Genre: Romantic Suspense
Book Review

Unbreakable by Stephanie Tyler

Unbreakable by Stephanie Tyler

If you’re looking for a romance with white-knuckle pacing and non-stop action, then I recommend Unbreakable by Stephanie Tyler. If you like plots that build slowly and characters who take their time developing, then this series isn’t for you. I enjoyed Unbreakable, but it never gave me time to catch my breath—it’s one of those books you either can’t put down or can’t get into in the first place. Unbreakable is the second in the … Continue reading Unbreakable by Stephanie Tyler

Book Review

Surrender by Stephanie Tyler

Surrender by Stephanie Tyler

My review for Surrender by Stephanie Tyler is going to sound a little crazy. That’s because a lot of this book was a little crazy. There was so much going on in this book—SO MANY THINGS. Normally having a crapton of backstory and subplots drives me nuts, but for some reason I found Surrender to be compulsively readable. Even when I was doing squinty eyes in confusion, I was engaged with the book. Dare O’Rourke … Continue reading Surrender by Stephanie Tyler

Book Review

Lethal Pursuit by Kaylea Cross

Lethal Pursuit by Kaylea Cross

Lethal Pursuit by Kaylea Cross tore my guts out and left them in a big, squishy pile on the ground. It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book that’s left me so emotionally fraught. Lethal Pursuit is the third book in the Bagram Special Ops series after Deadly Descent and Tactical Strike. I have not yet read either of the first two books, but I’m adding them to my TBR pile now. This … Continue reading Lethal Pursuit by Kaylea Cross

Book Review

Touch Me in the Dark by Jacqueline Diamond

Touch Me in the Dark by Jacqueline Diamond

 Touch Me in the Dark is a modern gothic by Jacqueline Diamond, set in a creepy as shit Victorian house. I read it on a marathon car trip through the Midwest, and while the mystery kept me occupied (and from stopping at every Bob Evans, Tim Hortons and Cracker Barrel I saw), I thought the romance never really clicked. Sharon Mahoney is a recent widow. She and her young son, Greg, move to Fullerton, CA … Continue reading Touch Me in the Dark by Jacqueline Diamond

Book Review

The Last Kiss Goodbye by Karen Robards

The Last Kiss Goodbye by Karen Robards

I should probably have stopped with The Last Victim—a romantic suspense thriller I reviewed previously and found to be liberally dosed with crazysauce. If you haven’t read that review, do so now, because you need backstory to understand my reaction to The Last Kiss Goodbye. The Last Kiss Goodbye picks up almost immediately where The Last Victim left off. These books really do need to be read in order, so if you want to read … Continue reading The Last Kiss Goodbye by Karen Robards

Book Review

The Last Victim by Karen Robards

The Last Victim by Karen Robards

I’m not sure what to say about the Last Victim by Karen Robards. I sort of liked the book, and I’m sort of shocked I did, and I’m mad at the book too. I am angry at the heroine. I’m not cool with the hero at all. I haven’t been this conflicted about a book since sixth grade when I snuck a Sandra Brown book and thought the heroine was literally ‘milking’ the hero during … Continue reading The Last Victim by Karen Robards

Book Review

Dark Waters by Toni Anderson

Dark Waters by Toni Anderson

Dark Waters by Toni Anderson is a romantic suspense that features pretty much non-stop action, and two main characters who need a Sherpa to haul around all their baggage. Once this book really got going I had a hard time putting it down, and before I knew it, it was one a.m. and my right arm was numb from propping myself up as I tried to not wake my husband with the glow from my e-reader. … Continue reading Dark Waters by Toni Anderson

RITA Reader Challenge Review

RITA Reader Challenge: Twisted by Laura Griffin

RITA Reader Challenge: Twisted by Laura Griffin

This RITA® Reader Challenge 2013 review was written by Fran. This story was nominated for the RITA® in the Romantic Suspense category. The summary:      Motive, opportunity, and no alibi – it seems close to a slam-dunk. But while rookie detective Allison Doyle’s department has ID’d a suspect in a young woman’s vicious murder, she is uneasy. Then legendary FBI profiler Mark Wolfe shows up with a startling theory: if he’s right, the real murderer … Continue reading RITA Reader Challenge: Twisted by Laura Griffin

RITA Reader Challenge Review

RITA Reader Challenge: Forged in Fire by Trish McCallan

RITA Reader Challenge: Forged in Fire by Trish McCallan

This RITA® Reader Challenge 2013 review was written by Jonetta. This story was nominated for the RITA® in the Romantic Suspense category. The summary:      Beth Brown doesn’t believe in premonitions. But her recent dream feels too real to ignore: a commercial airliner is hijacked, and a handsome passenger is shot dead. Beth hasn’t met the mystery man in her dream; she would never forget a gorgeous face like his. But she can’t deny the … Continue reading RITA Reader Challenge: Forged in Fire by Trish McCallan

RITA Reader Challenge Review

RITA Reader Challenge: Twisted by Laura Griffin

RITA Reader Challenge: Twisted by Laura Griffin

This RITA® Reader Challenge 2013 review was written by Sassy Outwater. This story was nominated for the RITA® in the Romantic Suspense category. The summary:      Motive, opportunity, and no alibi – it seems close to a slam-dunk. But while rookie detective Allison Doyle’s department has ID’d a suspect in a young woman’s vicious murder, she is uneasy. Then legendary FBI profiler Mark Wolfe shows up with a startling theory: if he’s right, the real … Continue reading RITA Reader Challenge: Twisted by Laura Griffin

RITA Reader Challenge Review

RITA Reader Challenge: Forged in Fire by Trish McCallan

RITA Reader Challenge: Forged in Fire by Trish McCallan

This RITA® Reader Challenge 2013 review was written by Amanda. This story was nominated for the RITA® in the Romantic Suspense category. The summary:      Beth Brown doesn’t believe in premonitions. But her recent dream feels too real to ignore: a commercial airliner is hijacked, and a handsome passenger is shot dead. Beth hasn’t met the mystery man in her dream; she would never forget a gorgeous face like his. But she can’t deny the … Continue reading RITA Reader Challenge: Forged in Fire by Trish McCallan

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