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13 essays on the importance of representation in science fiction and fantasy, with an introduction by author Alex Dally MacFarlane. Proceeds from the sale of this collection go to support the Carl Brandon Society.
Full table of contents:
Introduction by Alex Dally MacFarlane.
“Parched” by Mark Oshiro.
“Boys’ Books” by Katharine Kerr.
“Clicking” by Susan Jane Bigelow.
“The Princess Problem” by Charlotte Ashley.
“Autism, Representation, Success” by Ada Hoffmann.
“Gender in Genre” by Kathryn Ryan.
“‘Crazy’ About Fiction” by Gabriel Cuellar.
“Evil Albino Trope is Evil” by Nalini Haynes.
“Options” by Joie Young.
“Non-binary and Not Represented” by Morgan Dambergs.
“Representation Without Understanding” by Derek Handley.
“Shards of Memory” by Ithiliana.
“I Don’t See Color” by Michi Trota.
“SFF Saved My Life” by Nonny Blackthorne.
Afterword by Jim C. Hines.
Invisible by Jim Hines
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