Genre: Romantic Suspense
Book Review

The Road to Ironbark by Kaye Dobbie

The Road to Ironbark

Content warning: References to child abduction, the sexual abuse of children, and sexual exploitation generally. It is all referred to in fairly vague terms and is not depicted on the page, but there is a lot of upsetting back story. There is also a subplot that hinges on infidelity. The Road to Ironbark is two stories in one. At the tail end of the Gold Rush, Aurora Scott, a respectable widow with a less than … Continue reading The Road to Ironbark by Kaye Dobbie

Lightning Review

Variable Onset by Layla Reyne

Variable Onset

In a world of lockdowns and panic-buying, I want two things in a romance novel: suspense and sex. This book gave me both. Meet Carter Warren, a Special Agent with the FBI, who moves from one undercover assignment to the next with nary a home base in sight. He’s buff, smart, and a little cocky. Now, allow me to introduce you to Lincoln Monroe AKA Mr Homebody. He’s a professor at Quantico and a silver … Continue reading Variable Onset by Layla Reyne

Book Review

Whiteout by Adriana Anders


Whiteout by Adriana Anders is a romantic suspense novel with elements of survival and espionage. The tropes are 100% Elyse-bait and the author’s ability to sell me on two people falling in love during some really dire circumstances was impressive. Despite this book being the first full book in a series, readers may want to read the prequel novella in Turn the Tide to be fully introduced to the secondary characters. The book opens in … Continue reading Whiteout by Adriana Anders

Lightning Review

The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter by KJ Charles

The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter

Caution warnings: Misgendering; references to forced sex work; threats of violence, acid attacks, and torture. The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter is a prequel to KJ Charles’ historical romance Any Old Diamonds. The focus is not on the Lilywhite Boys themselves, although they are an integral part of the story, but on their fence Stan and the music hall performer he admires, Miss Christiana. Their relationship is very sweet, and a stark contrast to the horrible things that … Continue reading The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter by KJ Charles

Lightning Review

Safety Breach by Delores Fossen

Safety Breach

CW/TW: Kidnapping, murder, stalking, the usual myriad evils of a serial killer. You know those paint by numbers pictures where number-by-number you recreate the Mona Lisa? The result is an imperfect version of a masterpiece. It’s not high art, but it’s still a satisfying exercise and, when framed, makes a lovely addition to a wall, even if only a bathroom wall. This novel is an imperfect version of a masterpiece, with a few wildcards thrown … Continue reading Safety Breach by Delores Fossen

Book Review

Out of the Ashes by MJ James

Out of the Ashes

Caution warnings: In MJ James’ debut Out of the Ashes, Alex Porter loses everything when the bookshop that he rebelled against his wealthy family to build goes up in flames. His overbearing mother insists that a fire marshall be called for, so Matt Fields has to drop everything and devote himself to the case, and Alex. I wanted to like Out of the Ashes. Queer mysteries are my wheelhouse, and I’m always looking for new … Continue reading Out of the Ashes by MJ James

Book Review

The Widow of Pale Harbor by Hester Fox

Widow of Pale Harbor

I love creepy romance; before I started reading romance novels I read Old Skool Gothics by Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney. The Widow of Pale Harbor by Hester Fox contained some Gothic elements, but it’s really a historical romance with suspense elements. I enjoyed the spooky atmosphere, but I found the romantic development to be a little weak and I wasn’t happy with how the mystery was laid out. The novel is set in Pale … Continue reading The Widow of Pale Harbor by Hester Fox

Book Review

Under Currents by Nora Roberts

Under Currents

If Present Day Elyse traveled back in time and told Past Elyse that someday Nora Roberts would write a romantic suspense novel that didn’t quite work for her, Past Elyse wouldn’t have believed her. Then Past Elyse would have squinted at Present Day Elyse and said, “Are we growing out our bangs again? You know we’re only going to last six weeks before we cut them.” I love Nora Roberts’ romantic suspense books. I schedule … Continue reading Under Currents by Nora Roberts

Book Review

London Calling by Veronica Forand

London Calling

Despite having issues with men and guns on the covers of my romance novels, this spy/intrigue romantic suspense with an enemies to lovers/forced proximity element and a cover model with an undercut prompted me to give it a try. However, I would liken my reading experience to watching a pulpy action movie. Sure, it’s fun, but one look at the details and it all falls apart. If you’re a reader who prefers their romantic suspense … Continue reading London Calling by Veronica Forand

Book Review

The Conspiracy by Kat Martin

The Conspiracy

CW/TW: Sexual assault I’ve been a romantic suspense/mystery/thriller mood lately (Ed. note: “always”) so I was excited to read Kat Martin’s latest rom sus about a woman searching for her missing brother. At first, The Conspiracy worked okay for me; the hero was a little bit boner-led, but the action and the plot made up for that flaw. Then I got a graphic sexual assault scene that was totally unnecessary and I just noped on out. The … Continue reading The Conspiracy by Kat Martin

Book Review

Desperate Girls by Laura Griffin

Desperate Girls

I’m a fan of Laura Griffin’s Tracers series, so it’s no real surprise that I enjoyed her first book in the spin-off Wolfe Security series, Desperate Girls. Much like Griffin’s other books, this is very much a romantic suspense novel that heavily features procedural elements. When I first saw the cover and read the title, I wondered if Griffin had decided to try her hand at a psychological thriller, but no. Despite what the cover art … Continue reading Desperate Girls by Laura Griffin

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