Tag Archives: cookies

Girl Scout Cookies and Romance Novels: A 2018 Reading and Eating Guide

Thin Mints

Girl Scout cookie season is upon us! You may see Girl Scout troops outside supermarkets or in other locations selling from a booth. So far, we’ve seen troops set up outside grocery stores, outside drug stores, and in one brilliant move, outside a movie theatre. My local chapter likes to hangout in the subway station to catch you after a long day at the office. And…I think they accept credit cards now. If you’re not … Continue reading Girl Scout Cookies and Romance Novels: A 2018 Reading and Eating Guide

Giveaway: The Outback Bachelor Ball Survival Pack

Featured image for Giveaway: The Outback Bachelor Ball Survival Pack

Sarah Mayberry, Karina Bliss, and Joan Kilby have a new trilogy of contemporary romances, and to celebrate, they’re giving away Outback Bachelor Ball Survival Packs. Y’all, it includes Tim Tams and chocolate from New Zealand. WOOT! As Mayberry put it, “We are creating prize packs to give away to celebrate the launch of The Outback Bachelor Ball Series. There’s a tote bag, a mouse mat with hot men on it, Tim Tams, delicious New Zealand chocolate, and e-copies … Continue reading Giveaway: The Outback Bachelor Ball Survival Pack