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The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture

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The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture


One of the most significant government reports in American history, this is the complete official summary report—with fully searchable text and notes—of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation of the Central Intelligence Agency’s interrogation and detention programs launched in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

Based on over six million internal CIA documents, the report details secret prisons, prisoner deaths, and interrogation practices that have led many to call it “The Torture Report.” The report also examines charges that the CIA deliberately deceived elected officials about the extent and legality of its operations.

Over five years in the making, and delayed from publication by Agency-led protests after its declassification in April, 2014, this is the full and unexpurgated summary report as finally released by the United States government.

The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
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