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The Young Blood

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The Young Blood


Sabine Banchory is a sensible, intelligent, and eminently capable woman—which is why she was forced to marry a short-sighted reprobate. She tries to keep her husband in line while he fritters away her dowry at gambling dens and flaunts his affairs.

The Earl of Kingston is just the sort of man she most despises. He’s a notorious rake who wastes his considerable natural talents on seduction, often dragging the women he targets into the mire of scandal and disgrace. And all for what, a bit of pleasure?

When the smooth-talking, sinfully handsome and strangely perceptive earl sets his sights on her, she doesn’t bother to drive him away. He’ll soon learn she’s immune to such temptations.

Isn’t she?

The Young Blood by Erin Satie
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