Tag Archives: crystal anne
Book Review

The X-Files: Perihelion

The X-Files: Perihelion

This guest review is from Crystal Anne! Crystal Anne with An E comes to us from a sunny clime, but prefers to remain a pale indoor cat. She enjoys reading, cross-stitching something nerdy, going to see live music, and playing video games. She works as an autism consultant by day, got a degree in information science for fun, and currently serves on her local library advisory board. … Okay, now that I have made sure … Continue reading The X-Files: Perihelion

The Continuing Adventures of the Middle-Aged Gamer: Doing a Leap of Faith into Assassin’s Creed

This guest post is from Crystal Anne with An E. She comes to us from a sunny clime, but prefers to remain a pale indoor cat. She enjoys reading, cross-stitching something nerdy, going to see live music, and playing video games. She works as an autism consultant by day, got a degree in information science for fun, and currently serves on her local library advisory board. Ed. note: TW/CW: depictions of violence in the video … Continue reading The Continuing Adventures of the Middle-Aged Gamer: Doing a Leap of Faith into Assassin’s Creed

Guest Post: Library Board Adventuring One Year In

This guest post is from Crystal Anne. Crystal Anne with An E comes to us from a sunny clime, but prefers to remain a pale indoor cat. She enjoys reading, cross-stitching something nerdy, going to see live music, and playing video games. She works as an autism consultant by day, got a degree in information science for fun, and currently serves on her local library advisory board. … Last year, I wrote about my quest … Continue reading Guest Post: Library Board Adventuring One Year In

Adventures of a Middle-Aged Gamer, Part 2: Now With a PS5

Featured image for Adventures of a Middle-Aged Gamer, Part 2: Now With a PS5

Crystal Anne with An E comes to us from a sunny clime, but prefers to remain a pale indoor cat. She enjoys reading, cross-stitching something nerdy, going to see live music, and playing video games. She works as an autism consultant by day, got a degree in information science for fun, and currently serves on her local library advisory board. You can read Part I of Adventures of a Middle-Aged Gamer here.  … Hello, kids. … Continue reading Adventures of a Middle-Aged Gamer, Part 2: Now With a PS5

Book Review

Charm City Rocks by Matthew Norman

Charm City Rocks

Crystal Anne with An E comes to us from a sunny clime, but prefers to remain a pale indoor cat. She enjoys reading, cross-stitching something nerdy, going to see live music, and playing video games. She works as an autism consultant by day, got a degree in information science for fun, and currently serves on her local library advisory board. … Sometimes, you find the right book at the exact right time. It’s not the … Continue reading Charm City Rocks by Matthew Norman

Adventures of a Middle-Aged Gamer

Featured image for Adventures of a Middle-Aged Gamer

This writing was brought to you in high-definition and surround sound by Crystal Anne with An E. Crystal is a Hufflepuff who works as an autism consultant by day and goes to Library School at night. She reads a lot, she cross-stitches a lot, and is always ready to make someone a reading list. … So a couple of months ago, I decided to dive back into a hobby that I hadn’t been heavily involved … Continue reading Adventures of a Middle-Aged Gamer

Book Review

Guest Review: A Heart of Blood and Ashes by Milla Vane

A Heart of Blood and Ashes

Today’s guest review comes from Crystal Anne With An E, who has written a few guest posts before! Crystal Anne With An E is an autism consultant by day, goes to library school by night. She reads a lot, cross-stitches with a vengeance, and is a Hufflepuff, because honey badgers don’t give a shit. … CW/TW: All of them. Child abuse, spousal abuse, animal death, discussion of rape, patriarchy being assholes, gaslighting, possible/likely miscarriage So … Continue reading Guest Review: A Heart of Blood and Ashes by Milla Vane

Book Review

Guest Review: Chosen by Kiersten White


This guest review was written by Crystal Anne With An E. Crystal reads a lot, cross-stitches, and is an autism consultant by day and goes to library school by night. She is a Hufflepuff, because honey badgers don’t give a shit. Crystal Anne also reviewed Slayer, the first book in this duology. … Well, folks, guess who’s back, back again. It seemed unfair to review the first in Kiersten White’s Slayer series and not hit … Continue reading Guest Review: Chosen by Kiersten White

Book Review

Guest Squee: Slayer by Kiersten White


NB: We have a suspicion that many of the Bitchery are Buffy fans, which means this squee is in good company. This review from Crystal Anne With An E was originally graded “A with Extra Squee Because Buffy,” but we felt bumping up up to a full on squee was fair. Crystal reads a lot, cross-stitches, and is an autism consultant by day and goes to library school by night. She is a Hufflepuff. … … Continue reading Guest Squee: Slayer by Kiersten White