What are Your Pets Up To?

Lara suggested this as a community query, and I’m so here for it: what drama, mayhem, shenanigans or cuteness are your pets up to lately? 

In my house, we have one dog and two cats. Buzz, who to my knowledge has never been a solo dog before, has adjusted to life without his brother, Zeb, who left us in August. He takes excellent naps with his feet in the air and has been spotted hanging out with Wilbur, who also misses Zeb. (They were buds.)

Buzz, a brown and white spaniel mix, and Wilbur, a marmalade tabby, lie on their sides facing each other on a dark blue loveseat. Buzz is looking at the camera and Wilbur is looking at Buzz, resting his back end on a purple pillow

Buzz also learned very quickly that I put a low-temperature heating bad beneath the blanket on his dog bed, and he is a verrrry happy boy.

Buzz sleeps on a blue dog bed with a blue and white print blanket on top, very sleep, much snore.

Meanwhile, Katie and Wilbur continue to figure out how to get along. Wilbur FLIRTS with her ALL THE TIME.

He chirps and streeeeeeetches out toward her which she is NOT impressed by, and he desperately wants to be her bff. She is not interested.

But the other night, this happened and we all pretended we didn’t see anything.

Wilbur the orange tabby and Katie, the much smaller black tabby sit probably 8 inches apart on a grey loveseat and they aren't causing trouble. There's an orange and black quilt behind wilbur.

Amanda: Linus stood over a lit candle and refused to move. I had to move it before he would and he definitely burned his tummy hair. He was unbothered.

In good Toast news, he’ll join us and snooze in the living room while we’re watching TV.

Toast, a light orange longhaired cat, sits inside a halloween scratching box made of corrugated cardboard and looks up at the camera

Toast, a long long furry boi, is stretched out on the end of the sofa taking up lots of room. His front paws are folded over and it's sleepy time

Toast frequently tries to get as close to Linus as possible

Toast, who is orange all over, and Linus, who is also very fluffy and mostly white with orange spots, sit side by side on a blue chair

Sarah: Aw, curly feets!

Lara: We have a new couch and I’m desperate for Agatha and Thalia, our cats, to curl up on it together, but so far they seem to be working in shifts, taking turns on the couch. My attempts to force them to share the couch have been met with feline disdain.

Elyse: Muzzy has decided that Fish is her boyfriend and Fish’s one entire braincell is struggling with that concept.

Fish, a tabby and white longhair, licks Muzzy's head while Muzzy snuggles against him in the cat tree. Muzzy is all black except for white fur around her muzzle, hence her name.

Chips continues to be the sweetest baby ever.

Chips, a tabby with white feet, sleeps on a white fleece

And Dewey continues to long to be an only child.

Dewey, a light orange tabby with big ears, regally looks out the window and ignores the other cats

Tara: This dog, who never hangs out in my office downstairs, was begging for some of my apple and peanut butter. Yes, she got some.

A white terrier looks longingly at the camera because Tara has apple and peanut butter and she WANTS SOME PLEASE.

Sometimes Ember hides in the rubber plant.

A white dog with floppy ears in a grey fleece sweatshirt sits on the back of the sofa and hides behind a rubber tree plant so her nose and eyes are visible, and her feet, but not her mouth

Carrie: At Effie Yeaw Nature Center, Einstein the tortoise, the one who acts like a dog, refuses to adapt to his new enclosure so instead he’s back to following the staff around the office. He is supposed to be brumating. Einstein does not want to brumate. Einstein wants to climb under our desks and get tangled up in cords and need rescuing.

Carrie is wearing brown pants and pink slides and Einstein the tortoise is slowly checking out her shoes most avidly

Einstein likes my shoes.

OK, your turn! 

Special treat (shhhh): I’ve enabled image uploads in the comments, so you should be able to share images of your pets.

So please, tell us what your pets are up to! Drama? Ongoing soap operas of betrayal and passion? Naps with feets in the air? 

Let’s make this a delightful thread of pets and mayhem to get lost in for anyone who needs a furry, happy place. Please tell us what your pets are up to!


Random Musings

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  1. DeborahT says:

    I love this! Fantastic to see all the fuzzballs…and, uh, shellbabies?…and big puffy red hearts to Dewey. Love the tortoise – I just checked out the nature centre website and I see there’s a Swainson’s hawk resident! I was a volunteer wildlife rehabber for a number of years and we had a dark phase Swainson’s named Blackjack who was my guy. Miss that dude so much.

    This is Sascha and Lily. Sascha aka Liquid Cat is the cuddliest feline I’ve ever known. He’s a bit of a bully when it comes to his sister Lily who is maybe 2/3 his size, but she can hold her own. She’s a torbie, and with that comes a healthy dose of tortitude. She’s super smart too.

  2. Neveth says:

    Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossoski De Rolo IV (aka The Child) is enjoying the last of fall before the snow starts and he refuses to set foot in it. He tolerates the leash only because it means he gets to roll in the dirt.

  3. OuchOuchOuch says:

    Terence Archibald McNerence, aka Baby Man, remains obsessed with the grungy 1980s sleeping bag his grandparents felt I needed to take when they moved. If he moves, one of his siblings (both being disgruntled just out of frame) will pounce upon the stinky nylon and refuse to budge when he meanders back. He is a sweet potato and we would be lost without him.

  4. Stacey says:

    Bowie is 3 months old and is excellent at his job of bringing chaos to all corners of the household. I turned my back for 10 seconds yesterday and found him in my pie crust bowl (which was fortunately empty still).

  5. Lisa J says:

    My babies are Rex, a border collie and Jaya (yes, she is named for Nalini Singh’s Jaya in the Psy/Changeling series), a mix of doberman, viszla, and mastiff. Rex is my old boy and he was left alone after we lost Mak (my husky/lab mix). Jaya is my pandemic puppy who has way too much energy and makes Rex give me the “What were you thinking?” look on a regular basis.

    They are both rescues and I love them to bits and pieces.

  6. Kitty Boodle wants to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Boodle is yawning and ready for her afternoon nap in this photo.

    Kitty Boodle is my mom’s cat, and she stars in my monthly reading recommendation newsletter. My mom is always saying that Boodle needs more royalties for being in my newsletter. LOL.

    Thanksgiving is my favorite weekend of the year, and I hope everyone has a good, safe holiday. Happy Thanksgiving! ❤️

  7. Kris says:

    My two adorable felines Roxy and Ozzie are sadly no longer with us. Roxy was the most intelligent cat who ever owned me. Ozzie wasn’t bright but he was an empath. Whenever I was in a crap mood, he would park himself on me and stick his big beautiful melon head in my face. Hard to be upset when you’re looking at that. This is my favourite photo

  8. Gillian B says:


    Don’t show this to Sneezy or you’ll hear the SQUEEE for weeks.

  9. Gillian B says:

    Don’t show this one to Sneezy – she’ll be SQUEEEING for weeks.

    Miss Bilqis being dignified.

    (pls delete previous one)

  10. DonnaMarie says:

    I have no pet of my own, but my pet-by-proxy will be accompanying my brothers to dinner today, which will inevitably lead to much ado as her excitement leads to testing the rules. I have my big blue exercise ball at the ready for blocking the way into the kitchen. It is the only thing on the planet that intimidates her. She’s an American Pit Bullies Her Way Into Your Personal Space Terrier.

  11. Silver James says:

    Let’s see if I can figure out how to add photos…
    First, Boone Bear (our Newf/Golden mix rescue) crossed the Rainbow Bridge this past spring. He was 17 which is amazing for a giant breed. Jake (not from State Farm) has adjusted to being an only dog, mainly because he is my service dog and pretty much goes with his people everywhere. We were the 5th family to adopt him from the shelter and he’s had his furever home here for 4 years now. Jake is a Newf/Pyrenees mix. 1st pic is him in work mode. 2nd is getting belly rubs. 3rd? Lets just say you should be lucky enough to find the one who looks at you like Jake looks at my hubby (who is eating a chocolate chip cookie–I think Jake wants the cookie, not LG. )

    Next, we have Loki, the Demon Lord of Mayhem. He came as a feral kitten in a rainstorm. He refuses pets by hand but will throw himself in front of you demanding belly rubs with toes, which he then attacks. He also likes hide-n-seek on the dining room table (which is used for seasonal decor, not eating), zoomies, and attacking his big brother Jake’s tail.

    And last, the UCDS (Universal Cat Distribution System) delivered Pete to us a year ago. Pete was a TNR that showed up and moved into our garage over last winter (cat door in the garage door installed by my non-cat-person husband because…reasons!). He has since made himself at home, though does enjoy outdoor time but come nighttime, he’s sleeping on the bed. He also judges people (and my writing from the cat tower at the end of my desk). A lot. I also suspect that he is hoarding the one brain cell allegedly shared by all orange cats. I’m not sure what I’d do without these three!

  12. jiobal says:

    My tiny fluffy diva wants to be Lady Pudding (RIP) when she grows up. Right now she’s bossing our senior boy around, who is twice her size and three times her age, and he adores her for it. He also loves cuddling with me at five a.m., but still startles at sudden noises during the day. He’s unfortunately very smart and hides when the beloved malty treats come out, because he figured out they precede a visit to the Vet. Both of them bring a lot of joy to my life (as their predecessors did) – especially when they snuggle up together, radiating contentment.

  13. Stephanie says:

    This is a delightful thread!
    My dog, Jonas, has been taking lessons in How To Be A Cat from my two cats (Ezra and Vincent), and they’ve been trying to figure out what this cat-sized creature who definitely isn’t a cat, is. (The dog was adopted in February.)
    As a bonus, here’s his Halloween costume, as Indiana Jonas. I was, of course, Professor Jones, Sr, in a tweed suit.

  14. Amanda says:

    Just want to say all of your pets are just TOO STINKIN’ CUTE!

  15. AnneL says:

    This is Benchley, an eight year old Bernese Mountain Dog, who gave us a huge scare a week ago and had to have emergency surgery for bloat (that miraculously cost almost the exact amount of our pet insurance minus the deductible), he is now home, sassy, has figured out to eat and drink with the cone and does not understand why he is not allowed into the living room to jump on the couch to play video games with his “boy.”

  16. Erica says:

    Can you spot the canine? Boise, our rescue of 8 months (he turns 5 this month), likes to burrow. When he is not ordering new dog toys from Amazon.

  17. Erica says:

    This is Boise, burrowing. Can you spot the canine.

  18. Penny says:

    Kaipo is 5 years old, a rescue from a feral litter or kittens and is super skittish around anyone who isn’t me. Twisty-ties are her favorite toys, second only to stealing my socks. Her resting floof face is on point… Also she has claimed possession of my reading chair. And she sometimes gets tired of me taking pictures of her.

  19. Pocket says:

    I live in the French countryside where there’s no traffic except for tractors and cows moving from one field to another! Somehow, we keep being visited by (abandoned?) wandering cats who end up staying on… We have 5 catmates at the moments. The black ones are sisters who arrived last winter.

  20. Susan says:

    Here’s a couple pics of my sweet lab-shepard mix who passed on in 2021. Lived to age 14. Miss her everyday.

    The exciting news is we just adopted Fido this last Sunday. He kind of looks like a Border Collie but bigger and no herding instinct at all. He’s super sweet and cuddly. Pretty sure someone dumped him in a rural area. Saved from scheduled euthanasia by a wonderful rescue group. We love him!!

    Happy Thanksgiving

  21. Susan says:

    Of course I missed getting my other photo in. Here’s Rocket RIP

  22. Heather says:

    This is Franny, she is almost 1 year old. Like most Corgis, she has strong opinions about most things, especially that we aren’t feeding her enough!

  23. EC Spurlock says:

    Just want to say I love this thread and thank you all for sharing your furbabies. I am not allowed to have pets in my current residence and am allergic to most cats anyway (except Siamese – go figure) and desperately miss my bunnies. Thank you all for this virtual fur therapy.

  24. Debbie says:

    Thanks everyone for sharing. Luna is our pandemic cat who loves to explore but is terrified of orange traffic cones and yard waste bags.

  25. Beth says:

    I have a few fuzzy family members who are always getting up to schenanigans, but I also work for an animal hospital that also has a rescue program. This is our new adoption campaign.
    Amelia came to us after a plea from the NYC shelter, who couldn’t manage her medical needs. She was skinny and sassy and wonderful. She had surgery on her thyroid… And now she’s chubby and sassy and still wonderful, just as we should all hope to be in our old age 🙂

  26. Beth says:

    Oops, it wouldn’t let me post a second photo for some reason.
    Although my heart belongs with the special seniors. Who doesn’t love kittens? And Mr. Meowser is one of the best.

  27. Starling says:

    Marty McFly is mostly concerned with getting ALL THE ATTENTION from students at the nearby college campus. (It works, too – they love him!) I am officially his emotional support human, though, so if I am away for a day or two, he turns into Henri, Le Chat Noir.

  28. Stefka says:

    So fun to celebrate our furry reading companions! Treats for all…

    Chica has entered her senior years and has Moods, which often involve biting. Thankfully she sleeps more and more, which maximizes her sweetness.

  29. Stefka says:

    And RIP, my grey rescue boy (and soul kitty) Milo, who was the most perceptive, expressive feline I’ve ever met. I’m certain he continues to judge Chica and find her Not Worthy.

  30. AM Scott says:

    Thirty years of German Shepherds and they’ve never been allowed on the couch, but Zoe and Shepherd Book broke us.

    Zoe is almost 5, and Book is coming up on one. He’s a recent rescue, a half GSD half pittie, all destructive and terribly cuddly. Zoe is a rehome and a complete anxiety case. Now that she’s getting used to him, Book is a calming influence. Sometimes.

    Yes, they’re named after Firefly!

  31. Kris Bock says:

    Bear Bear demonstrates his advanced Yogiferret poses and ability to use his own belly as a pillow.

  32. Karen D says:

    You all have the most adorable pets! Funnily enough, so do I:-) Blue-eyed Piper is a sweet girl who still has her skittish moments even after living with us for 10 months. Young tiger-striped Casey is a chaos monster who upends our lives almost daily. She’s progressed to where some pets and head-scratching are allowed. Finally, Sebastian is 15.5 years old and he *still* vehemently disagrees with our decision to add these youngsters to the household.

  33. Claire m says:

    My German Shepherd who has never growled in her life. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. This is my mean cat who is affectionate when she feels like it but far more likely to growl and bite but loves my dog.

  34. Maureen says:

    I’ve never posted an image in a comment before, so not sure if this will work! If it does, this is my cat Mewlan-who delighted me by curling up with one of my favorite Mary Stewart books, Touch Not the Cat. I laugh every time I look at it. I also have 2 more cats and 2 dogs, who are equally delightful. If I manage this photo I might add a few more!

  35. Christy says:

    This is Maggie Katie, my poodle/bouvier/ border collie mix. Loves to run and spontaneously stole a frisbee from my next door neighbour. When she dropped it at my feet, I throes it in the air and she caught it. She will play frisbee for hours, even in sub- zero (Celsius) degree weather. She might be a bit spoiled(second photo).

  36. Christy says:

    Oops, photo in wrong order . First one was sleeping on my bed. Next one is her in winter playing fetch.

  37. Pocket says:

    You met Zig and Zag, two of our five catmates yesterday (https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/2023/11/what-are-your-pets-up-to/#comment-1069991)
    Here are the other three. They are Short Cat (because no tail) The Boss Of All The Cats, looking down at Long Cat (aka Lump) on her blue cushion. These two found their way in the garage in the middle of winter a few years ago; they were just skin and bones. Tiny Cat (who’s not tiny anymore) arrived on our doorstep as a very, very tiny kitten a couple of years later.
    All five are female and I paid out for these three to be sterilised (€€€ ouch!). Our village “city hall” now has an agreement with a veterinary practice nearby and I was able to get the last two catmates treated at no cost.
    They’re happy cats!

  38. Pocket says:

    It’s a hard life!

  39. Floating Lush says:

    Genie and Sergio are living their best “it hasn’t snowed yet” life in MN. Sergio loves food, and Genie loves being comfy.

  40. sarrible says:

    I just got home from a nine-day vacation yesterday, and Rufus has almost forgiven me for not taking him to Europe. He is manfully enduring my constant pets and snuggles.

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