Tag Archives: DCEU
Other Media Review

Movie Review: Birds of Prey (2020)

Before we get into Birds of Prey, my experience, and what this means for moviegoers like myself, I’ll just give you the TL;DR portion of the review now. Go see it. The movie is fun, cathartic, has some amazing cinematography, and a kickass soundtrack. But there was a sadness that accompanied this movie, which occurred when I emerged from the theaters and made the dumbest decision of my life, which was logging onto Twitter. The … Continue reading Movie Review: Birds of Prey (2020)

Other Media Review

Movie Review: Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman movie poster

THAT WAS EVERYTHING. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. This is as non-spoilery as I can make it, but there may be spoilers in the comments. If there’s interest, maybe we can put up a discussion post this weekend. We are on the record as saying that we’ve been looking forward to Wonder Woman since Diana Prince was BY FAR the best part of Bats Vee Supes.  Anxiously. Not even patiently. Y’all, Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot did Diana … Continue reading Movie Review: Wonder Woman