Book Review

The Dragon’s Curse by Victoria Zagar

I found this book on NetGalley and was immediately making grabby hands because it combines dragons, which I like, and a gay romance PLUS inter-kingdom politics and that moved the reading GPS firmly into 100% O RLY GIVE IT TO ME NOW territory.

I was reading gay dragon shifter fantasy and I really wanted to like it.

I mean, look at the summary:

War is brewing between the Greenlands and the Summer Kingdom, despite the efforts of Lord Aidan and Prince Varion, who have been meeting in secret in an attempt to maintain peace. When war proves inevitable, Aidan offers Varion asylum, loathe to see the man he’s come to care about become his enemy.

But Varion refuses, sacrificing safety and his own desires to stay in the Summer Kingdom in order to protect his little brother from their ruthless father. The two men instead declare a blood oath to always protect each other, an oath that will see them through war, transformation, and a deadly curse…

There’s even a Summer Kingdom! I mean, game ON, right?

Alas, no.

The book suffered from two main problems. Many problems stem from these two, and I do mean many, but there are only two sources. One: Varion is a complete and total turdbucket. I think it can be scientifically proven that his entire character is made from a bucket full of turds. He’s unkind and inconsiderate of Aidan (to say the least) (Oh, my God, it’s so bad), and he waffles back and forth between courses of action in incredibly wide degrees like he’s playing hokey pokey with himself for most of the book. He makes a decision then undoes it in the next chapter for limp noodley reasons, then makes the same decision again, only to reverse again in the next chapter. ARGH.

Two: not enough dragons. A LOT of the ways in which Varion stunk up this book for me could have been mitigated by more dragons, more dragoning, more actual appearances of dragons. But no. I had wishy washy Varion hokey pokeying himself and driving me into teeth-clenching rage.

There was so much potential here, too. Two warring princes are in love with each other, and meet in secret to attempt to find peace between their two kingdoms before they have to go to outright battle with one another? Wow! AND DRAGONS.

But between Varion the Variable Turdbucket and the odd turns in the writing and plot, this was a big disappointment. There’s a good portion of crazysauce, though, so of course I finished it. Also I was there to see some dragons and I wasn’t leaving until the dragonation happened.

Once I decided that rational narrative was not as important as dragons, I kept reading, but because this story went so quickly from OK to WTF territory I got a little dizzy and immediately started sharing my reading process with RedHeadedGirl, Elyse, Amanda and Carrie. You’ll see our conversation in italics interspersed within this review, like this:

Sarah:  I am reading gay dragon romance.

Plus I’ll be inserting pictures of dragons because everyone needs more dragons, and this book especially needed more.

So, as we covered above, the prices of two warring kingdoms are in love and trying to minimize bloodshed when they eventually battle each other. One prince, Aidan, goes home to his dad and is all, I’m totes in love with that other prince.

And his dad is like, “Yeah I get it. I was in love with a prince back in the day and he wasn’t supposed to inherit but then he did so we couldn’t be together. So he gave me his sister’s hand in marriage so I could see my beloved’s eyes when I looked at her.”


Oh, and that prince’s people are half dragon or something. Or some of them are? It’s really unclear. Basically Varion’s father wants to exterminate them because they are descended from some woman mating with a dragon. So because she was a slut they must all die. The whole war between kingdoms is based on Varion’s father’s desire to commit dragon descendant genocide. And slut shaming prejudiced genocide aside, he is generally known to be a warmongering war monger king because of course he is. And this is all explained in the first chapter or two. (But no dragoning.)


RedHeadedGirl: Man, I have the perfect gif for how I feel and I can’t find it

Sarah: Warmongering king has many wives. One has hair the color of flame and ebony skin. HER TEMPER MATCHES HER HAIR. BECAUSE IT IS THE LAW.

RedHeadedGirl: FOUND IT!

Brad Pitt (I Think) rolling his eyes and gnawing on an enormous lollipop

So Warmongering King’s son, Varion, and Aidan, son of the king who is married to his former lover’s sister, can’t work out a peace deal but they can kiss each other, and then they go home.

And of course Prince Varion of Warmongering King has to go back out and rob a dragon cemetery. As you do.

But first his dad stabs him in the neck with the tip of a sword because he’s mildly peeved at his son. Dude. Just leave. Go find Aidan and GTFO.

And now we go to see Aidan, whose life is really much better than Varion’s. No wonder he offered Varion asylum. His kingdom is very cushy. I mean, there is this sentence:

“Cobbled streets awaited Aidan’s boots as he jumped down from his horse…”

Even the streets want this prince’s feet. This guy is terrific.


So Aidan’s dad, the king who loved another king, is sickly and old. His former love has dementia and wants to see his former love one last time, but neither man can travel. Aidan says he’ll go find the ancient dragon shifting knowledge so he can turn into a dragon and fly his dad to the neighboring kingdom (which somehow isn’t affected by the war all that much).

Book White plastic dragon toy that glows in the dark
White glow in the dark dragon not included in this book, but included in this review!

So both parties meet in the dragon cemetery, where there’s a battle. Varion has been forced to bring his younger brother with him, and the brother wants to kill everyone and everything to please their father, and of course any person who is that inconsistent and narcissistic will never truly be pleased so both dudes are fighting a losing battle. Plus, Varion swore to his dying mother that he’d protect his brother from their father’s cruelty, so he can’t abandon him, even when he attempts murder over and over. Seriously, deathbed promises to dying parents always screw everything up. If she was really all that worried about her kids, she’d have told Varion to take his brother and run and hide. Telling one young person to protect a much younger person in a dangerous dysfunctional house is just deathbed enabling and deathbed passing the buck. But hey, promises are promises.

Varion and Aidan are there, trying not to fight each other, which mean Varion fights  off his younger brother, who wants his father’s attention and plans to get it by killing everyone. Aidan gets knocked out, and Varion won’t let his brother near him.

Then there’s this dialogue which made no sense to me:

“I’ll die before I let you harm a hair on his head.”

“Fine. Be that as it may.”


Which is an odd use of the phrase. But okay. I’m still with the story. Because dragons.

Aidan wakes up and he and Varion find a mysterious glowing woman in the depths of a crypt and she tells them the magical steps to turning into a dragon. Think of it as Original Recipe Dragon, and she’s the Colonel, keeper of the secret formula. Then she poofs out of there, and Varion’s brother comes in, carrying someone’s head.

Aidan had been traveling with a magician/manservant/nanny type dude who had helped raise him, and who somehow appeared to be ageless though Aidan was pretty sure he was the same age as Aidan’s father. Anyway, the brother takes the mage dude hostage, and said mage dude surrenders peacefully. But the brother isn’t satisfied by that surrender nonsense and decapitates the dude while said dude is kneeling at his feet.

You’d think this would be the point where Varion would say, “Ok, I’m out. Nothing can be done to fix this situation and you’re a war crime-committing murderer and I have Original Recipe Dragon Knowledge, so, yeah, we’re done.”

But no. Varion is horrified but goes along with his brother back to their father because he’s more than a little scared of his brother AND he promised his mom he’d protect the murderer.

Meanwhile, Aidan digs a grave with his fingers, then heads home.

Sarah:  Someone better turn into a dragon

RedHeadedGirl: That helps pretty much any book

Varion and his brother get home, and their father is not pleased because the spy who traveled with their party has already informed him that Varion is gay, he’s in love with Aidan, he’s been trying to protect the other kingdom as much as possible, and has basically betrayed all of their dear father’s sociopathic goals. Varion gets thrown in jail – which is kind of a big thing to do to a crown prince but okay- and finds himself in a cell across the hall from a Dragonkin man.

These are the people who live in Aidan’s kingdom, the people who are descended from a woman who mated with a dragon, and are the focus of Varion’s dad’s ire.

The man has scales covering part of his body and ears like dragonwings, and is in great danger.






Varion is sitting there in jail, taking stupid taunts from his brother and mocking from the guards, and throwing a pity party with his belly button lint.

“Theoretically, he could turn into a dragon and leave.”

SO DO IT. DUDE. Just dragonate and transform and we can both get out of here!

But then….


How, you ask?


The dragon folk men die after they ejaculate.

RHG: Wha

Carrie: WHAT

Sarah: That seems to be a problem.

Varion learns from his fellow prisoner that if dragon men are captured by his father’s people, the dragon men are raped to see if ejaculating will kill them — which it does.

Book Blue Green Sea dragon toy
Blue green dragon not actually present in this story.

Which set up a whole line of Waitaminute dominoes in my brain that toppled one after another. First, the worldbuilding presumes a man being raped automatically ejaculates. Second, both of these men can, I presume, transform into dragons and get the heck out of there, but neither does, for no apparent reason. Third, presented with evidence of his father’s ample list of war crimes, Varion is still not sure what to do with himself.

I was so confused and bothered by the casual mention of rape and bad science.

So Varion is sentenced to death because he didn’t kill Aidan when he had the chance.

His brother, who executed Aidan’s mage-buddy after said mage-buddy surrendered, he’s the best prince in the whole wide world and his father loves him best, so of course he comes to taunt Varion.



So at this point I’ve pieced together a few pieces of dragon information from this book.

  • If you transform into a dragon because you’ve been given the secret knowledge of transforming by some glowing lady in a crypt, you become Dragonfolk.
  • Who beteedubs are not described as different in any significant way until 65% in, and then there’s a whole lot of info about scales and ears.
  • An entire kingdom wants to kill them all, but there’s no explanation of why except their great-great-great-great-great-great-etc-grandmother got busy with a dragon.
  • And honestly the humans in this universe are so ridiculous I can’t blame her.
  • Because dragon.

And one more thing:

  • Once you become one of the Dragonfolk, if you’re a dude, you die when you jizz.

So no gay Dragonfolk because every sperm is sacred.

RHG: ….no one has night emissions?

Meanwhile, back at the Not-Warmongering Kingdom, Aidan wants to turn into a dragon to save Varion. And Varion could turn into a dragon and bust his own ass out of jail.

But then they’d die a big death after the little death if they shifted to dragon then shifted back. So now I know why they didn’t just Dragon the hell out of there.

This created a very important conundrum.

Elyse: I’d rather be able to turn into a dragon than orgasm tbh. I mean orgasms are great but DRAGON. Also this is the best “Would you rather…” question.

Sarah: So the nobles are planning a mock trial so they can focus all the hate on Varion. And in real life, Hubby has picked orgasms over dragon. I am baffled.

RHG: Your husband is WEIRD

Elyse: So does mine.



Elyse: Dudes. SMH

Varion’s brother, while taunting him, reveals that the people are planning a revolt against the nobles of the Summer people because they are starving (the people – not the nobles. They’re fine and have time to pin all the kingdom’s wrongs on Varion so his execution will fix everything. Where these nobles were at any other point in this story, I have no idea).

Back at the other kingdom, Aidan’s father now has a chair with wheels that the servants have devised for him, and is slowly fading, his only wish to see his long lost love. His wife’s eyes are no longer getting the job done.

So Aidan is like, enough I’m turning into a dragon. I know how, because mystical woman in a cave told me right before my lover’s brother committed a war crime and executed my mage.

(I think, much like watery tarts with swords as the foundation of a system of government, taking shape shifting advice from a phantasm in an underground cavern may not be the best possible employment of pseudo-medical advice.)

Aidan’s parents are all, ok! Dragon shifting time!


And his parents say, what do you need?


Elyse: I don’t get it. Why not turn into a dragon? You could fly…set shit on fire…eat mean people…. WAIT WHUT.

Sarah: And also someone needs to light the candles. I am cry laughing. Who knew there was such pomp and circumstance?

Sarah: And now Aidan a dragon. He is blue.

Elyse: Like his balls

Sarah: Finally someone is a goddam dragon already

RHG: How far are you in?

Sarah: That’s what he said! 

           77%. That’s a LONG TIME to wait for DRAGONS.


Sarah: Varion is being hung and here comes Dragonaidan


Aidan busts Varion out of there just in time, and suddenly a red dragon appears and attacks them. Oh, crap, it’s Varion’s brother! How he had the knowledge to change I do not know. He wasn’t in the room with the crypt goddess who gave them the secret.

But Draidan kills Varion’s brother despite Varion being him not to — this after three separate scenes in three separate chapters of Varion saying he was giving up on saving his brother, he’s begging the Draidan who just saved his sorry ass not to kill his brother, while said brother is trying to kill them both.

Book Green dragon plastic toy
This dragon looks a little like Pete’s Dragon, only with big horns.

Draidan is like, oh, fuck this. He kills Varion’s brother, and the brother crash lands in dragon form and slits his father’s throat with his last breath. Varion begs Aidan to take him back to his now dead brother and father — both of whom betrayed him and were actively trying to kill him. Draidan is like fuck no and flies away.

Problem solved.

Except for the jizzdeath.

And really, Varion is no great prize, here. Why Draidan wants to waste his last jizz of his life on this guy is beyond me.

Once back at home, Aidan transforms back to human but he has scales on various parts of his body, and his ears are tiny dragon wings. Varion observes all this and realizes that “to thrust his cock inside the man he loved would mean Aidan’s death.”

Redheadedgirl: wait

Sarah:  Why does being on the bottom equal automatic jizzdeath?

RHG: right

Sarah: Is there some instajiz reflex?

Elyse: Maybe he’s like really good at hitting the prostate?

Sarah: Maybe? Dragon jizzskillz?

Carrie: I would still rather turn into a dragon…but that assumes my sex drive would be lower. I mean, it would be for that species right? RIGHT? I mean otherwise you’d live in a state of constant miserable sexual frustration and even as a dragon that would suck. Maybe that’s why they are so craaanky

So Varion, that useless wad of wallpaper paste, decides he should leave because Aidan has cursed himself and if they knock boots Aidan will die the jizzdeath. He doesn’t even wait until Aidan wakes up to thank him for saving his life.

Varion is a total waste of jizz.

Aidan wakes up and his mom tells him that Varion’s gone and also he’s a spoiled idiot, and Aidan is all, no, I killed his brother so he hates me now.

But wait! Varion is going to try to find a way to lift the jizz curse!

Elyse: What if he got a vasectomy? Would that circumvent jizzdeath?

Sarah: Not modern enough medical care in this world I think. This is the kind of world where there’s dragons but everyone rides horses around the place. 

So Draidan flies his sick dad to see his sick former love and leaves him at the king’s chambers, where they are probably have wheezy sexxytimes. Aidan goes to the library to read up on dragon curse, and there’s Varion. Aidan has spine enough (he is a dragon after all) to ask what Varion’s doing there, and Varion says, “I’m searching for a cure.”

Aidan says, well, let’s find it together because no one in this story has actual sense.

Sarah: One of them will probably come up with a ribbon campaign for jizzdeath awareness. I hope the ribbon is cream colored.

As expected, the two wheezy kings have died having sex – a different sort of jizzdeath, since neither of them were dragons, and they were both dying already.

Aidan absently picks at his scales while telling Varion that his dad is dead.

Sarah: Which ew and what?

Carrie: ew


Sarah: So Varian finds a way to lift the curse

Carrie: Well, yeah. I thought he might

Sarah: One who has the jizzdeath and the descendant of the one who cursed them all and of course it was Varian’s ancestor because what the hell else is he around for — have to mate in front of a sacred altar. This is all a big lie to get into Draidan’s scaly pants I bet.

Baby if we don’t do it you’ll be cursed forever and you’ll die if I poke my little dragon into your tight cave!

I made that up BTW. That’s not in the book. 

Aidan wonders aloud if Varion would even be willing: “I’m covered in scales.”

They, of course, have to take a long journey to the jizzdeath altar and it’s hard being hard all the time.  Aidan had to, and I quote, “roll in the bitterly cold snow.”

Meanwhile, “The frigid atmosphere kept his morning needs in check. ”

Sarah: No morning wood I guess?

Carrie: I just spit all over my computer

And then Varion does something that I found so un-heroic, so uncommonly cruel and selfish, I wanted Aidan to transform into a dragon and set him on fire until he was a crusty Varion nub. They’re in the tent on the way to the sacred altar, (which of course is in the cold northern part of the world, and not on a beach. Sacred altars are never in the tropics). Aidan is rolling in the snow to keep himself from dying the jizzdeath, and they’re both sexually frustrated. So what does Varian do?

Varian rubs one out in the tent and tries to hide it from Aidan. Aidan hears all of it.

Sarah: Aidan, this dude is not worth it.

“[Aidan] wondered if dragonfolk suffered from wet dreams. He hoped not. “

Redheadedgirl: I’m glad that was addressed

Aidan says if you can’t accept my dragon self, we shouldn’t boink in front of this altar we just found. Then he takes his clothes off. His peen is blue and scaly!

Varion is afraid because he has to be rogered by blue scaly dragon cock.

But he gets over it in a jiffy, and then Varian is being pounded by blue scaly dragon cock, which I suppose is marginally better than being pounded by the gay color changing dress, but only marginally.

And then Aidan dies! Oh noes.

But then, the goddess from the crypt who told them how to get all dragony appears and Aidan is back to life. They leave because the curse is lifted and Aidan becomes a dragon again except with no threat of jizzdeath so they fly home.

Sarah: “As they pierced the clouds, Varian realized he was getting used to Aidan’s dragon half.” 

It was in his ass, so, yeah.

Varion continues to ponder as they fly: “It had its benefits, being able to fly. And the sex was mind blowing.”


“All in all he realized he wouldn’t have wanted things to turn out any other way.”

The end.

I mean, I suppose that having the jizzdeath plot twist create tension between Aidan and Varion after the matter of their warring kingdoms and Varion’s sociopathic father were all settled sustained the plot for a few more chapters. And certainly jizzdeath is a more novel (har) and underused plot device, though there are a few holes (hur) in the execution of said device.

But the part where Varion masturbates in the tent next to Aidan because the agony is so unbearable, knowing that if Aidan did the same, he’d die? SO NOT COOL. Setting aside the late-story dragonation and the jizzdeath and the bizarre fathers thing and everything else, and it is a LOT TO SET ASIDE HERE, Varion is not worth Aidan’s time. He’s a terrible hero and not at all equal to Aidan.

But the book did leave me with a question I will enjoy posing to strangers at various locations. Being able to turn into a dragon, or being able to have orgasms: which do you choose?

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The Dragon’s Curse by Victoria Zagar

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  1. Coco says:


    Because: Orgasms.

    That is all.

  2. Bryn says:

    Turning into a dragon! I want fire and wings!

    But wait, if I’m a lady dragon, am I still bound by the jizzdeath thing? Ot is it just the males? Is that addressed in the book?

  3. Des Livres says:

    I just looked on amazon and this thing is 86 pages long. I was expecting at least 600.

  4. Olivia Dade says:

    Ah, the F+. A virtual guarantee of good times ahead. Hooray!

  5. SB Sarah says:


    I do not think the ladies are bound by the jizzdeath curse. At one point, Aidan’s soldiers clear a town while he and Varion mock-fight to save time, and there’s a lot of women and children but not a lot of men — a fact that they figure out later because jizzdeath. But I didn’t see any instance of a woman transforming into a dragon. So I’m not entirely sure.

  6. PamG says:


    I want it all!

  7. T.S. says:

    Has anyone ever seen that episode of Mike and Molly where her publisher demands she rewrite the book? She had this really dirty, erotic romance and the publisher was like “Mm-hmm, but what if, instead of all that, every time she orgasms, she travels through time? What? I mean, think of it she would have to seduce famous historical figures in order to climax her way back to her one true love.” Immediately the mother-in-law is like “So when she goes back, will she time-travel orgasm with him, or just fake it for the rest of her life? ‘Cause I’ve lived that book with Mike’s dad.” Then asking the most important question her mother-in-law says “And does any orgasm do it? Say she backs herself onto a Jacuzzi jet where does that send her?”

    I could not help but think of this scene when you were talking about the dragon jizzdeath. Also who else wants to read that book Molly was tasked with writing? Personally I want to see it as a movie with that Quantum Leap ending where the words appear “And she never banged her way back home”.

  8. Wench says:




    *dies, is ded*

  9. Chris Alexander says:

    I loved this post so very much. I laughed so hard.

  10. ppyajunebug says:


    Sorry, I think I read too many bad fanfics in my teen years that involved people getting around MPreg not being possible by having them have sex on altars and goddesses letting them have babies.

    This review is amazing and CLEARLY dragon > orgasms. I wonder if this would tend to fall along gender lines…

  11. Redcrow says:

    Being able to turn into a dragon.

    (As long as I get to choose the colour. Being a red crow is nice, but as a dragon, I’d rather be anything else.)

  12. DL White says:

    I’d rather not be a dragon. I mean, that’s just me. Orgasms, tho.

  13. Shelly Ellis says:

    I got stuck on the “ejaculation causes death.” How do you continue to propagate a species of dragon folk if the guys die when they ejaculate? Are they making them all with pre-ejaculate? Are these first generation dragon guys? So if a female dragon lady orgasms, does she die or is this just a guy thing?

    I’m so confused.

  14. Beth says:

    I asked my husband the dragons vs. Orgasms question, and he blinked a few times before saying, “you’re weird. Why do you drag me into this stuff?”… and then he went to make coffee. I assume that means he needed more caffeine to handle the crazy, and will come to me later with an answer. $5 says he picks orgasms.

  15. Chrissy says:

    Wait, jizz = death? That’s where the last wheel came off and I died laughing at my desk.

  16. farfromgruntled says:

    Definitely orgasms. Because these people seem like pretty lame dragons. And lame people. Can I choose being a dragon and having orgasms in a different book entirely?

  17. Diandra says:

    I laughed so hard at that poll question because like TS I remembered that Mike and Molly episode and was picturing a poor dragon lady traveling through time, involuntarily setting lovers on fire. BUT! I also have dragon books to recommend because I loooooove me some dragons.

    First, there’s Katie Macalister’s Aisling Grey/Dragon books. They are snarky and hot and I love them to death. These are the books that hooked me solidly into being a paranormal romance reader. Thea Harrison has a fabulous romance called Dragon Bound. There’s mystery, thievery, dream sexing, and all kinds of magic goodies. There’s also Shana Abe’s Smoke Thief and Dream Thief.

    And for YA, Seraphina by Rachel Hartman is FANTASTIC. There’s romance, political intrigue, and a revolution simmering. The sequel called Shadow Scales just came out, so if you devour Seraphina, there is a second book waiting for you. Julie Kagawa also has her Talon series, but I haven’t read them so can’t recommend either way.

    Here’s hoping you can replace the awful taste of this book with something ever better.

  18. Issa says:

    Well, they like preying mantises right? Instead of needing to eat their heads, the women just take the jizz, try not to trip over the corpse and babies ensue.

    I’m so disappointed! This was, was on my list of books to get. Sigh.

  19. Megan says:

    laughed so hard reading this review I cried. It’s like MST3000. I want an annotated copy to read, I’d die.

    And DRAGONS. Totally.

  20. chacha says:

    “Baby if we don’t do it you’ll be cursed forever and you’ll die if I poke my little dragon into your tight cave!

    I made that up BTW. That’s not in the book.”

    BAHAHAHA. It should be.

  21. PamG says:


    How about G.A.Aiken’s Dragonkin series? Crude, rude, hilarious and intense.

  22. Julia aka mizzelle says:

    “Having orgasms to travel through time” just described Mia West’s “Tell Me When” series.

    Also: how do you screw up dragons?

  23. SB Sarah says:

    @Issa: You could still get it! I mean, the over-the-top crazy sauce was definitely enjoyable.

  24. harthad says:

    Oh, Gawd. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages. Thank you for making my hump day (hur) better.

    If lady dragons are exempt from jizzdeath (my new favorite word), I vote for dragon, since I would get to do both!

  25. Llaph says:

    Lady dragons are exempt because they have vestibule, so I pick dragon. A big black one and I’d the habit of sitting on stupid people.

  26. Susan says:

    I don’t think I could have gotten past the blurb. Loath and loathe are two different words, people. Not a good sign for the rest of the book.

    Still, my perverse nature always makes me want to read the books that are the subjects of book rants/cover snark.

  27. Kelly S says:

    Sadly, the results are not showing on my iPad. Also, with what seems like men picking orgasms over being a dragon and women picking being a dragon over orgasms, how much better are men’s orgasms and should they be doing more for us?

  28. Fiona McGier says:

    Orgasms! I’ll pick them every time! I’m amazed more women don’t agree with me, since only we have the one organ designed ONLY to provide sexual pleasure. Whenever males of my acquaintance, including husband, sons, brother, etc., start to tease my feminist ass over the benefits of their male-ness, like ease of peeing in the woods, I smirk and say, “I only have 2 words for you: multiple orgasms.” That always ends the discussion.

  29. Mara B says:

    I’m with Kelly S., I’ve tried safari and chrome but can’t see the results. Anyone want to let us know what they are?

  30. Catherine says:

    I feel a little lift in my heart whenever I see an F+ review on this site. It always, always bodes well.

  31. cleo says:


    58% dragon
    40% orgasms
    2% neither

  32. Lindsay says:

    TS, I guffawed at the mother-in-law’s comment, oh my goodness.

    DRAGONS. I pick dragons. I pick draaaagooooons!

    I might have had a clean-up in aisle squee when Patricia C. Wrede was doing the livechat with us a ways back and told her how much I adored her Dealing With Dragons books, and I so so highly recommend them. Heroine is all “nope, don’t wanna be rescued because DRAGONS, go away”, it’s fantastic. They have a special place on my shelf along with The Blue Sword and Flight of Dragons. Also Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series are great for anyone who wants dragons AND the Napoleonic wars because why not (they’re excellent).

  33. Lucylegs says:

    I… um… welll.


    That’s special, that is. *nodnods*

    Also, to answer your question: Dragon!

  34. Ren says:

    I am part of the undecided minority because on one hand, dragons! On the other, ORGASMS! BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, DRAGONS!!

    I’ll just sit here pondering for another while.

    Also, this book got weird really, really fast, it was amazing. Thank you!

  35. Emily Z says:

    Awesome review. I’m in the orgasm camp. In my day-to-day life, I don’t have much call for flaming people or sitting on them, and I’d be afraid I’d have to run from the gov’t to keep from being experimented on.

    I adore the Patricia C. Wrede Dealing with Dragons series. You should totally read it if you haven’t already. Frankly, I’ve enjoyed all the fiction she’s written. It’s more upbeat than the Pern series, although that is also mostly good (I’ve only read a fraction of it, tho’).

    I like “Tea with the Black Dragon” a lot, but it doesn’t have any dragon-shaped dragons. 😛 But, the heroine is a 60-something zen master and she’s delightful.

  36. Welp, thank you. And now I know what I need to write for this short NA charity piece I have due soon, that I couldn’t figure out. Because clearly what the world needs is BETTER gay dragon shifter romance. I am now ON IT. For charity!

  37. Fiona McGier says:

    Re: Emily Z–Yes, the Patricia Wrede dragon stories are wonderful! And I’ve read many of the Pern books as well. I’ll check out “Tea With the Black Dragon”…thanks for the rec. An older heroine who is a zen master sounds intriguing.

  38. Minerva says:

    Orgasms. Because I’m a publicly employed single mother with a small child, and I’m pretty sure showing up for work covered in scales with tiny wings for ears would be a Pretty Big Problem, no matter how many “inclusion policies” they espouse.
    Also, not cool if I turn into a dragon and accidentally set fire to (or just plain rupture) my apartment – or stomp on my son…

  39. Diandra says:


    I did not KNOW about GAA’s books! Thank you, reader-sister!

  40. LaineyT says:

    To steal from another awesome-tacular review: Don’t fuck you in the ass, save your life!

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