SBTB Summer Bingo Recommendations

Hey all! We’re about halfway through our SBTB 2024  Romance Bingo card!

By now, you might have knocked out a few easier spaces, but if you’re having trouble, we’re here to help!

Below are some resources or recommendations you can use to fill more specific squares. And of course, I encourage you to brainstorm in the comments.

For trope-specific squares, check out our Book Finder! Most of these tropes have tags in the Book Finder. Using the Book Finder will show you any books we have ever mentioned on the site:

(note: it only shows 150 entries and we have over 13K books in the finder, so definitely play around with tropes/archetype to find titles that skew more toward your tastes.)

Fantasy with a Water Theme:

2024 Summer Release:

Fireworks or Stargazing:

Scene on a Boat:

Wedding Setting:

How is your bingo card looking? Are there any squares you’re struggling with? Let us know so we can help!

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  1. Kareni says:

    I’ve already submitted my five bingo entries; it helps that I read quickly.

    Some books I enjoyed ~

    New release: JFH: Justin F**king Halstead by Gigi DeGraham
    Road Trip: Motel. Pool. by Kim Fielding
    Season in title: Winter Oranges by Marie Sexton
    Rockstar or Musician: Lies and Lullabies by Sarina Bowen

  2. Kareni says:

    Some more future bingo suggestions:

    Reread a book you loved years ago
    Time travel or time loop
    Historical romance
    Futuristic romance

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