Tag Archives: Jayci Lee

SEO WTF: Worst SEO Book Titles (So Far)

A red square with the word YAHTZEE across the middle in white

Thrilling, Unputdownable, Addictive Title SEO with a Shocking Twist! It is a truth universally acknowledged that SEO is making a hot mess of book titles. SEO, or search engine optimization, the process of identifying and deploying key words and search terms to boost one’s own results in search engine algorithms. You ever see those titles that are all, Title: an adjective, adjective, adverbly adjective genre genre novel? Yeah. That’s SEO at work: boosting results in … Continue reading SEO WTF: Worst SEO Book Titles (So Far)

Books On Sale

Fantasy, Austen Retellings, & More

Books on Sale: The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James & More

RECOMMENDED: The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James is $2.99! Elyse loved this one and gave it an A:

I love a good scary mystery, and The Sun Down Motel had all the elements to make it perfect. I loved the Gothic atmosphere, the theme of women coming together to get justice for other women, and the excellent momentum of the pacing. Other than possibly being too spooky for some, I can’t come up with a single reason why anyone should avoid this book.

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Books On Sale

Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & More

Books on Sale: Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston & More

Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston is $1.99! This is book four in the Honey Badger Chronicles series. This one came out a little over a year ago and was mentioned on Hide Your Wallet. What do we think of the new covers?

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Hide Your Wallet

December’s New Releases, Part Two

If you’re new to Hide Your Wallet, this is where we list new releases we’re pretty excited for in the coming month. Each reviewer has a book maximum (five per person), but we’ve separated HYW into two parts. The first HYW of the month will cover books that release from the 1st to the 14th. The second HYW will cover books released from the 15th to the end of the month. We also think this … Continue reading December’s New Releases, Part Two

Book Review

Secret Crush Seduction by Jayci Lee

Secret Crush Seduction

After really enjoying the first book in the Heirs of Hansol series, Temporary Wife Temptation, I regret to report that I found Secret Crush Seduction to be disappointing. That’s not to say there weren’t elements I enjoyed, but I spent far too much reading time trying to parse out the backstory between the characters and decide if various elements of the plot were making me uncomfortable or not. Secret Crush Seduction follows the younger sister … Continue reading Secret Crush Seduction by Jayci Lee

Hide Your Wallet

September’s New Releases, Part One

If you’re new to Hide Your Wallet, this is where we list new releases we’re pretty excited for in the coming month. Each reviewer has a book maximum (five per person), but we’ve separated HYW into two parts. The first HYW of the month will cover books that release from the 1st to the 14th. The second HYW will cover books released from the 15th to the end of the month. We also think this … Continue reading September’s New Releases, Part One

Hide Your Wallet

July’s New Releases, Part One

If you’re new to Hide Your Wallet, this is where we list new releases we’re pretty excited for in the coming month. Each reviewer has a book maximum (five per person), but we’ve separated HYW into two parts. The first HYW of the month will cover books that release from the 1st to the 14th. The second HYW will cover books released from the 15th to the end of the month. We also think this … Continue reading July’s New Releases, Part One