says:

    Three arms would be so great for stand-up parties…

    How true! Four, or even more, might be even better.  Those Hindu deities knew a thing or two.

    I remember once, when clambering over some extremely rough mountainous terrain in the Eastern Desert in Egypt, trying to work out what physical attributes would be better for the task I was trying to accomplish than those that Nature had bestowed upon me.  Many more legs, I decided, and a much lower centre of gravity, and fewer fragile bones and easily-damaged important protuberances, like the skull.  Then I realised that I had designed a spider….

  8. Wryhag says:

    Actually, I think that’s the hero’s own mutated dick he’s holding.  Check out from whence the hand springeth.

  9. Thanks so much for the link, Sarah!  I wonder if you could get the book with the three-armed woman cheaper on Ebay.  Alibris is kind of expensive. 

    The NPR story is pretty funny… maybe that’s why I was never too keen about vampire stories.  😛

  10. Anonym2857 says:

    Well, gee—

    My copy of the three-armed lady isn’t new, but is in very good shape for its age… and signed to boot.  The connecting story, Candle in the Window, is also signed.  Perhaps I should move them into my ‘retirement portfolio’ pile w/ the two signed PMTs and other highly coveted first eds.

    who knows vampires aren’t real, even w/o mathematical evidence… but they scare the bejeebers out of me anyway

  11. Julianna says:

    I remember once, when clambering over some extremely rough mountainous terrain in the Eastern Desert in Egypt,

    Now [as an Egyptophile] I want to know why.

  12. AgTigress says:

    One doesn’t need a reason to be in the Eastern Desert (or the Western, come to that, or the Nile Valley, or the Delta, or any of the Oases), other than that it is beautiful.  But I was there because we were excavating at Mons Porphyrites.

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