SBTB Bestseller

SBTB/DA Bestsellers: 15-22 January 2013

Top Ten ListBooks on sale! Books that sound really neat  — and books that come with recommendations from folks who read them long ago. The top ten list, culled from the secret shrouded mysteries of our affiliate data, is here for your perusal. Enjoy! 

  1. The Devil's Delilah by Loretta Chase | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  2. Something Like Normal by Trish Doller | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  3. I Love the Earl by Caroline Linden | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  4. Scandal Wears Satin by Loretta Chase | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  5. The One that Got Away by Kelly Hunter | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  6. The Sandalwood Princess by Loretta Chase | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  7. How to Get Over Your Ex by Nikki Logan | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  8. Georgian Court at Kensington Palace by Lucy Worsley | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  9. Lord Grey's List by Maggie Robinson | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks
  10. One Night in London by Caroline Linden | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks

Hope your weekend is completely fabulous and filled with excellent reading! 


General Bitching...

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  1. Karin says:

    Chases’s Viscount Vagabond has just as good reviews as The Devil’s Delilah, and it’s on sale for the same price, so I’m going to sample both and see which I like better.

  2. SB Sarah says:

    I’m reading “The Devil’s Delilah” right now and it’s awfully charming.

  3. Kitten says:

    Thank you. I’ve run through my usuals at the library and was feeling so sad about the lack of good romances—I love a list that gets me reading again. Yay!

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