Tag Archives: fat positive
Lightning Review

Ship Wrecked by Olivia Dade

Ship Wrecked

Recently I devoured a book, and when I mentioned it, Shana squeed right back at me. So, enjoy our absolute squee-party about this book! Sarah: Shana, I just tore through Ship Wrecked by Olivia Dade. Devoured the whole book in less than a day. Oh my gosh, there is so much to love about this book. The Pining. Top-shelf pine forest full of pining. For six years they live on that island for months and … Continue reading Ship Wrecked by Olivia Dade

Book Review

40-Love by Olivia Dade


40-Love is part of the Marysburg series by Olivia Dade. Shana and I both enjoyed this romance between a tennis player in his twenties and a forty-year-old high school assistant principal on vacation. The book glories in having a fat heroine and addresses issues including chronic pain, the challenge of reinventing oneself, inequities in the American school system, and navigating romance across an age gap. Despite all these topics, however, the book remains light and … Continue reading 40-Love by Olivia Dade