Friday Videos Love Adult Wednesday

From Gry, our Norwegian Friday Videos Correspondent, sent me a set of these – Adult Wednesday Addams, written by and starring Melissa Hunter. I think this one is my favorite:

I hope your weekend is badass and giving only the compliments you welcome and appreciate!

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  1. GHN says:

    Tee-hee. Don’t tell Wednesday to smile! 😀

  2. I have been loving these so very, very much. Thanks for helping to spread the word about awesome Adult Wednesday Addams.

  3. jimthered says:

    Hah! Incidentally, I sometimes wondered if the members of the Addams Family actually did any of the terrible things they seemed to suggest, or if it was all talk? (Though I guess for primetime tv, they couldn’t be shown torturing and murdering annoying people.)

  4. denise says:


  5. azteclady says:

    Thank you, I needed the smile today.

  6. DonnaMarie says:

    So, I’m sitting here snort laughing and spewing my coffee. This is just about the best way to start a morning. Absolute genius. I am hooked. I am subscribing. Hell, I’ll even donate. Thank you Sarah and Gry. Thank you!

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