October 26, 2017 Podcast Recommendations

Time for more podcast episode recommendations. I know many of you are like me and listen to an increasing number of podcasts, so here are a few episode recommendations I think you might like.

Query podcast with cameron esposito sitting with her elbows on a shiny table wearing a red leather jacket that is ridiculously coolEpisode 7 of Queery with Cameron Esposito in an interview with Stephanie Beatriz, and it is one of those episodes that’s so good I listened to it twice, and asked my husband to listen to it, too. They talk about eating disorders, Beatriz’s acting life, and a range of topics including bi erasure and bisexuality.

But the part that rocked my brain is toward the end when they discuss being hard on yourself. Specifically, they talk about believing that if you succeed because, as Beatriz puts it, “you’re shitty to yourself,” you have to keep on being shitty to yourself in order to succeed. Mind: BLOWN. When you hear Cameron Esposito talk about Jeffrey Tambor, that’s when you should start listening closely. (I listened to that part of this interview at least three times to make sure my brain got the message!)

You can find Queery on their website, on Stitcher, on iTunes, or wherever you pod your casts (or cast your pods?).

Hurry Slowly podcast with a stopwatch drawing with an anchor inside it followed by the words Hurry in white and slowly in goldHurry Slowly is a brand new podcast that’s, in their words, “about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient through the simple act of slowing down.”

The first episode is with Basecamp CEO Jason Fried, and it’s fascinating listening. They talk a lot about reframing what work is, and how effective work happens sometimes in complete opposition of what we’ve been told is efficient workplace behavior. I love a discussion that rests on the foundation of looking at how people do things and asking, “Ok, but what if we didn’t do it that way?”

This podcast episode made for very interesting listening as I was finishing up Deep Work by Cal Newport ( A | BN | K | G | AB ) before my library borrow expired. I like that both Newport and Fried defend vigorously the idea of firm boundaries for “work time” and “not work time.”

I also found a LOT to think about in Fried’s discussion of the “expectation of immediate response” that has become our normal. Every form of communication speeds us up in expected response time, from mail via horseback and ship to telegram to telephone to beeping to texting to instant messaging to Facebook to Twitter to Snapchat and on and on. If the message travels faster, the expectation is that the response will be just as fast. (I also recognized my own dislike of talking on the phone as not merely based in anxiety but also in the fact that talking is so much slower than reading words. I may like the idea of slowing down – and I really, really do – but I don’t know if I’ll ever like talking on the phone.)

You can find Hurry Slowly on their website, on Stitcher, on iTunes, and wherever you access your podcasts.

Still Processing Podcast header with photographs of the two hosts back to backI’ve already recommended Still Processing from the NY Times, hosted by Wesley Morris and Jenna Wortham several times, but yet again there is an episode I found so stunningly thought-provoking I stood still in the kitchen, knife in hand and mouth hanging open, until one of my kids was like, “Mom? You ok?”

Their episode We Take a Knee explores the protest among NFL players that started with Colin Kaepernick, and their conversation is varied and ridiculously edifying. Morris reframes the NFL draft in a way that seems so obvious once it’s pointed out but that I’d never consider. That was when I stood in the kitchen with my mouth hanging open, and this is despite my having broken up with football several years ago.

This is a podcast wherein I watch closely for new episodes and listen to them as soon as they arrive. You can find Still Processing on the NY Times website, on Stitcher, on iTunes, or wherever you get your fine podcasts.

Spooked in black letters over a blacked out sun, almost like an eclipseIf you’d like to be creeped out, Spooked from WNYC and Snap Judgment is releasing a banquet of scary stories to give you the jibblies. Ghosts and spirits, hauntings and malevolent entities – there are a lot of stories to choose from in the weeks leading to Halloween.

You can find Spooked at their website, on Stitcher, on iTunes, or wherever your podcasts reside.

Jules & James podcast logoAnd one last recommendation, one that several of you have mentioned in the comments. This show was also a sponsor of my own podcast a few weeks back.

Since then, I’ve become totally addicted to Jules & James, a fictional storytelling podcast about an American in Paris (James) and a British filmmaker in London (that would be Jules) who connect over a misdialed number and end up chatting once a week at a specific time for exactly 30 minutes.

In the early episodes, James’ performance bugged me and he sounded too much like “a really nice guy” for me to want to listen to him, but he grew on me as his more of his character was revealed. It’s a really fun concept, and their slowly development relationship within a specific time and space where they are two strangers who are totally honest with one another makes for very fun listening while I cross stitch The Never Ending Project.

You can find Jules & James on their website, on Stitcher, on iTunes, and where you get your podcasts.

What podcast episodes have you really liked lately? Any you’d recommend to us? The dogs always need walking, so I’m always looking for more to listen to! 

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  1. Jill Q. says:

    Yay! I’m glad you shared in the “Jules & James” love. I agree it’s not perfect, but I love dialogue and I love the simple concept. I’m so bummed they’re I hiatus right now.

  2. Lostshadows says:

    I recently stumbled across “Kevin and Ursula* Eat Cheap” (kuec), which is, pretty much, exactly what it says on the tin.

    The hosts eat a bunch of convenience food and give you their impressions of it. And they also talk about other things, especially after they start including alcohol in the reviews.

    There’s some adult language, but probably not NSFW territory. (YMMV)

    I’ve been accessing it through here: http://kuec.wikia.com/wiki/Episode_1 since I can’t seem to get Lisbyn to go back past a certain point in the archives. (The first two episodes don’t seem to be there anyway.) They started back in 2010, so it’s a pretty extensive archive.

    *Ursula Vernon, author of the Hamster Princess books. Kevin is her husband.

  3. Emily C says:

    The most recent two-part episodes of Reply All called The Skip Tracer became something totally different than I expected. The process need in me was initially intrigued by the details of how bounty hunter Michelle Gomez went about finding the “fugitive” in question. (who absolutely needs to be a heroine in her own romance novel, in fact if anyone knows of a series with a competent kick-ass female bounty hunter- besides Stephanie Plum who just annoyed me after a few- let me know!)
    But it turned from just an episode about finding someone who doesn’t want to be found to a thoughtful insight into illegal immigration. Highly recommend it!

  4. Kristi says:

    Loving this new Selfie Podcast by Kristen Howerton and Sarah James. All about yourself, self care, and all sorts of fun issues. Loving it!

  5. lateresita says:

    I love Still Processing! I listened to your episode on Whitney Houston at least 3 times!

  6. My favorite podcast right now (well, aside from yours) is By the Book. Two women read and live by self-help books for two weeks at a time and then talk about their experiences. It’s SO hilarious!

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