Links - Including Awesome Tea!

I love the internet. There’s always something going on.

First: I’m over at Kirkus talking about the impetus for the giveaway this week. Or, in other language, why I am often at a loss when talking about my own book but am very eager to talk about everyone else’s!

I love talking about other people’s books. I can tell you 56 reasons why Jill Shalvis’ upcoming book Head Over Heels (Grand Central, November 2011) worked for me. I can explain in staggering detail why I adore the novels of Sarah Morgan and think everyone should try one—if only to interrupt one’s expectations of Harlequin Presents. I can go on at embarrassing length about other people’s books. In fact, writing this column, it was increasingly tempting to talk about everyone else’s book except my own.

But that’s not my job this week. To be frank, the author’s job is not just writing the book anymore. The author’s job includes promotion, marketing, social outreach and social media, and generally connecting with readers as much as possible. The reader side of me understands this perfectly—I love talking with authors that I enjoy reading. Many readers expect a social media presence for their favorite writers. But even though I understand that, it doesn’t make the process of deciding what to do any easier when it came time to promote my own book.

Walking the line between “good promotion” and “not being a totally annoying douchewaddle” is a tricky thing.

Second: speaking of EIKAL, Laura Hunsaker is hosting an #EIKAL giveaway on her site – you can have a look and win a copy.

First comment is from Kaetrin who raises the IMPOSSIBLE idea that Scotsmen might not say “dinnae” and “wee lass.”

THE DEVIL YOU SAY, KAETRIN. Why must you break my expectations this way?!

Third: I used to teach remedial composition, and I used to use “The National Enquirer” when I taught citation of sources and quoting people in an essay. I figured there would be a bit more interest in quoting Britney Spears and citing it correctly. And I got to expense a purchase of 10+ tabloids!

Now I almost wish I was teaching again, because, thanks to Tae, I have this link to comma explanations using Twilight as an instructional text. Oh, commas, never have you been more fun.

And finally, this is both alarming and cool. Bag Ladies Tea‘s NovelTeas are bags of English Breakfast tea tagged with literary quotes.

(Unrelated note: I LOVE the Teacher Tea tin. I’m going to have to remember that for this holiday season’s gift guides.)

Today I received an email newsletter from them that 5% of every NovelTeas purchase will be donated to their new initiative, the Bag Ladies Book Project. The Brookline Booksmith is offering a discount for the purchase of the books for the project. 

Sayeth the newsletter:

When my sister Susan, Director of Literacy Initiatives of the United Way, told me about early literacy in America, I was startled by one study that found that in middle income neighborhoods, the ratio is 13 books per child; in low-income neighborhoods, the radio is one book for every 300 children.

The Bag Ladies Book Project brings book lovers in to classrooms in Boston, and they bring books for the children to take home with them.  I love that!

There are many programs for children to receive free books. One that I use is the PJ Library, which offers Jewish themed books every month (or CDs sometimes). Another program is FirstBook, and there’s also the amazing Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, which has local outposts all over the place. And, there is always the friendly neighborhood local library where the books aren’t yours forever, but they’re yours to enjoy for a really, really long time.

Are there more options to make sure kids receive books of their own that I’m missing? Please do share!





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  1. Betty Hamilton says:

    This sounds like a great book!!
    ….sure would LOVE to win a copy.

  2. Vicki says:

    Thanks for the tea link – that is so bookmarked for the holidays. And thanks for talking about books for kids. Reading to your baby or your toddler is so important and many families either do not have the time or do not have the books. I bring my grandson’s old books to the peds office where I work and help them find new homes.

    BTW, I hope I win something but, if not, your book is on my to-buy list.

  3. Thank you for the comma + Twilight link.  I admit it, commas are the bane of my existence.  Either I forget to insert one, or I’m going wild and insert the little suckers all over the place.

    I blame the wine, but that only goes so far.  I will study the wisdom of proper comma placement and hope to do better tomorrow.

  4. Julia says:

    I LOVE reasoning with vampires. She does more than just the commas. There was some excellent semicolon knowledge in there, too. But generally she snarks on the story and corrects the plotting and grammar.

    Although my favorite tag to read is all of the hilarious out-o-contacts that’s what she saids

  5. Lisa says:

    To restore the world to rights, I got my very own Scotsman (the Real Thing, yo!) to say a sentence that included both “dinnae” and “wee lass”.

  6. Jane says:

    Many public libraries have programs that put books in children’s hands – to keep. Programs include early literacy and family literacy which target children before they get to school, outreach at homeless shelters and day cares, programs supplementing school reading programs, programs that work in conjunction with local universities and colleges, and those working directly with or in supplement to Reach Out and Read, a national pediatric early literacy program.  The public library can be a first stop for someone looking to find ways to get books into children’s hands – to keep or just to borrow.  Most of these programs are grant funded so fiscal donations are sometimes even more valuable than book donations if they are going to the program directly.  Kudos to you for bringing up this topic!

  7. Emmeri says: is also an organization that promotes literacy. Not just for children and not just for Americans. They donate their revenue to eight different institutions throughout the world.

    They generate the funds by selling new and used books. They also provide free shipping throughout the world which is incredibly nice for those of us half a world away.

  8. icebabes says:

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