Starling House by Alix E. Harrow is $2.99! Sarah and I mentioned this in Hide Your Wallet last October. I think I wound up grabbing it in audio, but am notoriously bad at whittling down my audiobook library.
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Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Shirley: At first glance the proportions of the cover warrior looked all wrong, shoulders too much and abs to waist too little. Sarah: That looks like a barber’s drape cut into a wee caplet. Did he rip off the barber shop? Amanda: It’s a Peter Pan collar for exotic dancers. Sarah: Also, another abdomen is looking at me. This one seems rather unimpressed. Elyse: I can’t make visual sense … Continue reading Cover Snark: Glowing Boots – What Do They Mean? →
This piece of literary mayhem is exclusive to Smart Bitches After Dark, but fret not. If you’d like to join, we’d love to have you! Have a look at our membership options, and come join the fun! If you want to have a little extra fun, be a little more yourself, and be part of keeping the site open for everyone in the future, we can’t wait to see you in our new subscription-based section … Continue reading After Dark Introductions! →
Ok, I have two or three more colors for this series, but I need to take a little side trip this week. I noticed something that I just had to share with you while gathering covers over the past few months. Now, if you’re just arriving here at the mayhem, welcome! I’m taking really good look at the Contemporary Romance Colors that are most prevalent on covers this year and attempt to identify what is … Continue reading Contemporary Romance Color of the Year: Are Those Flags? →
Welcome back to Whatcha Reading! Here’s how we’re kicking off October: Elyse: I am reading The Black Hunger which reminds me a lot of a Call of Cuthulu adventure. It’s set partially in India and Tibet during the early 1900s so TW: for colonialism. The books is this bananas supernatural adventure that takes us from Tibet to the Orkney Islands to Ukraine, and there are death cults, hungry ghosts and cannibals. Also the end of … Continue reading Whatcha Reading? October 2024, Part One →
Miss Percy’s Pocket Guide (to the Care and Feeding of British Dragons) by Quenby Olson is 99c! Big thank you to everyone who let us know about this sale. I mentioned this on a previous Get Rec’d after I saw several of our community members talking about it in the comments and I always try to highlight books our readers are loving right now.
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Freya Marske’s new book Swordcrossed is out this week, and she’s joining us from the other side of the planet to talk about what she calls, “Fantasy of manners, mercantile edition.” We also talk about writing fanfic and her new favorite show, Interview with the Vampire. Yes, I did misnumber last week’s episode – sorry about that. Music:
RECOMMENDED: A Letter to the Luminous Deep by Sylvia Cathrall is $2.99 and a Kindle Daily Deal! Elyse read this one and gave it an A:
If you are looking for a cozy fantasy read with excellent romance and worldbuilding, I highly recommend Letters to the Luminous Deep.
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When we talked about DNFing books and why, a few of y’all asked if we could talk about re-reading, which is a popular antidote to Too Many DNFs in a Row. PamG wrote in the comments: I think it would be an interesting counterpoint to the DNF question to also discuss the practice of rereading. Some people never reread a book or so they claim. Others, myself included, have whole stables of books they gleefully … Continue reading Your Top Three Re-Reads — And Why! →
Welcome back, everyone! Brian and I close on a house officially tomorrow! We are so excited, but definitely are having some sticker shock with closing costs + updates we want to do to the house before we move in. However, I’m so excited to start molding and shaping the space into something that feels like ours. My biggest projects: creating a little coffee bar in the kitchen and designed my peachy neon gamer girl paradise … Continue reading Links: Cat Tours, Cross Stitch, & More →