Books On Sale

Last Call for Some Books on Sale: A YA, an Elementary, and a Romance

Book in a shopping cart. A couple of great deals are set to expire today, so grab them while you still can. If you're even remotely interested in these titles, these are some great prices. 


Pushing the Limits - Katie McGarry This book was so amazing. It was a Sizzling Book Club Pick last year. At $2.99, it's a real bargain. The regular price is anywhere from $10-$15. The $2.99 price ends today – 7 January 2013.

No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with “freaky” scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.

But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.

Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.

Goodreads | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks




The Mouse and the Motorocycle - Beverly Cleary

I remember reading this book as a kid more than three times, possibly more than 10 times. The digital version is currently $1.99 and I think that price expires today (7 Jan 2013). I just bought a copy for my 7 year old, and I hope he likes it as much as I did. 

“Boy!” said Ralph to himself, his whiskers quivering with excitement. “Boy, oh boy!” Feeling that this was an important moment in his life, he took hold of the handgrips. They felt good and solid beneath his paws. Yes, this motorcycle was a good machine all right.

Ralph the mouse ventures out from behind the piney knothole in the wall of his hotel-room home, scrambles up the telephone wire to the end table, and climbs aboard the toy motorcycle left there by a young guest. His thrill ride does not last long. The ringing telephone startles Ralph, and he and the motorcycle take a terrible fall – right to the bottom of a metal wastebasket.

Luckily, Keith, the owner of the motorcycle, returns to find his toy. Keith rescues Ralph and teaches him how to ride the bike. Thus begins a great friendship and many awesome adventures. Once a mouse can ride a motorcyle … almost anything can happen!

Goodreads | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo | iBooks






The Amorous Education of Celia Seaton

This book is 99cUS at many retailers (the price doesn't seem to be consistently appearing at all ebook retailers for some reason and in some places it's $4.99). The .99c price should be good until Friday of this week. 

Being kidnapped is teaching Miss Celia Seaton a few things about life:

Lesson one: Never disrobe in front of a gentleman . . . unless his request comes at gunpoint.

Lesson two: If, when lost on the moors, you encounter Tarquin Compton, the leader of London society who ruined your marriage prospects, deny any previous acquaintance.

Lesson three: If presented with an opportunity to get back at Mr. Compton, the bigger the lie, the better. A faux engagement should do nicely.

Lesson four: Not all knowledge is found between the covers of a book. But an improper book may further your education in ways you never guessed. And while an erotic novel may be entertaining, the real thing is even better.

Goodreads | Amazon | BN | Sony | Kobo







General Bitching...

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  1. smlundberg says:

    Lesson one: Never disrobe in front of a gentleman . . . unless his request comes at gunpoint.

    Huh. Okay. There is just something about that line that just utterly squicks me. I think I’m going to have to skip this one. (However, the other books look interesting!)

  2. SaraLC says:

    The hero is not the one doing it, if that changes your mind. The heroine is kidnapped/robbed at the start of the book. The bad guy makes her take her dress off so she can’t escape.

  3. Rose says:

    Like SaraLC said, Celia Seaton really not a squicky sort of book at all, and Celia is quite resourceful and entertaining. Don’t judge it by its cover or its first line.

    Pushing the Limits was good – a bit slow in parts, but good overall. Why is it that so many contemporaries have interchangeable characters and conflicts (e.g. “it’s just casual sex, we can’t have a relationship” – why, exactly?) while YA/NA characters actually have real issues to work through?

  4. Karenmc says:

    Best “getting-even” hero name ever: Terence Fish. Thanks to the mind of Miranda Neville.

  5. smlundberg says:

    Good to know, thanks!

  6. smlundberg says:

    That’s nice to know! Sometimes I wonder how they decide on the cover blurbs, you know?

    And I see your point about contemporaries vs. YA – it is often hard for romance writers to avoid contrived conflict, especially when – if the characters simply acted like the adults they are – plots wouldn’t have very far to go. To be fair, though, you see that a lot in many genres of television as well. Perhaps it’s easier to write conflict when the characters aren’t necessarily expected to be mature? 😉

  7. Kelly says:

    Pushing the Limits was so good! I am glad I read about it on here, otherwise I might not have given it a chance.

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