Tag Archives: alzheimers
Book Review

Earls Trip by Jenny Holiday

Earls Trip

This guest review is from Danielle Fritz. Danielle is a former librarian who has a special affection for children’s lit and books about the funeral industry. She first cut her criticism teeth as a fanfic writer. A resident of the upper midwest, she’s learned to love beer and tater tot casserole and tolerate long winters. Most nights will find her cuddled up with her pups and wearing out her wrists with yet another crochet project. … Continue reading Earls Trip by Jenny Holiday

Book Review

Not Like The Movies by Kerry Winfrey

Not Like the Movies

Content warning: The heroine’s father has Alzheimers and her caretaking and grief over this are a big part of the plot. Also, there’s a bit of a dysfunctional family (absent mother, charming but useless brother). Not Like The Movies is an odd book to review. It’s a RomCom set against the backdrop of a lot of pain and grief and insecurity, and I found it fairly depressing to read, perhaps because aspects of Chloe’s personality … Continue reading Not Like The Movies by Kerry Winfrey