March Movie Selection: Love & Basketball (2000)

Time for our March Smart Bitches Movie Matinee pick! This one is rather obvious, since it’s March and there’s some talk of basketball this time of year. But I’ve also never (to my own embarrassment) seen this movie, and I am so excited about it.

Love & Basketball came out in 2000, but based on reviews I’ve been reading, it holds up marvelously as a story and as a romance. HuffPo published an oral history of the making of the film in 2015, though if you want to be entirely spoiler-free, don’t read it until after you’ve watched the movie.

Love & Basketball is available for around $3 to rent and $10-15 to buy digitally on iTunes, Google:Play, and Amazon, and the DVD can be found at your local library, or cheaply online in new and used condition from Amazon or Alibris.

We’ll be discussing the film on Sunday, March 26th, and we hope you’ll join the conversation with us then!

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  1. Pamala says:

    This is one of my favorite films! And sadly, WOC director Gina Prince-Blythewood, who should’ve been a superstar and directing shit all the place after this film, didn’t get ANY work in Hollywood for a number of years. She directed The Secret Life of Bees and recently, Beyond the Lights. Her IMdb page says she’s directed something that’s in post-production for HBO so that’s good.

    I’ll be excited for the discussion of Love and Basketball with everyone 🙂

  2. Kim M. says:

    Where and how can I join the conversation on March 26?

  3. CelineB says:

    I love this one so much! A couple of weeks ago I flipped past it on tv a couple weeks ago and had to stop and watch. FYI it’s on VH1 today at 2:55 and 9 PM central time.

  4. CelineB says:

    It’s also on VH1 10 central on Tuesday, March 21st.

  5. Jacqueline says:

    @Kim M GOOD QUESTION For I too wanna know how and where I can throw my fangirl ass into the convo!

    I’ve not seen this movie and if it’s as good as it looks, hellfire, I TOTES COULD REVIEW IT ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL! I mean, while I normally just review/fangirl over romance novels and romance Asian dramas, exceptions are a thing!

    I tend to forget that even though the rom-com/romance film industry* is dead America, the years past have been good to us with the hearteye lovey doves.


  6. @Amanda says:

    @Kim & Jacqueline: A discussion post will run on March 26th!

  7. Jacqueline says:

    @Amanda Good job! We were…um…totally testing you. Yep, yep! It was to see if YOU knew the answer because ha…obviously we knew that obvious answer. *shuffles feet while whistling*

    (LOL But for real, thanks. NOW I HAZ ZE KNOWLEDGE!)

  8. Carolyn B. says:

    One of my all-time favorites!

  9. Adele says:

    Thank you so much for choosing this film. It’s one of my absolute faves and rarely doesn’t anyone know what i am taking about. xx

  10. Kara says:

    Husband and I got married in 2000, and for our honeymoon we went on a cruise. This movie played in a loop for the entire 7 days. It is wonderful and I have extra nostalgia for it because I first saw it on my honeymoon.

  11. Jacqueline says:

    @Kara Oh my gosh that’s fricking fracking ADORABLE! I love when media ends up having a sentimental tie in to our hearteyes. The closest this came for me was Nina Rowan’s book A Study In Seduction. I lost my fangirl shit over it on my YouTube channel for a billion reasons…not least of which is that it was the first novel I read from haul at The Ripped Bodice when I visited last year.

    That pales EPIC ASS HARD in comparison to your anecdote, but I love the idea that the stories we fall in love with can mean even more depending on how we discovered them.

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