Friday Videos Love Time Lapse and Nature

From Aurora comes this amazing time lapse of Yosemite. One of the things I love about traveling around Australia is how different it looks from the US (which sounds kind of obvious but wow, does it look so different and it's amazing). This time-lapse is also otherworldly, just how I like my time lapses. 


Yosemite Range of Light from Shawn Reeder on Vimeo.

I hope your weekend is full of beautiful things to look at and appreciate. 


Friday Videos

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  1. This doesn’t quite look real, it’s so beautiful. I’m glad you’re enjoying your time in Australia, Sarah and it was lovely to meet you at the RWA conference and at the Penguin function while you were here.
    We Aussies love our country and think it is unique and even though I think that can be said by anyone of their own country, it’s nice to hear others say that too. However, I’ve been to the US and loved my time there and found many amazing, breathtaking sites there too that were so different from the ones I’m used to. That’s why travelling is great, isn’t it?

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