Friday Videos Also Miss Buffy

Thanks to the nineteen badrillion people who sent me this video – I owe each and every one of you mad props and some chocolate.

When Buffy Meets Edward – a remix video of unparalleled awesomeness.


Friday Videos

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  1. GrowlyCub says:

    That’s the most of ‘Twilight’ I’ve seen and I really have to say anybody who finds him romantic needs to have their heads examined.  Creepy stalker with an eye issue.  He’s not even good looking, ewww.  I know teenage girls are weird, but …

  2. SB Sarah says:

    “Twilight” the movie is tree porn. Ignore the actors, the dialogue, and pretty much everything but the scenery (the music ain’t bad either) – it’s truly beautiful, the setting. You like trees? Nature? Landscapes?

    Tree. Porn.

  3. katiebabs says:

    Tree porn, rat nest hair and flying sparkly boys who channel their inner flying squirrel.

  4. I loved this.  Buffy has exactly the right attitude for dealing with stalking sparkly bloodsuckers.

  5. Oh. Holy. Jeebus. Best remix ever! The editing was awesome. Although it almost made me sad—Twilight is such a major step back from the empowerment message of the Buffy story. I think I’ll reward myself for finishing my current book by rewatching the series…

  6. Angela James says:

    That’s the most of ‘Twilight’ I’ve seen and I really have to say anybody who finds him romantic needs to have their heads examined.  Creepy stalker with an eye issue.  He’s not even good looking, ewww.  I know teenage girls are weird, but …

    Me too and I totally agree.

    Twilight is such a major step back from the empowerment message of the Buffy story.

    Buffy rocked. Watching that only reminded me how much I loved it.

  7. Lori says:

    I also haven’t seen Twilight, so I was a bit confused by one of the clips near the beginning of this. Edward looked like he was about to hurl. Was that intentional or just some deeply bad acting?

  8. Silver James says:

    OMG! Are you twelve?

    Best summation evah of Twilight! This remix was utterly brilliant! And it is as close as I’ll get to actually watching the movie. I’m pulling out my Buffy soundtracks!

  9. Kate says:

    Ok, I actually liked the books, but this is awesome. Fav part:
    Edward: “You’re like my own personal brand of heroin.”
    Buffy: “What, are you twelve?”

  10. Randi says:

    That was: one awesome, mixed with a dash of badass,and baked until hilarity ensues. Brilliant!

    How did the actor who plays Edward take himself seriously? I nearly howled everytime he showed up, with his angsty serious face. ROFLMAO!!!

    plan26: Sure, I could watch this 26 more times…

  11. Suze says:

    EEEEE!  That was perfection!  I’m going to be smiling all day today (and that will be quite a feat).

    Oh, I miss the Buffyverse.  I got cable in season 2 just so I could watch it clearly.

  12. Tinkerbon says:

    I’ve seen Twilight the movie and couldn’t help myself from comparing it to the Buffyverse the whole way through … and it only reminded me that there hasn’t been anything good on tv since She went off the air.

  13. Cat Marsters says:

    Yanno, I’m not over-induced to read/watch the Twilight saga either.  All the angst!  I wondered back then if Buffy had meant nothing to these people: apparently not.

    The evolution of paranormal romance didn’t stop dead the day you did…

  14. MichelleR says:

    Of course, they’re making a new Buffy movie—without Joss or any of the Whedonverse characters. What could go wrong?

  15. Lady T says:

    As a fan of both Buffy and Twilight(yes,it is possible!),this was a great video to watch. Kudos to the excellent editing work done here-the guy who did this definitely has a wonderful future ahead of him,if he plans to be a filmmaker.

    And for Buffy fans,a fun game you can play with this is trying to remember which BTVS episodes her side of the story are from.  So far,I spotted Buffy vs. Dracula,Crush and Gone.

  16. Tina C. says:

    Having heard my “creepy stalking is NOT romantic!” anti-Twilight rant and knowing my love of Buffy, my husband sent me that link.  I, of course, thought of SBSarah, thus becoming one of the badrillion.  I’ll just wait over here for my chocolate.






    (*innocent look*  I’ll settle for a Sony Reader, though….)

  17. SandyW says:

    Brilliant! I immediately sent this to all the teenage SciFi junkies I know. They’ll love it. I have so far resisted the temptation to send it to the women my age (30’s and 40’s) who are Big Twilight Fans. I’m not sure they’d see the humor. 😉

    I really want one of those t-shirts that says:
    “…And then Buffy staked Edward. The end.”

  18. Edie says:

    Another one here who has so far avoided twilight, who will now never read or watch it.. lol

    Though to be fair, a friend who is a fan of twilight did point out that there was some creepy almost stalking stuff that Angel did in the series..

  19. Edie says:

    I really want one of those t-shirts that says:
    “…And then Buffy staked Edward. The end.”

    So need one of those.

  20. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    I’m a Buffy fan all the way, but Edie‘s friend is right. Some of those clips are originally from Buffy interacting with Angel and Spike—two stalker-y, angsty vamps who she went on to have tortured love story arcs with.

    I mean, Bella is right up there with Edward as the worst part of the Twilight books for me, but Buffy was not really known for her healthy relationships either.

    HOWEVER! This video still kicks ass. 🙂

  21. melisa says:

    This is definately how the sparkling vampires should be taken care of.  Buffy is awesome.

  22. That was awesome.

    I miss Buffy.

  23. Silver James says:

    I really want one of those t-shirts that says:
    “…And then Buffy staked Edward. The end.”

    Oh major ditto on this! I haven’t worn slogan shirts in ages but I would so wear this one!

    spam word: industry32 If I were 32 and industrious, I would industriously create 32 tee shirts and pass them out.

  24. Diatryma says:

    I had to watch it again to figure out where the Harry Potter bit was.

  25. Randi says:

    Hm…anybody care to come up with a graphic? Cafepress here come the SB’s!!

    live43: 43 more years to live!? Well, at least now I know.

  26. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    Okay, the page is not letting me post a link but the “And then Buffy staked Edward. The End.” shirt is on

  27. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    Trying for a link.

  28. Liz says:

    So far,I spotted Buffy vs. Dracula,Crush and Gone.

    I spotted Bad Eggs.

    Though to be fair, a friend who is a fan of twilight did point out that there was some creepy almost stalking stuff that Angel did in the series..

    I’ve been re-watching the series for a few weeks now (actually i’m watching the 4th season premiere right now), and I have been thinking the same thing.  I hadn’t really watched the first 2 seasons in awhile, so when I watched the first few Angel episodes, I thought Twighlight, not that i would ever read the books or watch the movies.

  29. Nineteen badrillon people can’t be wrong. This video so rocks! Are you sure we can’t have a contest to win the t-shirt…and chocolate?

  30. Lori says:

      Though to be fair, a friend who is a fan of twilight did point out that there was some creepy almost stalking stuff that Angel did in the series..

    I’ve been re-watching the series for a few weeks now (actually i’m watching the 4th season premiere right now), and I have been thinking the same thing.  I hadn’t really watched the first 2 seasons in awhile, so when I watched the first few Angel episodes, I thought Twighlight, not that i would ever read the books or watch the movies.

    And to be fair about being fair, it’s true that Buffy had sketchy taste in men but that was a big part of the point of both the Angel & Spike story lines. She didn’t marry and/or procreate with either of them and neither of them turned out to be her Twu Lurve.  By the end of Buffy and Angel all three of them had moved on from those train wrecks.

  31. MichelleR says:

    The difference is that Buffy never lost her power. Angel was stalkery, but when the time came she could kick him in the nutz, not to mention kill him. (It’s okay, he got better.)

    The bulk of the Angel relationship was when Buffy was a teen and that’s why there are parallels to Twilight—the difference is that it was never played as anything other than a girls’ first love, and how all-consuming that can be—and she still abandoned that to be responsible.

    Spike never even got close to equal footing—well, maybe toward the end. Buffy used him as a way to forget her depression and as a life-sized sex toy. When she realized this, they broke up, and she noticeably used his real name.

    His stalkerish tendencies were played for humor at the character’s expense—with one notable exception which seems to be about making the fans dislike the character. The more overblown Spike was in his “bad boy” persona, the more you could count on a scene where we discovered he was a bookworm, a bad poet, and a mama’s boy.

    He quite notably acknowledged he was Love’s Bitch.

    Buffy acknowledges in the last episode that she’s not ready for a relationship with anyone:

    Buffy: I’m cookie dough. I’m not done baking. I’m not finished becoming who ever the hell it is I’m gonna turn out to be. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next thing, and maybe one day, I turn around and realize I’m ready. I’m cookies. And then, you know, if I want someone to eat m- or enjoy warm, delicious, cookie me, then that’s fine. That’ll be then. When I’m done.

  32. That was just plain awesome.  Loved it.

  33. Tina M. says:

    Oh, this was sooo good!  By comparing the two, it’s so awful to see how bad “Twilight” is.  Buffy rocks!

  34. SonomaLass says:

    As another of the badrillion people who sent this link to SB Sarah, I’m glad so many people liked it and hadn’t yet seen it.

    I really want one of those t-shirts that says:
    “…And then Buffy staked Edward. The end.”

    My son has this shirt; the first time he wore it to school, he made a girl cry.  Ah, Twilight angst!

    We bought it at J!nx, as someone said above.  Go forth and purchase!

  35. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    My son has this shirt; the first time he wore it to school, he made a girl cry.

    Okay, maybe that shouldn’t have made me laugh, but it did.

  36. Suze says:

    Also, if you want to watch a relationship between a human and vampire where the vampire is not simply a hot immortal dude with fangs, the best evah! is Sunshine by Robin McKinley.

    Yes, there’s a romantic relationship, but the vampire is ALWAYS alien and other and dangerous.  He may be sexy, but he’s a weird, alien, inhuman sexy.

  37. Lori says:

      My son has this shirt; the first time he wore it to school, he made a girl cry.

    Okay, maybe that shouldn’t have made me laugh, but it did.

    @Lizzie (greeneyed fem): Thank god it wasn’t just me.

  38. Not sure, but I think the opening alarm-clock moment is from “Once More With Feeling”.

  39. I want that shirt.  Never seen Twilight, don’t know if I’d like or not.  But Buffy rules and i want that t-shirt.

  40. ms bookjunkie says:

    I do so love a happy ending. It’s just so… satisfying. *happy sigh*

    And I totally want the t-shirt. Now if I could only remember what site I saw it on… Ha! Found it! It’s at Buffy, Staked Edward Women’s Tee (or, for men, Buffy Staked Edward T-Shirt).

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